So what's the truth?

It is not necessary to protect human

Before God, God - from him.

The man deserves hell,

But the garden

Semiverstnogo - for one.

The man deserves a tank!

But the castle

Feudal - for one.

Marina Tsvetaeva, Fall 1934

"So what's the truth?" - Ask you, the reader. "What is truth?" - I will bring you to your question. Then you, a little pause, probably answer that you understand from the book, that the truth - in you, the conscious, liberated from the hood of the mental, vital and physical, able to perceive life, and, therefore, make the right decisions, openly go to the achievement of peace and harmony, tayaschim- smiling in Infinity.

E. Zamyatin wrote in the article "White Love": "But the man - a man only when it corresponds exactly to its biological name when it - homo erectus, when he got out of fours and knows how to look up to infinity."

homo erectus (Lat.) - people erect

I am pleased to your understanding, but to understand - means very little, or rather, does not mean anything. It is important to understand this way of life. The truth is many-sided and, at times, contradictory, but that she does not cease to be true, just change the conditions of its existence.

Consider, for example, the utility (and harm) of baking soda and leeches. It reads: "The phenomenon of psychic energy overflow causes many of the symptoms in the limbs and in the throat and stomach. Soda is useful to cause depression, and hot milk."

Lost psychic energy people can easily be exposed to pneumonic plague. "It can be reinforced by additional different forms, both internal and external. The darkening or inflammation of the skin remind smallpox or scarlet fever. But most fiery events reflected on the skin. Learn to pay attention to these unusual phenomena.

Musk or hot milk with sodoyu be a good fuse. How cold milk is not connected to the tissues, just as hot with sodoyu penetrates into the centers.

Most people think the heat treat cold, but the reaction of a mustard plaster or hot compress provides an unexpected improvement. We are strongly opposed to cans and leeches, because they operate on the heart and can be devastating ...

That's right, do not forget the importance of soda. Not without reason it was called the ash of Divine Fire. It belongs to those widely given drugs sent needful of all mankind. Be aware of soda not only in sickness but also among the well-being. As bond with fiery actions, it is - a shield against the darkness of destruction.

But we should accustom the body to it for a long time. Every day you need to take it with water or milk; taking it, you like to direct it into the nerve centers. So it is possible to gradually introduce immunity. "

However, it is the properties of pungency soda cause us to be very careful in its application is now under an accomplished Chernobyl disaster. All recipes cooking dough products should be excluded add - 56 - soda and yeast and recommended their production in karavaevski [28 S.90-95].

As regards the application of leeches, the doctor Zalmanov like you, reader, I became convinced, acquainted with section 8 of the book "And yet ... about diseases", on the contrary, wrote about their use, particularly emphasizing the beneficial effects of severe diseases (such as cerebral hemorrhage, varicose veins).

The list of similar comparisons can be continued, as a result reduces everything to the same question: "So what's the truth?" The answer is very simple: "In your conscious choice and meaning of specific terms." Everything in life - the truth.

The same vehicle with proper use will be a cure, and in violation of his - poison. Even something as seemingly harmless substance as vitamins taken deliberately, in a good mood, increases its usefulness, and taken in a rage - forms a poison empire.

In the course of life, I "pass" through their cells, many other people's truths, developed such "geniuses health" Bragg (miracle of fasting), Shelton (separation food diet), Strelnikova (breathing exercises), Amos (1000 movements), Semenov (purification of the liver , bowels, etc.)., etc. They were all milestones in the evolution of my consciousness.

I lived on Mikulina, according to Ivanov, at Deryabin et al., Has not yet come to the realization that I can live in their own way: the foundation of my consciousness has already been laid. Then I am able to build a skeleton of a building life of its own. I have accumulated enough information about a person, acquired friends, books, taught me how to listen to your body, to understand how to help him collect the vital energy.

I heard its a truth. You, my friend, I advise you to do likewise. You need other people's own understanding of truth, trust your body. For a start I suggest to master such sources listed in the bibliography at the end of this book: [2, 9, 16, 19, 24, 26, 28, 29, 58, 59, 67, 72, 97].

Have the courage to stick with the accumulation of knowledge and Your truth will reveal to you.

But remember that thirty years before the wisdom of life does not wake up. Everything comes in its time.

About love and sex, of male and female in vivo

Table of contents
About love and sex, of male and female in vivo
Page 2

What a pity that with what was for me

your existence, did not

my existence for you.

... Once again the old waste ground

I run a wire in space

a copper penny, topped with a coat of arms,

in a desperate attempt to magnify

Connection time ... Alas,

Besides, who can not be replaced

the whole world, usually remains

dented twist the phone drive,

as a table at a seance,

as long as the ghost does not answer echo

final buzzer cries in the night.

Joseph Brodsky, 1967

in vivo (Lat.) - personally, live

Due to the high honored me poet Joseph Brodsky for his wonderful sonnet allegory which, I hope, allow the reader to clarify my position on the issue of love and sex. How much noise is created it is now television, radio and film around these eternal themes. Forgotten ancient truths, outdated morals and ethics.

The audience turned to agony permissiveness. Multiply all sorts of diseases, from cancer to sexually transmitted. Sheer raskompleksovannost and the loss of human values ​​and, of course, the personal "I". The woman's body does not remain a mystery and beauty, as the tabloids, magazines and books presented it only as an object of lust.

It is not of interest to the world of women. A similar standard is maintained with regard to the perception of a man a woman. As a result, we all sigh in unison: obmelchali men disappeared women ... Gone love, sex and left a void in the soul, and heaviness in the body ...

Life goes on? ... To doubt let me ...

Reader! My friend!

I do not accidentally chosen as an epigraph sonnet Joseph Brodsky. Read it carefully and hold on the words "... in a desperate attempt to glorify the moment of connection ..." Now listen ... Is sex just sex without love, which you probably admit in his life, was not yet a desperate attempt?

Is it not seemed to you at such moments a combination that here it is - the essence of life, the mystery of mysteries, the height of the heights, the song of the songs? And where flies, floats away everything when ecstasy passed and reality once again back to you? ... What to do? - Empty and undivided feeling, the feeling of loneliness, but perhaps release.

And you, for sure, in some moments, caught the idea that sex is not a set of techniques to achieve pleasure that sexual intercourse intended nature and is himself the most subtle and true understanding of the world - the harmony, if it has a desire to merge the two autonomous "I" into a single, unforgettable feeling - Love!

I once met an apt description of harmony the philosopher Ortega y Gasset: "Only when we" cover "the ecstasy of love and disappears boundary that separates us from the beloved, or rather, when I - that I, and my love, our appearance ... finds true expression of happiness. "

But this type of sexual activity is not available to most people: it is beyond reason and beyond the senses. This - a burst of energy, the dissolution of the universe, which in response sends the cosmic energy flow. Man and woman at a given compound are getting more than they give.

In the absence of love in sex initially present lies - at the level of reason, or at the level of feelings.

Failure to stop the flow of your thoughts, substituting a real partner of the imaginary and the real world - imaginary world, preventing the opening of the energy accumulated in "the rational" partner and mating ends shudder at which energy is irretrievably lost, the new return is not received.

"Sensual" ("Animals") partner, surrendering completely connection gets real satisfaction. After losing power, it becomes sweet sensation, but the unity of two autonomous 'I', he also does not reach, as well as "rational" partner. The body hears a lie at all levels and accumulating it engenders a disease - the most different kind, but, above all, the spirit of the disease. Our genetics, our body does not tolerate lies.

But we do not take seriously, and therefore sex often seek the truth, unfortunately just as in life - only affecting our curiosity. It's easier and easier, like as. Love and sex also requires us to complete penetration into the world of another, which is achieved by the voltage of the soul.

Love does not accept falsehood. Nikolaeva in his interesting book "The Gift" justifies the harm and inadmissibility of change: "Now I understand why you can not" commit adultery. "On the physical level, mixed for a short time very different and unique fields, and therefore strays astral code growing chaos.

Husband and wife, if they live long there, build the same energy, ie, their souls are similar to each other. "They loved each other and died in one day" - that's when I start to understand A. Green ... When you treat people - you are one with it. So you can love and be united? "[63, P.38].

Yes, you can, but only if the identity of the height of the spirit, which Tsvetaeva described in these words:

In a world where everyone hunched and lathered,

I know - I'm one equivalent.

In a world where so many hoschem,

I know - I'm one ravnomoschen.

In a world where everything - Mildew and Ivy,

I know one You - I ravnosusch.

That's when the merger of the two entities - the feminine yin and yang masculinity - leads to harmony and love. However, in this single entity (Harmony, Love) man still put on a woman. Knowledge of the wisdom of nature must serve a guiding light in the building of family relations.

Female! How much nature has invested in you and how much you expect from appointing a man to elevate the spirit, "When the house is difficult, then turning to the woman. When there is pain, it is a woman's hand removes it. When the brain and mind

Prev. - Next. "
