Table of contents
Health as a vigilant consciousness
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A complex problem - to philosophize about the man, his life and values. But this does not mean that you will not see the approaches to its solution ...
Some philosophers believe that human life revolves around the three great "dominant" - death, food and money. Others claim that the most important thing for a man - and the spirit of creativity, then - health and only in third place - wealth.
Leo Tolstoy wrote: "Once again, thank you for your good location and I wish you all the best: a spiritual life in which you do not even desire and happiness, and health," [111]. L. Ron Hubbard is of the view that the purpose of all life is infinite survival [96].
Man, as a life form in all actions subject to the sole command, "Survive!" Methods of survival are reduced to nutrition security (defense and attack) and reproduction. Moreover, no one survives alone.
Even Mahogany - "Sequoia," is very high and spreading trees, in the shade of which can not normally be no other trees. Although it seems that it achieves huge success, existing alone, in fact, it depends on other organisms, and they depend on it. Man, like the redwoods must be in affinity with other people in order to survive.
The term "affinity" refers to the force of attraction between two people or between human beings and other living organisms ... In the spirit of affinity formulate one definition of health, which caught my attention: "Health - is the ability to live in harmony with yourself and the world around them." The preamble of the Constitution of the World Health Organization defines health as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity ...
The term "health of the individual," ... it is impossible to determine with sufficient accuracy, since it is associated with a great breadth of oscillation most important indicators of human activity, the state of the adaptive capacity of the organism. Although health is the opposite of the disease, it may be due to her state of so-called pre-disease, when the disease yet, but protective and adaptive body's overstretched or severely weakened and harmful factors, which in normal circumstances would not cause disease, can it cause.
In addition, the state of health does not exclude the presence in the body has not yet manifested pathogenic beginning, fluctuations in the state of health of the person or certain deviations from what is considered as a physiological norm. Thus, developing with age in all people atherosclerotic changes of blood vessels are certainly pathological process, however a person's health can not be violated if these changes are expressed slightly.
In this regard, there was the concept of "practically healthy person": this implies that observed in the body, some deviations from the norm, not substantially affecting the well-being and human health, can not yet be regarded as a disease. However, the absence of visible signs of ill health are not yet indicative of overall health because the disease, for example, in the hidden (latent) period, may not have external manifestations.
Thus, the state of health can be established on the basis of personal (subjective) experiences a specific person together with the data of the clinical examination, taking into account gender, age, and social, climatic, geographical and meteorological conditions in which lives or is temporarily people.
For example, the health of the people is absolutely plain, hitting high in the mountains, some time will feel bad, until the whole body does not adapt to low oxygen in the inspired air and low atmospheric pressure, common to the highlands. In the period of adaptation person may feel unwell and adaptability of the organism may be overstretched, but his health is not usually broken "[112 S.220-221].
Dictionary of Russian language offers two options for the definition of health:
"1. The right, normal activities of the body, his complete physical and mental well-being.
2. The condition of the body or other "[113, p.232].
An interesting interpretation of health as a sustainable balance of spirit and body, this famous Dr. Papus:
"In humans, body and spirit are two substances of the opposite nature, is an intermediate link (life, the plastic mediator, the astral body) connects these two opposites in a balanced whole - a living organism.
That's what defines his balance and stability is what we call health both physical and mental. In addition to the balance of the spirit with the body, which had just dealt with in a healthy organism must be in equilibrium all the centers and their manifestations (instincts, feelings, thoughts) "[114, p.49].
Also known as the wording of the health of the functional state of the human body, providing longevity, physiological and mental fitness, well-being and reproductive function of healthy offspring [28, C.5]. The above definition of "health" fix health outcomes, superficial grasp his side: the state, welfare activities, a stable equilibrium. But they do not call immanent feature a mechanism that leads to health (one might even say - gives health) do not reflect how it is achieved.
The human body - sverhdinamicheskaya system, in which the high-speed changes every second. And so it was healthy life in every second, obviously must be a mechanism that tracking these changes could correct undesirable deviations. That "mechanism" is an expanded consciousness, capable of infinite focus.
Then health can be defined as the vigilance of consciousness, its readiness to respond immediately to any interference. Of course, we are talking about the mind, free from the bustle and chaos of the mental, vital and physical - conscious befallen the silence of the mind, peace in the soul and stiffness in the body. The disease also will be a lack of awareness.
The disease occurs when the mind begins to notice (to accept) its existence. "It's not the body is sick, it is weakening consciousness ... If the seeker is conscious, he can live in the center of the epidemic, to drink all the filth of the Ganges, if he so desire, nothing touches it .. When we cleaned, transparent, no viruses in the world will not be able to do anything with us, because our inner strength of their powerful forces, or in other words, because the intensity of the vibration of our being is so great that no lower vibrations can not penetrate us "[79 S.111-112] .
Paying tribute to the diagnosis, we should not forget about its relativity: any appliances (whether hand, eye doctor or ultrasound machines, etc.) Only allow to get the imprint (even in motion, but the imprint!) Of the organism "patient" at a time . Make the diagnosis, the doctor crystallizes disease, and specifies its aggravating circumstances. Given the same hypnotic power over his physical mind of the patient, given to them in pursuance of a sentence of diagnosis of disease clogs the mind (and body) "patient" in the iron shell for many years, if not forever ...
But in the body, "patient", as well as in the entire universe, everything flows, everything changes ... It is no coincidence often "sick" perplexed yesterday was a specialist-iridodiagnosta and identified at some diseases, but today other iridodiagnost found that those diseases, but there are others. A third expert, it is possible to say that nothing like this - "sick" ... quite well! ...
All this is not surprising, to note that the survey "patient" were conducted at different times. The body does not always sick ... Even the most neglected body knows the ups consciousness, enlightenment and joy of life perception. Do not turn off to him all sorts of names of diseases is necessary, and nurture the growth of the shaken spirit extinct consciousness, which we hardly see our doctors today. How many transactions need no longer be if doctors were attentive to the individual "sick"!
How often, going to the doctor's office, we are experiencing an animal fear, or feel a wall, fence off it from us ... This division is not conducive to the spirit of take-off, but on the contrary, it degrades. If there was a device that would allow to see our aura, we could see that it represents at this moment the crumpled flower ...
But if all the same, in spite of the disease, we are somewhere hear (deep in himself, in met us on the way humans or in the environment) bell Teplyaev not yet extinct desire to recover, you can be sure that everything will be in order: doctor will be satisfied - he cured a disease! ...
In everyday life, we do not give a report that his irritation, fatigue, laziness and fears, thoughts and actions create our own or another illness (and then asked, "Where did they come from?") And, even more so, define the nature of his own death .
And we should know that the stimulation produced poison called Empire, it is deposited on the walls of nerve channels and thus spread throughout the body. In addition, imperil exhaled by irritated people, operates at far distances and can affect the subtle bodies of other people, Originating in their physical ailments ...
But people usually do not bother to notice his irritation. If this irritation any notices and requests to calm down, they proudly exclaim: "And we are! You have not redo!" Suffer from the empire may be advisable (for his own use) to avoid the saturated effects of quarrels and all