Daredevil conquers the world, active child

 Daredevil conquers the world, active child

Active Child deftly grabs the toy, pulls out the beam out of the arena, two years old decent rides a bike and in the garden in his enthusiasm had a dozen. Gordo, but also with a deal of anxiety you look at his young conqueror of the universe.

Not too pushy, he? Whether there is ahead? It does not hurt whether it is later in life? After all, not everyone likes the self-confident and ambitious people.

Watch your crumbs, and be on guard - many traits are manifested in the grudnichkovom age. Calm baby who cries only when something really disturbs him, and without the fear of looking at other people's probably grow optimistic.

If you have found out his heir traits such as restraint and peacefulness, help him develop them. Baby learning by observation.

Cheerful, cheerful parents who excitedly talking not only about his work, but also books, movies, music, staying in a good mood and not giving spleen subsequently become for him a role model.

Remember that even a born optimist, constantly contemplating inflated and disaffected mom and dad may lose their enthusiasm and fall into sadness, melancholy.

In 2-3 years, all the children are showing yourself (you do not every day you hear: "I myself").

But the strongest desire for knowledge of the world - in children and researchers. They cope with everything without the help of adults: in the sandbox will earn a toy that they liked (by diplomacy or by force ...) in the garden, bored on a walk can do to return to the group, and if they want something, bypassing the preparation, immediately go in the first class.

These boys and girls smiling, open and sociable. They are actively involved in the celebration of the birthdays friends and know how to have fun, they are invited for the company in the film and additional classes (daredevils give courage to other children).

They are always up to date with all the events: Slavik in the garden had a fight with Artem, grandmother offended Aunt Valya, Dad bought a carrot and onion, and my mother forgot to send a congratulatory telegram to the relatives.

They are willing to take up a variety of things: run for bread, will call on the cross, in detail tell what was happening on the playground (even when they do not ask). They are more successful, they are often praised, and it pushes them forward. Grandma does not cease to be surprised that it has a reasonable grandson teacher it is not overjoyed ...

The kid seems that the whole world is at his feet. Fudge restless crumbs sometimes put you in a dead end, and sometimes even frightening. Watching him, but do not stop and do not try to fence off from the outside world.

Take it for what it is, and praise as often as possible - it provides additional strength. But most importantly - always be ready to help: do not hesitate, when your toddler support to cope with any difficulties.

With an energetic, active kid needs a lot of talk and discuss his actions.

Despite the independence and self-confidence, he needs to be in contact with loved ones, and child seeks not only to get approval, but also trying to just share their thoughts (such liberated children are usually very frank: the mouth they are not locked). The conversation has another aspect - learn to respect others. This is the first school of life for the baby.

"No" - the star of the disease

Trample child - certainly something to be proud parents, but the red light in the affairs of education. The kid who boldly goes forward, easily achieves victory and is often heard praise may well overtake the star fever.

Parents need to bring your pet so, that he, feeling clever and successful, able to see and understand other people. Tell him that not all the kids are fast and nimble, but all important to find a common language. Otherwise, you risk zaznayku grow.

Behavior changes. Be prepared for this

The mental development of the child is in a spiral of balance periods alternate with periods of uncertainty and doubt.

During the first six months of such a change take place every 1-2 weeks. In the second half of the year - once a month (seven-month crumb cheerful and trusting and not eight-confident and pretty closed).

The second and third year, everything changes every six months (talking about the "unbearable two-year" and "quite nice crumbs two and a half years").

At preschool age once a year (although more and change are becoming more individual).

Between 5 and 7 years now possible to assess the child's character - it shows the behavior of all of its features, which, however, will still vary.

I'll give the child to kindergarten?

Table of contents
I'll give the child to kindergarten?
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I heard once from a large single mother, to the question: Why did the kindergarten child does not give; here's the answer: I gave birth to them, not in order to educate them Aunt darling of kindergarten. This simple and wonderful at the same time the content of a response, made me ponder, and if we are right, giving children the wrong hands, under the supervision of tutors?

I remembered my oldest son painfully long accustomed and without much joy went to the garden with a 3, 5 years. As we had three garden in search of a better, and I pick up the child in the afternoon, because for more than half the child stood there.

I remembered as the garden took quite average 5 years, because he begged and lamented, had not the strength to resist. And I asked a question about her husband's youngest son: A Maxim to kindergarten will give? My husband once said that up to three years do not even think. And I did not think.

To be honest, I think it is not quite normal mothers who give children when they turn eighteen months, or even earlier in the day nursery. To throw the baby so early in the lurch, must be very good reasons. Something like the return to work to this child did not die of hunger.

Nothing else to justify such an act, I can not. And all the arguments on the subject that the child need to communicate in a group of children, what he needs to get used to the society, regarded me as idle chatter adults who do not love their children.

Because I did not think to give her son a half years. My husband gave me a lot of arguments in favor of the child up to three years should foster mom to prescribe in its pure soul of the most basic moral concepts and values.

 Well, after three and you can give, is not terrible, - said my husband. And I still can not calm down. But it is not terrible, after three years to send their children to strangers?

No one will deny that the child comes into this world through the mother. And the world knows that with her help. My mother for the baby - is it the smallest and at the same time a huge world out of which he loses as a person. He has to physically feel her unique warm touch her gentle and tender hand, look into her full of kindness and love of the eye.

Mom - a guide. She is responsible for much lead your child. A child needs to know that he is not alone in this cruel world, aimlessly, around him rudeness and anger. And how is it to find out if ...

Let us remember a very typical case: Mom leads a child in kindergarten, the teacher polite and friendly, patiently talking to the baby. Mentor - the very miracle - the kind eyes, soft voice. Mom is glad and happy, because her baby is in good hands.

A minute after she left the good hands of the educator become stiff, they unceremoniously grabbed the child who climbed on the cabinet and shake it with incredible force.

Good eyes were small and scratchy. From the soft voices in the two accounts has disappeared. Mentor turns purple face and yells furiously, continuing to shake the baby: Where you climb, Orlov? How many times to repeat that this can not be done? Are you dumb?

The child begins to cry and hears in response to all the same prickly cold voice uttered: Nothing to shout, I'm not your mother, to me, these things do not pass. The march to the corner.

Standing in the corner, poking a finger painted walls, trying to find the child in his little head the three-year answer to the question: Why? Why mom gives it to here? What did he do this, that my mother left him, and left him with this wicked aunt that he was not my mother?

The next day, the baby badly wants to go into the garden, what causes resentment mother is late for work. He roars excitedly, he desperately rests his feet, grabs that there are forces beyond the doorway.

And it seems that life ends for him when my mother pulls his hand out of his little hands and, without turning away, slamming the door of the kindergarten.

The kid was crying and calling: Mother, mother, maaa-maaaa !!! But my mother is not.

The one that is designed to preserve and cherish, the one that was created to hug and comfort, the one for him - the whole world, the same mother - NO.

No next guide. And the child as a blind crutch lost, confused and helpless.

And that which is not my mother says:-yyy, nurses dismissed. Roaring finish, you come in a group.

Small fists smearing tears on her cheeks, a child, a little sob, goes to the group.

But he is no longer what it was before.

From his soul had broken off a piece. It will break and beyond.

Each day a piece of ...

As time passes, the child will get used to the fact that his mother leaves him here, even with the time he begins to understand that it's necessary, these are the rules.

He will get used.


  - Be part of the crowd, which we call children's groups.


  - That his feelings no one in the crowd is not considered.


  - That we must listen and obey other people who do not like his men.


  - And the fact that it is one among the crowd.


Prev. - Next. "
