Health - this is an enduring value that you realize when you lose ...

My friend! You do not sochtesh me immodest? I hope you understand me correctly: I want to get away from the all-consuming standard conditions! I take the liberty to say that you would be interested. I am far from the pursuit of glory, exaltation of all sickens me: because every one of us - is unique and valuable, and I - the same as you - man!

I am far from being able to impose your thoughts, remembering the wise saying Jerome K. Jerome in the book "As we wrote the novel": "What a man thinks - really think - is there and grows in silence."

I take responsibility for it to fulfill the main commandment of the doctor - "Do no harm!" Moreover, hope to help you understand the self in today's world and establish itself, knowing me - myself, find themselves and to be and to become, and to realize! And only in this, my self-interest.

Give me your hand, friend! I want to feel confidence in your hand, consent to work, confidence in understanding the laws of existence.

Explanation to the reader

Health - this is an enduring value that you realize when you lose ...

Perhaps this explains the complexity of forming a reasonable relationship of man to himself: as long as a person is healthy, it almost does not need knowledge about yourself, because all his aspirations are related to work, family, cottage, car, clothes, etc., And when ill - the time is already missed, emphasizing the attention to his own person only aggravates the disease.

No more mysterious and more attractive to study the problem than the problem of survival in the modern world. I experienced firsthand that you can manage health.

For 14 years, I examine the problem of man on the basis of interpretation of literary sources, and by examining the basic principles of his own philosophy of health during sessions with groups of women of different ages.

Therefore, in the book, together with analysis of existing health and traditional approaches to human health by official medicine, sets the original health philosophy that allows to be healthy in real life.

The philosophy of health is based on the formation and development of a healthy mind, excluding basic human vices - fear, sloth, envy, and others.

I would like to help the reader to form an adequate perception of themselves and the outside world, to develop inner harmony and beauty, without which it is impossible to health for many years.

Book preceded epigraph: "Let my words as grains germinate in your heart ..." and conceived it as a book of meditation, inner monologue of the author-reader. Every word of the author - it's your word reader.

The book can be a wise assistant for all occasions because it aims at continuing the implementation of its rich and unique inner potential, his "I" through the knowledge of the "I".

Calling the book "Philosophy of Health ..." I do not aim to teach some another theory, system, and only wanted to emphasize that philosophy necessarily present in human life, consciously observing and knowing themselves and the world at every moment.

Become a perfectly healthy person - is it possible?

Author of the book, along with the reader looking for an answer to this difficult question.

This book helps the reader to see the world through his unique "I" to master the forces that govern health, to achieve harmony with oneself and the cosmos. It may be helpful to anyone who wants to be healthy and ready to work tirelessly to comprehend the wisdom of life.

Shalygina GI

Let my words as grain,

In your heart grow ...


Hello readers! That touched you look to the first line of the new book. I foresee your reaction:

"Well, that's next opus health, alternate recommendations on the health of ... Oh, and tired of these same scientists ... every advice, and does not increase health ..."

Do not rush to judgment. Try to quietly and carefully read suggest you book. And then the judge ...

But there is, for sure, and a reader who exclaims: "Oh, I wonder how promising title Home, have tips for every day, or even for life! Finally, I can become healthy! Let's see what kind of advice gives the author ... "

Do not hurry, reader! Pay attention to yourself, reading a book from cover to cover, listen to yourself by reading word by word, flipping through page after page, you go deeper into yourself and learn to be yourself.

Believe me, it's so simple and - so hard! Let us try together to resolve this contradiction.

Reader! My friend! To you I knock you send your thoughts with a sincere desire to help strengthen your forces.

Let's meet, because trust - this is the first condition of our mutual understanding: You should know what kind of person (even more so - a woman!) Dared to look around to help you?

I offer you my computer portrait, the resulting test 16-factorial questionnaire Kettela. Estimation of my personality computer objective. You understand that the car - dispassionate and the principle of "like - not like" it rejects. The computer said:

"Contact, sociable, quickly learns new concepts. Emotionally stable, confident, has a constant interest and affection, does not hide from themselves their own shortcomings, is not upset because of trifles, feels well adjusted. When dealing with people committed to leadership .

Seriously, accurate, obligatory, in good faith, he has a sense of duty. Friendly, loves to be on the mind rests freely. It has a rich imagination, capacity for compassion, empathy and understanding of others.

Trusting, good-natured, free from envy, easy to get along with people.

It has the development of creative imagination. Energetic, active, independent, and she decides she acts. Suffice organized, almost always control their emotions and behavior.

Internally appeased, satisfied with their situation. Adequate perception of itself. "

So what? We assume first encounter took place? Then go ahead!

The philosophy of health education

The whole philosophy of health education should be built so as to best develop the capacity of each individual to do themselves and the world around them, and, in general, life.

The difficulty of mastering the secrets of his health and is explained by the relativity of all truth.

Here is a vivid example, presenting two mutually Council use boiled water.

So, Roerich in one part of "Agni Yoga" - "Community," convinces the reader of the harmfulness of cold boiled water, "People ... do not realize as consumed water, though accustomed to be treated waters.

For escort people come to use boiled water, forgetting that some aquatic organisms living in the boiled water can not. True, many microbes are killed by boiling, but when cooled, namely, bottled water has the largest number of dead particles of the atmosphere.

If you want to reduce brain receptivity, drink stand long cold boiled water, it tells the body sluggish mustiness. Learn to use boiled water only fresh, very hot. "

But Alexander Deryabin, has developed a system of a healthy lifestyle, which is based on the idea of ​​the well-known biochemist VV Karavaeva, took a different point of view, the opposite of the above, giving advice to drink cold boiled water (see. Recipe salted cabbage, which Brine is used for the preparation of cold boiled water) [28, P.65].

Considering that "bottled water prolongs life" (at p.320 is this proverb), he argues this way: "Japanese scientists have proposed a way to prevent the formation of carcinogenic substances in tap water. It was found that chlorinated water is formed trichloromethane carcinogenic and other toxic substances "[28, p.320].

How, the reader will judge you? Who is right? Where is the truth? To drink or not to drink cold boiled water? .. I think you yourself will choose the answer depending on the level of their knowledge, experience, habits, fears (or lack thereof) aspirations.

But whatever way you may prefer for ourselves, its criterion of correctness will only your well-being (which is dependent on many, many other important factors, not only on the quality of water).

Sumeesh form factors this harmony of your health, then, over time, otkorrektiruesh answer to the question: "To drink or not to drink cold boiled water?" Your consciousness itself will tell you the only right answer - your decision.

But for this you need to start considering the relativity of all truth, learning to hear and understand themselves in relationship with the world, nature and the cosmos.

How to learn this - you will find in this book. And here, let, reader, once again turn to the wisdom of Hesse, to his brilliant novel "The Glass Bead Game" to help you focus on yourself, so that, perelistnuv the last page is read you now book, you welcomed the " I know how to come to Him! "

Masters Games Joseph Knecht, learning in school Valdtsel, born Artisan, The Glass Bead Game, in desperation, threw the Master: "Oh, if it were possible to gain knowledge! .. If there was any teaching, something that you can believe in . Everywhere one contradicts the other one passes the other, there is no certainty anywhere.

All can be interpreted either way ... Is there truth? Really there is no real, enforceable doctrine? "The master said:" The truth is! But "doctrine", which you desire, absolute, perfect and the only giver of wisdom - there is no such doctrine.

Yes, and you have to strive not to any perfect doctrine, and to improve oneself. Divinity in you, not in concepts and books. Truth live, it is not taught. "

The same idea is expressed Mirra Richard, received the name of "Mother" by Sri Aurobindo Ghose * recognized in her the embodiment of the Divine Mother: "Everyone carries a truth, with this Truth he should unite with this truth he must live ...

"In other words," ... everyone should find their own truth and not the truth of the neighbor. "This is the task of the objectives: to see a deity -" to see the stars - they ignite a "find my truth and live it!

Let's try, dear reader, see the practical ways to solve it. To do this, do not let her out of my hand: I invite you to the path!

* Sri Aurobindo Ghosh - Outstanding Indian thinker, founder of Integral Yoga
