Memento vivere (Lat.) - Remember the life, remember that you need to live!

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Memento vivere (Lat.) - Remember the life, remember that you need to live!
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There is no religion higher than truth ...

You have already learned, my friend, that at the level of intelligence, no matter how developed it was not impossible to perceive life. Mental only knows the system and always seeks to create order. He takes possession of small particle of truth and turns it into a law for everyone. Mental ideas generated can not cover the infinite variety of truths of life.

Given that human nature is different, the way to true life is not the same for all. The evolution of each person requires an individual control mechanism consists in determining the direction of his mind, his expansion and refinement. The present understanding of the world is to understand his body. But hidden mental, vital and physical layers of the network, it can not experience the world as it is. His experience - distorted. We need to achieve a clean cage, without layers of physical, vital and mental.

Only then, in his stillness and rest, the body will be to perceive the truth of life. But to come to such a state is not easy: the human body represents a battleground for the output of consciousness in the Cosmos, Life. At birth, the body does not get the installation of consciousness to life. It is genetically accustomed to know that born to die. The fear of death haunts the body, every cell constant, leading to a false operation - disease.

The task of man - to bring in every cell of the body a new immortal consciousness. And then the body learns to live as the universe without dying. The body no longer knows what is death. It clearly learns that there is peace, harmony, eternity. Mother of the task set, experience has taught at the cell's own body to the new consciousness, the mind, the new vibration-mantra they repeat incessantly, even under the worst conditions. Mantra rises above the cells as a mantra: "Om Namo Bhagavata!" [78, P.117].

Given that in the body of an adult about a hundred trillion cells, one can imagine what a titanic work has been done - the work on the formation of consciousness of the cells held stubbornly invisible, did not bring quick results.

So that you, my friend, be prepared for hard work without rest, do not expect instant victory over them, but know that success will be stunning. If you stand on this path, you will realize that diet and sleep, the quality of inhaled air and food no longer have any value ...

Methodically start to dive deep enough in himself and calmly dwell there ... and life will be, free from the fear of death and the existence of falsity happen. Open the eyes of the body - the cellular consciousness in which the body does not feel its limitations, it feels limitless and advanced all at once: in people, nature, etc.

However, the body is incredibly difficult to have such a condition, when it abides forever, because it is experiencing constant excitement. Sometimes the body is still possible to bounce back and become real without any tension and effort. At this moment you can see that it is beginning to understand that everything that happens promotes and has as its purpose the achievement of the implementation through the establishment of the true state of the cells.

Moreover, the body realizes that the goals are even suffering and blows of fate. It is strengthened by the knowledge that the difficulties of life are created inside a distorted way to respond. If we learn how to reside in the new consciousness, the difficulties disappear, but people and events are the same.

The explanation of this phenomenon lies in the new way of seeing and feeling the world. However, the state of identity with eternity away and rises again ... everyday consciousness with its continuous state of anxiety. "Defeatist" sentiments relentlessly follow one another, and so every day ... to notice only the bad, is only expected the worst ... And the body says all ... It notes that just raised the subject is dropped again, walking on level place man stumbles ... repeated failures ...

Why is that? That's because the power comes the physical mind with his "defeatist" mood, attracting all sorts of troubles. Its strength is great, because even the subconscious mind acts on cells and can lead to disease. The physical mind must be brought under control, which consists in raising the habit to respond to the events of light and joy, allowing the cells to repeat the free vibration: "Om Namo Bhagavata!", Thereby returning them to purity and eternity.

Therefore, we must learn to expand tirelessly collected in the cell body. The very idea repeated many times, contributes to this expansion: "I just thought:" With me will not happen anything wrong, "[78, P.98]. If the cell has taken the" decision "program, it will persist in it until all her body would not obey.

Moving along the path of understanding your body, you will face, my friend, that, becoming the open, the body at the same time it will be much more vulnerable, and therefore will need to be protected from anything coming from space. The greatest danger to the surrounding body present people wearing thought of old age, sickness and death, as well as vibration lies under the guise of benevolence. These thoughts and vibrations cluttering space and contaminate the air.

Protection can be constructed in various ways. The principal difference between the existing methods is being sent - a good call, fencing formula or disturbance of mind. Good call, or the spirit of the arrow, reaching the person, cleans and space. Along the way, the spirit of the boom net as the more powerful magnet attracts pieces hostile thoughts and brings them back to their parents. These dark thoughts settle on the aura of suffering and who produced them.

Ancient fencing formula is: "Do not touch me!" She only protects, not carrying with him kickback. The protection can create and awareness barrage network surrounding the body. This network builds mental effort of will and represents a bouncing auric rays with ruby ​​sparkles in circumference. Barrier network must constantly fed the internal energy. The aura and consciousness constitute a means of protection.

Also, if there was dizziness and tension in the crown that says about what happened on the impact of the aura, it is useful to sit quietly with your eyes closed, mentally send currents of internal energy into infinity and how to wash it clean and invulnerability. You can protect as did the ancient priests: Put your left hand on your heart, because your fingers well reflect blows. In Asia, widely used surge protection.

In the hour of confusion Spirit requires repetition. In times of priests were chosen words: "Adonai, Istar, and Oum Hallelujah." It is used as a repetition of the alphabet and numbers. Multiple repetition of the will of the Spirit creates a reflective wave. When particularly hard, it is better to breathe.

Perhaps the tension of the spirit create like an invisible veil protecting not hear and did not see anything, thus terminating the relationship with all existing, seeking clarification from the severity of the environment. The indignation of the spirit should be no rare because it wears a protective shell sends this perturbation. Someone can help protect a "sworn circle" represents a contoured around the head of a magic line.

Surprisingly light protection offers NK Roerich [31, P.75]. He recommends putting in the foundation of the four stone steps. Draw on the first stone of the Dove, the second Warrior - the third column, the fourth - the sun. For the approval of the first - call for all his love.

Remember the childhood the best smiles, the brightest rays of the sun and the first song of the birds outside the window. For the approval of a second - clothe yourself in the arms of the day, get the armor of their actions and refresh

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Finding ways to the truth

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Finding ways to the truth
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Let us recall the custom of ancestors: Having met in a long journey, sit in silence ...

Let's start from the beginning: let us turn with trust to my heart because it lies just what we are looking for only the potential of its internal power depends on travel time. Only the voice of the heart does not deceive, and show us that our path - true ...

Will the Cosmos, the great Cosmos: What are countless images of Truth, he conceals what is the riches of spatial thinking may be the property of the human mind in its ability to exert psychic energy into the rhythm of the energies of space, how much he loses because of the lack of sensitivity does not allow you to listen Voice Silence and feel the reality of the cosmos ...

But the great cosmos goes through the same stages of birth and death as a microcosm - a lot of people ... How truthful can we learn about ourselves, whether we are attentive to the Cosmos ... thinking of the word "person", Roerich saw it Spirit, or Chelo passing centuries, and thus emphasized that one word expressed all the change of cosmic incarnations, the whole value of consciousness ...

The life that man lives on earth is not the result only of his efforts: happiness or unhappiness accumulating numerous ancestors for thousands of years and, according to the law of karma - the law of cosmic justice, Cosmic Retribution - each gets its either an easy life, or the possibility to his life and work to facilitate Carmo children and grandchildren.

The law of karma - the law of cause and effect, according to which success and failure in life (just as the fate of) are determined by prior causes, actions and aspirations.

According to the Law of Karma, a person's personality is formed by centuries for its many lives, which were accumulated his abilities and aspirations. At physical birth man receives from his parents only the physical body, which laid the characteristics of a particular race, nation, nationality, etc.

Everything else in his new life a person should bring himself and what he brings, depends entirely on the evolution of his consciousness. This evolution is pushed by prevailing in the previous lives of certain abilities and character, it improves the personality and, ultimately, determines the personal destiny of man.

According to Satprem, "evolution has nothing to do in order to become" holy "or" intelligent ", its meaning is to become" conscious "[79, P.10].

This evolution of consciousness of each person is to disclose in its divinity through the transition from youth, "I want it" to not "I" and "we", the ability to share with others, against the interests of his family to the interests of the state or national, to the desire to share the burden of the others as the main note of life, when the heart is committed to spirituality ("let me help you"), to the understanding of the oneness of humanity, the ability to consciously create their future, to the life of the soul in the unity of man and God.

And only then, if you have the courage - to the top of mind when a man becomes master of his fate and needs no reincarnation, embodied only by the desire for evolution and for the good of mankind. Therefore, human evolution is the evolution of consciousness. Cosmic consciousness tells us that in life there are no trifles - every thought, every word, every gesture create the future; nothing passes fruitlessly - every thought, every desire and every action associated with Karma.

In fact, the whole karma originates in the mind of man, which has the highest power in its creation. Carmo create our thoughts and motives, and only then - actions. Therefore, Karma creates inner life, not the outside. Often easy karma is a serious challenge, since it is extremely difficult among welfare up to the next level of spiritual development ...

But how do you know whether the correct path you have chosen, the reader? You have the right to follow that path, which considered it necessary for himself. But you have to remember that for every mistake will follow consistently suffering. And so it will be as long as you do not understand that you can not violate the cosmic law, and its ignorance can not impede its execution.

You can become a master of his fate if vosprimesh heart that you live in a world ruled by law, and that his only knowledge can give you the strength to build their character and building the future. And only then knowledge of the Law of Karma will be to protect you. Knowledge of the law will come to you anywhere, if your spirit in suspense.

For its part, let warn you and remind you that you can not take revenge for the injustice causes, as it is in the will of the Law of Karma. Can not you determine the impact deserved Karma. If after all this blow came back with a vengeance in the heart, thereby not only exhausted his karma, but also to strengthen it in the grave for himself direction.

The law of karma states that you need to forgive personal enemies. This is not Tolstoy's "non-resistance to evil." On the other hand, resistance to evil is a necessary condition of evolution, but all the ways should not aggravate the Karma, and therefore should be carried out only by the spirit. Repulse the enemy done without malice in the heart, it has a powerful force of the blow.

Spiritual development need to be in constant patrol in the waves of the chaos of the world and to participate in the cosmic battle, constantly happening around. Repayment of Karma comes with the progress of human life, but at the same time, a new mixed Karma, the quality of which depends on its wisdom.

You can even overtake his karma, and it does not overtake you, if you strive for perfection. Stopped in its development will get a new shower Karma. From the point of view of the cosmos, the meaning of human perfection lies in the fact that in developing his spiritual powers, he not only repay their karma, but also facilitates the consequences of bad karma all mankind ...

All the complexity of making cosmic consciousness is that we have long since lost the spiritual experience of generations and live very down to earth, so to his former life, we have forgotten how to remember being in their human cages, because of the lack of high wind. Therefore, our science to the "objective" attributes that respects the principle of "take out so positive."

This very thin Satprem remarked: "In the beginning ... we should clarify what we mean by the word" objective "and" subjective "because if we insist to use the so-called" objective "as the sole criterion truth, it is likely that the whole world can completely escape us - and this proves our art, painting, and even science over the past fifty years, when art and science of the world there are only crumbs of what can be considered inviolable and undisputed.

Of course, the existence of a steak is easy to see and, therefore, the steak is more objective than the joy in Beethoven's last quartets, but it impoverishes the world and does not disclose its treasures. Subjectivity - a and higher, and at the same time, the preparatory phase of objectivity.

If everyone ate the cosmic consciousness, or simply delight in the quartets of Beethoven, then maybe we have an objective in the universe would be less than barbarism. Is it possible to live a real life on earth with the cosmic consciousness? It turns out, yes, perhaps. Examples include us Nicholas and Helena Roerich, Sri Auro- Bindo Ghosh et al.

Since the path of perfection, we must remember that the cosmos is made up of vibrations and energy "among the highest vibration transformed body. The body is afraid of the spirit, a servant afraid master" [31]. My attitude and understanding of the world is very close to the integral yoga of Sri Aurobindo Ghose.

For many years I have bit by bit was discovering certain truths lived by them, when suddenly, before writing the long-planned my book, "swallowing" the book Satprem 'Sri Aurobindo, or Journey of consciousness, "I heard what she was, that professed itself for many years . Not all I like the Russian people accept his perception of the world, but that share is granted, the reader, to reflect.

I am impressed by the fact that, examining himself methodically and rigorously, Sri Aurobindo, and after him, Mother and Satprem, descend into my heart, and through him to know and transform ourselves and the world. It's hard to argue Satprem when he

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