The Descent of the Holy Spirit to Earth was a great event for all Christians.
Therefore, the Church decided to bring a separate holiday to honor the promise of the Savior of the Spirit - the Comforter.
He celebrated the first Monday after Trinity, and if it is, Pentecost falls on the 8 and Sunday after Easter, the Day of the Holy Spirit fifty first day, respectively. In 2012, Trinity is celebrated on June 3, the Day of the Holy Spirit on June 4th.
The holiday has a very interesting history and the most important Christian significance, as was set in opposition to the heretics, I believe that the Holy Spirit can not be counted among the deities and to be consubstantial with the Father and Christ the son of God.
Christianity teaches that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Great Trinity, endowed with power and glory equal to the Father and Son, moreover he consubstantial with them and has a tighter divine nature. In Him, as all power and holiness inherent only true God.
Always at the end of words of prayer - "In the Name of the Father and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit." And Christians worship each person of the Trinity equally mentioning and honoring them together.
Descent of the Holy Spirit
Procession of the Holy Spirit from the Father is out of time, so as God Himself is eternal and timeless. In this eternity origin is his personal hypostasis. The Holy Spirit is omnipresent and is at the same time penitent and a man doeth charitable affairs, in pronouncing the evening prayer and engaged on the mystery of communion.
The Holy Spirit is the divine bliss that comes to a person to believe in Christ our God, and give him the grace of God. Thoughts, feelings and actions of a person with good intentions and with the word of God on the lips and is an indication for the presence of the spirit of the Holy Spirit.
At the same time, once the Holy Trinity is consubstantial with man is the same Father and the Son. Great God's mind, God's Word and the Holy Spirit here is the grace that is bestowed person honoring the law of God and living by it.
Day of the Holy Spirit
The second day after the Trinity is the beginning of the first Pentecost after continuous Week. This week there is no fasting, even on Wednesday and Friday. And that's just it begins with "Monday of the Holy Spirit" (so called this feast in the liturgical books).
On this day, reading the canon, and Life-giving Spirit Almighty, as well as a troparion also for the holiday, the biblical songs are sung. Be sure to take the time and read the canon "of the Holy Virgin."
The name of the Third Person of the Trinity are made on this day, not only prayer, but also religious processions. There on the mountain Chater Dag highest point, Cape Eklizi-breaker. Previously, there was a Greek church of Panagia and year after year it rose to the Greeks with a procession in the name of the Trinity on the fiftieth day of the Passover.
After climbing on it St Innocent in 1851, this wonderful tradition has been restored and with the blessing of Lazarus (Metropolitan of Simferopol and Crimea). And now, a year from Angarsk pass the procession takes place in the name of the Holy Spirit to the top of the majestic Chater Dag.
In the name of the Father and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit
Great Power and the Glory of the Holy Spirit, comforter of the true human and mentor - "Apostle, the descent of the Paraclete seer, udivishsya, kako in the form of tongues of fire has revealed Himself to the Holy Spirit."
And Christians live the Word of God on their lips, praising God trinity: - "In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."
Great Christian holiday of Pentecost, the history and traditions
Day of the Holy Trinity, the great Christian holiday. And in Belgium, Switzerland, Holland, Germany, Ukraine and Latvia this holiday also the state. He celebrated the fiftieth day after Easter, so it is also called "Pentecost".
History Feast day of St. Trinity
If you use a different frame of reference, Pentecost falls on the tenth day after Ascension, and is directly linked to this great event, Christ's ascension into heaven of our God. Easter, Ascension, Pentecost are the three great celebration underlie the Christian religion.
Jesus promised his disciples that appear to them the Holy Spirit - the Comforter. In anticipation of such extraordinary miracle, the disciples, the apostles and other true believers, together with the Mother of God gathered in the Upper Room in Jerusalem. It is there that the Lord did before his salvific suffering of the famous Last Supper, the last meal with his disciples and apostles.
And the Holy Spirit came to them as promised Savior. Describes this phenomenon as the flames came down into the chamber, where each fire rested myself one of those present. Fire look for the descent of the Holy Spirit, the Lord was not chosen by chance, because the fire burns all the sins, cleanses the soul, the heart of Sears, saints and warm thoughts of men. Just fire as a symbol of the languages that now the word of God will be heard in all the languages of the world.
Since each of the apostles found power of God's word. Each was given its own language, owning that could carry the knowledge and belief of the people. Urging him to be baptized and follow the path of the righteous, God-given.
All the churches of the world and still have the gift of the Holy Spirit according to - the Comforter, preaching the word of Christ. Moreover all baptized in the name of Jesus and praying for forgiveness of sins becomes a reward this sacred gift. And when people are baptized, or partake in the church and when the holy water and food, and when they pray before the icons, they lowered the Spirit of God.
Trinity, the eighth Sunday after Easter, in 2012, it falls on June 3rd. On this day, in the Temples of dim floor of freshly cut grass, the faithful bring flowers and primroses (bunches of birch twigs of the young) and illuminate them. After all, the Holy Trinity is the name day of the whole earth, its revival.
It was at Pentecost the Holy Spirit descends on the earth, and restores her strength, lost under the weight of the sin of Adam and Eve. The Earth is changing, blooming, the light of divine radiance. And a sprig of birch trees are always a symbol of the Trinity.
Another Pentecost called Christmas of the Christian Church. In all the temples, churches, chapels are in the day of worship and Vespers with kneeling prayers reading. This is the power of the Holy Spirit to people, pleasing them and warming the great unity of man and Christ.
"Lord Jesus Christ our God, the world is your man choked, and the Holy Spirit, the gift still life with us HICLES in heritage inherent Give faithful ever ..." (the beginning of one of the three prayers composed by St. Basil the Great, read on during Vespers, after the liturgy of the Trinity).
Prayer of the Holy Trinity lyrics, the icon of the Holy Trinity
Texts of prayers in Russian Holy Trinity pardon, salvation, forgiveness and healing from diseases Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us. You can read every day, morning and evening.
Icon of the Holy Trinity
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.
(Read three times, with the sign of the cross and bowing.)
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.
Translation into Russian:
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and always forever. Amen.
Prayer to the Holy Trinity lyrics
Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us;
Lord, cleanse our sins;
Lord, forgive our iniquities;
Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities,
Thy name's sake.
Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy.
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever.
Translation into Russian:
Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord (Father), forgive us our sins; O Lord (Son of God), forgive our iniquities; Holy (Ghost), to visit us and heal our sicknesses, for the glory of thy name.
Lord have mercy. (Read three times)
The Lord's Prayer
Our Father, Who art in heaven! Hallowed be thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Our daily bread Give us this day; And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
Translation into Russian:
Our Heavenly Father! Hallowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done, on earth as in heaven. Our daily bread Give us this day; And forgive us olgi € d (sin), our sins, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and will not allow us to temptation, but deliver us from evil (the devil).
Prayer for healing from diseases of the Blessed Trinity
"On premiloserdy God, Father, Son, and Holy Soul, in the undivided Trinity is worshiped and glorified, look upon the tender upon Thy servant (name), Diseases oderzhimago; let it all trespasses; gave him healing from disease; restore it to him health and strength telesnyya; Bring him dolgodenstvennoe and blagodenstvennoe Life, Your peace and exemplary good that he brought together with us the grateful prayers to Thee, All-Merciful God, my Creator.
Holy Mother of God, the all-powerful intercession of Thy help me pray to thy Son, my God, the healing of the servant of God (name).
All the saints and angels of the Lord, pray to God for his sick servant (name). Amen. "
Akathist of the Holy Trinity lyrics
Kontakion 13
O holy one, giver of life, are inseparable and Vsedetelnaya Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Soul, the only true God and Creator of ours! Current priemshi our thanksgiving nizposli us the grace and power of the height of the Holy See Thy, yes, popravshe all lusts of the flesh, in all godliness and honesty wait until the end of our days, take out voskhvalyayusche Sacred thy name, and cry: Alleluia!