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Advice is - health will
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If you feel unwell, do not be lazy to look into the relevant books and ponder what to do first of all, not putting off. You propoloschesh throat cook herbal tea with chamomile, mint, oregano and others.
At a cold, sinusitis, allergies, most likely you will spend onion inhalation. For this purge bulb razrezhesh into several parts, which are then put on the surface of the bandage, it will roll. Attach the bandage to his nose so that the bow appeared under both nostrils and zavyazhesh at the back. This procedure will you do at night to breathe during sleep onions.
You will remember that the well-known antipyretic aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), even a small amount can cause internal bleeding. But if we accept aspirin, then simultaneously with ascorbic acid, neutralizing its harmful effects.
I consider it important to note the following. How often we hear on radio and television, we read in the press that, to use ascorbic acid (vitamin C), we thereby strengthening our defenses before any disease. It has become for many the rule in spring and autumn drink tea from the hips several times a day with or without food, and often on an empty stomach.
Man, throughout trusting hear, wanting to himself, of course, the only health, lays, however, the foundations of gastritis, drinking acid before meals. Here, it would be appropriate, in addition to advertising excellent properties of vitamin C, and indicate that its considerable doses (2-3 g per day) may result in the formation of kidney stones and have adverse effects on the bone [48, P.104].
Also, do not be superfluous to remind the reader that after oral administration of infusion of rose hips sure to rinse your mouth should be a simple warm water or soda with warm water, because the acid contained in the infusion, corrode tooth enamel [60, p.182].
Another example of incomplete information on the conditions of use of a product for improvement offered by some publications may serve as a recommendation to use the beets' red beet juice dining lowers blood pressure ... "[117, P.38].
But it turns out that the most significant remains "behind the scenes", namely: "When you receive a fresh beet juice is a strong spasm of blood vessels. Therefore, freshly squeezed juice is allowed to settle for 2-3 hours, evaporated to harmful volatile fractions. Then you can apply the juice" [60, p.181].
So try to recover for Family Medicine, unaware of the many intricacies of treatment ... I should add that beet juice is better to drink diluted with cold boiled water 1: 1, the dosage can vary from two tablespoons to a cup a day ...
With varicose veins, coronary heart disease is useful honey garlic: 250g peeled, grated or mashed garlic in a mortar to fill 350 g of liquid honey, mix thoroughly, and infuse for one week. Take a tablespoon 40 minutes before meals 3 times a day for 1-2 months.
Well it relieves joint pain following a folk remedy: Mix 1 tablespoon honey with 1 tablespoon salt and the juice from half of the bulb. The mixture is applied to aching joints, he wrapped a woolen scarf.
In fact, ways of preserving and restoring the health of a great many well known. Having mastered one of them, the transition to another development. And when accumulate a sufficient number of ways you can accurately come to their optimal combination dictated by knowledge and intuition.
This will mean that your heart has learned to see and hear. It will tell the correct methods, even in the treatment of complex diseases such as cancer.
There are different approaches to the principles of the fight against cancer.
For example, a German doctor Ernst van Aaken encourages the strengthening of healthy tissue with oxygen, which promotes jogging.
Weightlifting Coach of the city of Lutsk Peter Martyniuk believes that the need to ensure the destruction of diseased tissue by a protein deficiency and bars. He advises prophylactically, regardless of age, occasionally, one and a half months to bump weeks of strength training with a barbell: bench press, squat with a barbell on your shoulders, deadlift.
Mode classes is as follows: 3 times a week 6 sets of 6 reps with a weight feasible, until the feeling mild muscle fatigue. In the absence of the bar can be used dumbbells, pulling up on a crossbeam. Protein deficiency means that it is desirable to use salads, fruits, vegetables, juices, cereals in vegetable oil.
How fascinating journey to knowledge presented struggle with cancer Australian writer Yang Gouler in his book, "You can beat cancer" [24] developed a technique of complex treatment of cancer, including the right vitamin and mineral nutrition, positive thinking, stress management, and regular meditation classes in conjunction with the specific type of therapy.
One cause of cancer some investigators recognized the imbalance in the body trace associated with the depletion of the content, particularly, copper, iodine, calcium, and so forth. The human body requires mandatory consumption of 1-3 mg copper per day, which is necessary in the process of hematopoiesis and interstitial oxidation .
Copper increases resistance to certain infectious diseases. Early graying of hair is due to the lack of this trace element. Copper is needed in small quantities for the heart. Absorption of copper from the diet contributes to the beer.
Moscow engineer N.M.Safonova medeoterapiyu talent in getting people from a variety of diseases such as coronary heart disease, thrombosis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, stress, bedwetting. The need for applications of copper can install a simple test: if copper (plate or coin) to attach tightly to the body, and it sticks, it means that the body needs it.
N.M.Safonova explains the clutch of the diseased tissue by a potential difference having a negative charge, and copper, which is positively charged. In healthy people, it can also detect the effect of adhesion, indicating the hidden pathological processes, not detected from time to time in the analyzes and pain.
For applications are only useful coin copper-aluminum bronze BrA5 brand, which contains 95 percent copper and 5 percent aluminum. This brand is used in the manufacture of coins to currency reform in 1961.
Vascular spasm heart applique copper applied to the area under the left collarbone and held two treatment courses (2 weeks and 1, 5 months), and right-sided pneumonia - in the area of the right lung in 2-3 weeks.
In chronic rhinitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis coins superimposed on the field of sinuses on his throat, under the left collarbone (if worried about heart pain).
If bedwetting in children one trehkopeechnaya coin overlaps the left subclavian region (for a calming effect on the nervous system), the second - in the area of the bladder (above the pubis).
Copper coins as a result of multiple use may lose their medicinal properties. N.M.Safonova advises restore them as follows: clean the contaminated surface with chalk or tooth powder, and then wash with cold water and soap. After that, the metal can be treated again.
For prevention of cancer can be used the following means.
Infusion of marigold flowers
2 tablespoons of calendula flowers pour 1 cup of hot boiled water. Close lid. To heat in boiling water in a water bath with frequent stirring for 15 minutes. Cool for 45 minutes at room temperature. Strain. The volume of the resulting infusion to bring the boiled water to 200 ml. Take 1-2 tablespoons 2-3 times a day.
The use of pine needles
Pine needles separated from the trunk and branches, rinse, because Pine good collecting dust. 5 tablespoons of finely milled pine needles, 0, 5 liters of water, 2 tablespoons of onion peel, 2 tablespoons chopped