What is man? What is "I"? These questions are familiar to everyone because, in their time, they stand in front of everyone. Differently we respond to them. And depending on the answer (conscious or not conscious) organize their lives. Only comprehended these initial questions, you can understand the philosophy of health and form.
The fact that this man clearly said Arthur Schopenhauer, the founder of the theory of evdemonologii, teaches a happy life, in his book "Aphorisms of worldly wisdom." Taking as an epigraph Chanforta saying "Happiness is not given away: it is very difficult to find it in themselves and can not be - in anything else," Arthur Schopenhauer helps to find a way to achieve happiness in yourself.
He comes from the Aristotelian division of the benefits of human life into three groups: the good of the external, spiritual and physical, and argues that all that is due to a difference in the lives of people, can be reduced to three main categories. These categories are:
1) What is man, his personality;
2) that a person has - it's about being in its own property;
3) What is the people, ie that there is a person in the representation of other people's opinions about it, expressed in honors, position and fame.
Of particular interest is the category of "what is man, his personality." The property and the glory - a consequence of this category, and come to man from without, but not enclosed in itself. Moreover, their relative value: they may lose the people overnight, but the essence of man - is absolute, it is always with him.
Luckily (or misfortune) to a much greater extent influenced by what is man that is within him that was invested in him by nature, his true "I" - especially health, strength, beauty, temperament, morality, intelligence, and its degree of development than what follows from the things of the external world that is created by the people, ie, property and social status.
At all times, as Goethe said, "peoples, the slaves and the winners have always recognized that the supreme good of man - his personality." And the ultimate goal of man, apparently, is not wealth or glory, but to fully develop and realize themselves.
Hermann Hesse - the author of a wonderful novel "The Glass Bead Game", for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize, insisted that people should realize inherent in it opportunities to gain certainty, to come to him. That is why he studied the whole person, including his true desires and thoughts, until the recesses of the unconscious, "inferno".
And he was right to demand that "we had a science having the courage and sufficient sense of responsibility to deal with a person, not just the mechanisms of life processes ...".
Everyone, in a very rough approximation, on the surface, represents a combination of human and animal, spirit and instinct, a person in the sense of the world of thoughts, feelings, culture and the animal when it comes to his dark world of instincts - infernal world.
However, if it were that simple, and the person could be separated into two opposites and explain his life only by the desire to find unity between these poles! The unity of the person, of Hermann Hesse - this is an illusion, a fraud. It is because of stereotypical assumptions in human consciousness of the deception appears inadequate perception of the man himself and the real world.
"In fact," I ", even the most naive - this is not the unity and highly complex world, it is a little starry sky, the chaos of forms, levels and conditions, heredity and opportunities ... chest, the body is always unique, and the souls of them signed not two, not five, and a myriad; people - bulb, which consists of a plurality of filaments, man ... is not something complicated, and there is a requirement of the spirit ... ". No less challenging concept than people, is the concept of "life."
I'll briefly touch on the philosophy of perception of life, only to the extent it is required to disclose health. From my point of view, it is impossible to learn how to manage their health, not to develop certain philosophical attitude to life.
Awareness of the uniqueness of each individual and his life leads to the idea of the need to develop this perception of the events of privacy that allows easy take everything for granted and will mobilize to overcome the obstacles encountered joyful.
The internal balance as mental and physical, in all situations is achieved attitude to life is not momentary, but long and fruitful. Hence there is a reasonable relationship to their needs and the forces required to meet them. In other words, I have to swing as much as my health allows me (not today, and my potential that I have a feel and appreciate).
The number one problem, especially in these times of shortages, is recognized by so many medical professionals supply problem. Let me attentive reader will not accept. Here I see a one-dimensional approach to the human desire to focus more exaggerated the problem and to identify ways to promote health.
Recognizing the importance of high-quality and varied diet, I still want to express my surprise at how easily accepts the arguments in favor of such an approach to their health a reasonable person. Knowing that a man is not only a consumer of food, he, at the same time easy to agree that the food - the main factor that automatically gives the health ...
Remember, dear reader, a well-fed man, is not he had a disease? Maybe if he was rumyanoschek and willing, then, first of all, thanks to the combination of positive and negative factors that have contributed to the preservation and strengthening of the internal equilibrium.
This internal balance would go to him for an inheritance, in which case he might smoke, and drink, and feel great. Inner harmony could randomly, quite spontaneously arise in difficult circumstances, since there was a self-tuning the body without conscious influence of the individual. The body "heard" the world, began to live in his rhythm.
But as a rule, health - is the resultant of many forces deliberately generated by the man himself, a kind of personal standards
That is so vainly trying to put a variety of experts in the fields of knowledge the concept of "healthy lifestyle".
It failed due to health promotion (and, of course, not just her) in our society there is no health priority, and the man who seeks to him, causing skepticism and "compassion." Often, such a person really deserves sympathy because he was the victim of stupefying sided, dogmatic information.
He tries to count calories for Shelton goes to psychics, engaged in wushu, karate, aerobics, swimming, etc., And his health is not improving (sometimes even worsens). Being in the eternal pursuit of beautiful clothes, delicious food, entertainment, a person goes away.
It creates an internal pressure, envying and hating doing lies and deceit. Very sorry for the modern man, who is in constant stress and overload, continues to believe in a cure, miracle healers, able to give health to heal.
Health can not be given to any most qualified physician: it is extracted by primitive way - a tireless, hard every second of knowledge and self-realization, every moment of life.
No health system can not make a man healthy, if he is absorbing it, do not learn to hear and see.
There are no funds, which by itself could bring relief from this or that disease, and at the same time, there is a universal "remedy", makes a man healthy - a healthy mind, correct, adequate perception of the world.
* In medias res (Lat.) - In the heart of the matter