Questions of human health in its provision

Next, I would like to share with you, the reader, his innermost thoughts, are the fruits of my long reflection on the issues of human health and the merits (role) medicine in its software.

You know, my friend, that the main feature of the suitability of a therapeutic agent (method of) the official medical practice recognizes the reproducibility of the experiment. I would like to have the "truth" to put upside down, returning to her natural position.

Admit it, that the requirement of good reproducibility of the experiment in relation to physical and chemical phenomena and processes that can be repeated to create certain conditions: humidity, pressure and so forth. But the man is a dynamic biological special, which is unique in nature.

The conditions under which an individual is life, a priori reproducible they could not be repeated. In every second state of the body of the individual - the new and detain him for half a second, even impossible.

The remarkable ability of man is that, as noted by Norman Cousins, "Only a person has some kind of" built-in ", which takes care of their needs, he realizes that was happening to him, and he helps himself, if only we did not stop him .

Norman Cousins ​​- American physician, cancer survivors and describe their behavior during the course of the disease.

In the human body lies power regeneration. Sometimes this force is blocked or underdeveloped. The most important thing a doctor can do for your patients - is to assess whether he is able to turn this power at full capacity ... The treatment will be more effective if ... connect the body's natural tendency to recovery ... "

Therefore, the miracle healers, whom they supposedly achieve their systems, there is: the recovery is due to the inclusion of a mechanism of self-regulation of the patient, in other words, a person heal himself. Sometimes it is enough word, attentive attitude, a soft touch, dietary changes and so forth.

I emphasize again the idea that everything in the man - and health, and disease. Human health - alertness in his mind, the willingness and ability to keep always "on" the body's desire to live.

We must finally admit that the science of man should be the first of all sciences. That is due to the high value of a person, I can not agree with the prevailing stereotype - considered persuasive approach that recognizes effective method of treatment, which gives a high percentage of curing.

What is true for the economy, physics or chemistry, is not true for medicine. The percentage of uncured is precisely the most important and suggests that the power of regeneration of the body of the patient remained blocked and underdeveloped.

Why are not healers prove their strength by the example of this group of patients. But it has required other landmarks not experiment reproducibility, and the ability to see the person. In medicine, it is only legitimate to carry about treatment of each person, and not to show tropism method percentage recovered in the human mass.

For either method, even the worst, it may be effective in appropriate cases. Only when the central figure for the doctor will be the identity of the patient, we will be able to talk about the art of the physician, not the effectiveness of mechanical methods of human exposure.

Only in these terms, the natural tendency of the doctor there to save a person engaged in a man, not a willingness and ability to cut out a portion of the stomach, lung, showing the wonders of surgery and gained fame. How many stomachs and lungs would have been cut zryashnoe ...

The goal of medicine should be to cure anyone in need thereof. And only the healer's ability to heal any patient would be the sole criterion for assessment of his special gift ...

But you need to have a comprehensive and in-depth knowledge, have developed intuition and own a variety of ways to strengthen health, a hearing person and always have a tender heart ...

If we want to live longer and get sick less often, you must ...

If we want to live longer and get sick less often, it is necessary, as advised Zalmanov daily to wash the liver.

To do this for half an hour before lunch you should drink a mixture of a teaspoon (four grams) of sodium sulphate (Glauber's salt) dissolved in a glass of water "Essentuki N 4" (if the reaction of urine is acidic), or in water "Essentuki N 17" (if Alkaline reaction of urine).

This procedure is achieved by washing and cleansing of the blood, lymph and liver bile capillaries. Avicenna considered the most important organ of the liver for living organism.

In addition, it is useful to use a rather hot water bottle in the liver area for 40 minutes. three times a day after each main meal, in cases where the liver and spleen were greatly increased in volume, and only 2 times a day - in other cases.

Warming liver achieved an increase in blood volume.

If we apply this procedure regularly for months and years, it will prevent many serious diseases. AS Zalmanov stressed: "I do not know the treatment easier, deeper and more effective than the use of heaters in the area of ​​the liver" [33, P.36].

It should be noted that the anatomical and physiological basis of aging is a progressive decrease in the number of open capillaries, which is celebrated since 40-45 years.

Man becomes more dehydrated. The accelerating the closure of capillaries accompanied by rheumatic diseases, neuritis, angina, arteriosclerosis and hypertension. Kapillyaroterapiya assume the use of leeches, fruit and vegetable diet and physiological hydrotherapy (hot and cold wraps, mud baths), is the best prevention of these diseases.

To eliminate the attack of the disease should be urgently open the excretory path: to cleanse the bowel (enema of soda), light (hot breast wraps), kidneys, skin, liver. A series of baths open the closed capillaries, and then the movement of the blood plasma increases, the plasma is freed of toxins and prepared to perceive always available to reserve an organism antibodies and nutrients. Thus, it cleanses the body and will be removed toxic substances.

If our presence in humans happen to cerebral hemorrhage, the doctor Zalmanov recommends immediately put leeches behind the ears and in 48 hours to give only fruit juices and assures that the patient will not have paralysis, more than that - it will be able to get up after 14 days of full rest.

If this is not done, the patient is waiting for paralysis and disability ... The patient, paralyzing a long time, we can help arrange a hot wraps chest, fruit and vegetable regime without salt M.Birher-Benner, yellow turpentine baths.

So, we have considered the disease as a violation of the body's physiological phenomena. However, no one, I think, would deny that the disease occurs only if the regulation is disrupted neural activity if it is preceded by fatigue in any form.

There are muscle fatigue, acoustic, optical, thermal, digestive, sexual, intellectual, emotional. Man, even in the absence of protective vaccinations, do not suffer for a long time, none of these forms of fatigue, can not get sick, no matter what the threat of infection has not been subjected his body.

On the role of psychic energy in the event of illness and recovery will say otherwise.

Psychic energy, implicit in all of nature, is especially pronounced in people. She unconsciously emanates from each organism - their own, unique. She has impregnated all the tissues. Sufficient stock of her sets spiritual balance.

Psychic Energy for its manifestation requires conscious gathering, focusing and replenishment. Its completion, as has been mentioned, contributes to elevated thoughts or aspirations of the joy, the spiritual impulses. We must be attentive to this flowing of energy. Sensitive heart she would tell - and about food and sleep, and of love, and a cure for the disease emerged.

Start any disease marked outflow of psychic energy, primarily from the glands, causing them to swell. Tonsils are very dependent on psychic energy. There is a view that all growths, including cancer, are due to a lack of mental energy levels.

Moreover, malignant disease depends on the length of the low tide. Often psychic energy is pumped as a result of a strong spiritual impact observed in creative people. Therefore, it is important to the appropriate utilization of power in every step of life. Prevention of all diseases, including cancer, should be the preservation of spiritual balance. To help set the spiritual balance capable suggestion.

A good example of the power of suggestion, and that the body has the ability to self-limiting, is as follows. The great French clinician Trousseau nearly a hundred years ago was placed in the medical clinic the following experience: over the years, he observed two groups of patients with the same disease. Patients in the first group he medicated, and the second - did not use any drugs. In both groups, the percentage of recovery turned out to be one and the same.

Each disease is useful to make passes over the affected organ, not thinking about the disease, and only thought of connecting the heart with the Higher World. However, recognizing the healing power of suggestion, I want to warn about its dangers.

We must not forget that the suggestion (as, indeed, any other doctor's action) has a rape psychic energy (the patient's) other energy (doctor), to impose itself against the resistance of consciousness. It affects the patient's aura and creates karma.

Generally, the inviolability of karma is the main condition for practice physician, whose main task is to give, to help, to guide, but not to disturb the person. Every true doctor at the right time is to solve it ... What sort of thoughts should be clean at the doctor! The same must be hand which he touches the patient.

Otherwise, even cure the disease manifested, it may cause other more serious diseases. Of course, transferring part of their mental energy to the patient, the doctor himself must have it in sufficient quantity and quality. The doctor did not have the karmic right to touch the patient, if he is not healthy ...

Of course, it does not exclude such an option when the patient attacks the psychic energy of the doctor, sending irritated boom-thought ... But if the physician and patient at the same time would remember the energy of heart, that there would be perhaps a mutual healing! ... Weak people in this world give themselves to the study of different doctors, allows cutting his divine body with a knife, giving up most affordable - the aspirations of psychic energy and its refinement.

A pity: the healing so real ... You need to learn to accept the so-called shower distant worlds: to put on all the physiological effects of heart and mind to let him up, imagining that it rises in a bowl with a flame to Infinity. And see life as a whole, in all its interrelationship and interdependence.
