Yes, still looking for some of this speech.
Arguing that the disease is not that they are only in our minds, I can not ignore the fact that in certain periods of life there is a decrease of consciousness or even its loss, and then the fact of the presence of disease is the place to be ...
Nicholas Roerich wrote that the earth is inhabited by people who do not know the harmonization of the centers lacking enthusiasm, do not know the joy, not exempt from anger, trembling with envy, gray with fear, turn away from the Truth, irritation and dead heart, having thought, ready to deny the request, and destroy what you say [31, S.309]. Yes, we have recognized, exposing human vices in the previous section.
Sharper response gave Mother: "Earth is populated by creatures that are not human beings, - a box, or rather, rats or rabbits, but not people. They may have the science, democracy and religion, but they are not people. They are highly skilled gastrointestinal tract. There is a false view. Rat - what it is, without the pretense.
The man is not what he is, he pretends to be a lot of things - with a Bible in his hand and a rosary around his neck. The man and the lies go together. Or rather, we are not people "[78, p.167]. Admittedly, not flattering. But all of us present-day. The more perseverance we will have to prove to climb the steps of the evolutionary ladder from an animal to a truly human - cosmic consciousness ...
This path is long and complicated. But it is our only path! In the meantime, we have overcome the disease ... Cancer, tuberculosis, diseases of the liver and spleen, headache, eye diseases and teeth, sore throat and many others. We can not agree with Dr. AS Zalmanova, who argued that there is no local diseases, diseases of organs.
Bohlen always people in general, and therefore there is no local treatment [33, C.5]. One of the highlights of human diseases AS Zalmanov considered a violation of the physiology of the capillaries and required medical intervention whenever respect for the life of tissues, cells and capillaries. We do not respect it ...
We do not respect, when we forget that even in a healthy organism is always present germs and viruses, and to raise the temperature to react, applying the usual antibiotics and antipyretics ...
High temperatures almost always salutary for infecting organism as this happens the "natural burning" of pollutants arising from the decay of protein molecules in each cell and circulating in the blood, lymph and in extracellular fluids.
That is why we must not ever artificially lower the heat. There may be applied hot wraps chest and hand bath, warming blood and thus increase its bactericidal action, i.e. the ability to kill disease-causing microbes.
Russian scientist PN Veselkin showed that the increase in blood temperature by 1 degree ten times increases its bactericidal action. In the case where the temperature exceeds 40 degrees Celsius, it is necessary to put the bladder neck and ice making hot breast wraps twice daily.
Antibiotics are well destroy certain microbial species, create favorable conditions for the development of other species and, moreover, consume useful intestinal microflora.
The body quickly "thanks" for us "quickness" chronic illness, especially allergies, dysbiosis, and a stomach ulcer. This does not negate the need for antibiotics and antipyretics in other cases, such as meningitis.
We do not respect the life of cells and capillaries, and when we bring the body to the physiological and pathological fatigue, accompanied by venous congestion.
When venous stasis in the liver may help in the area of the liver heater.
In cirrhosis of the liver should adhere to the fruit and vegetable diet, every two months to put leeches on the liver area.
Venous stasis in the lungs, pleura, myocardium good effect will wrap hot chest.
Scourge of modern humans is varicose veins, phlebitis and thrombophlebitis, developing due to inflammation in the walls of veins.
In the treatment of such diseases AS Zalmanov recommended following gidroprotsedury eliminating venous stasis: soda alum bath, cold hot compress on a limb, a heating pad on the liver area, leeches, as well as fruit and vegetable diet Swiss doctor M.Birher-Benner and fees herbs, stimulate the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.
Soda bath with alum prepared starting from 200 g of sodium hydroxide and 70 g of the alum, water temperature - 38, 5 degrees, bath duration - 15 minutes. Take 2 times a week.
The remaining days of the week before the night's sleep do cold hot compress for 30 min., And then impose on their feet all night loosely bandage: folded 4 times to moisten the gauze with a solution of vinegar (two tablespoons of 9 percent solution of vinegar 6-8 tablespoons of boiled water), slightly wring out and apply on the affected area immediately with a thin layer of cotton wool and bandage.
If there is pain, for example, in the right calf, indicating a deep vein thrombophlebitis right shin, you can try the first such local treatments like hot wrap legs from the knee to the foot for 20 minutes. before the night's sleep, then - cold warming wrap the same place his feet on the night.
This procedure is done daily for 10 days. The pain will disappear.
Cold hot compress feet (overnight) in Zalmanov cause reflex vasodilatation of the lower extremities, which improves blood circulation in them, and contributes to the development of additional blood vessels. For their implementation need to take 2 pairs of cotton stockings or socks and 1 pair of woolen stockings or socks.
One pair of cotton stockings wet in cold water, wring out well and put on his feet, wrapped stockings from the knee to the shin. Above the wet stockings put on a second pair of dry cotton stockings, and then - woolen stockings, and wrapped them from the tribes in the lower leg and calf muscles.
When the pain diminished, cool wrap legs replaced by a more intense action hot wrap legs.
Technology application of this procedure is as follows: first, to wrap one leg excluding foot, dry waffle terry towel and wet (water temperature - 70 degrees), and then - a dry towel and above all - a woolen scarf.
Then pour the hot water into the basin (to bring the temperature back up to 70 degrees) and so as to wrap the second limb, and then go to bed for 30 min., Being covered with a blanket.