Skiing in physical therapy


Skiing as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent.

Compared to ice skating skiing is more pronounced strain on the entire body.

In this active muscles of the lower and upper limbs and trunk, causing significant increase in metabolism.

Accordingly, skiing is a good view of the whole body exercise, providing trains impact on circulatory and respiratory devices, and increases the functional flexibility of the body patient for a variety of physical loads.

Skiing (ascents, descents, turns) Train has an impact on the vestibular system.

But the value of skiing is a positive effect on the human nervous system, due to favorable environmental conditions.

The impact on the body of skiing

In terms of clean air skiing:

Active muscle activity stimulates the entire body,

enhances mental and physical tone,

It creates a good mood the patient.

Skiing, carried out in the country conditions have a great impact on the neuro-psychic sphere patients.

The peace and beauty of changing winter landscapes, especially in sunny weather, causing joyful emotions of patients, helping to unload the nervous system from the usual stimuli.

To demonstrate how the skiing

Therefore skiing in the dosage form is used as a therapeutic and preventive agent:

the so-called functional disorders of the nervous system,

with nervousness due to psychogenic,

the neuroses developed on the basis of physical illnesses, if the latter allow us to apply skiing.

Skiing as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent, as well as in the exercise of individual appointments can be widely used in central Russia.

Skating in physical therapy


Skating has a restorative and curative effect on the entire body.

Ice skating is a physical exercise, characterized by a relatively moderate load, providing curative effect on the entire body.

Staying in a fresh frosty air has a tonic effect on the nervous system, creates a cheerful mood to skate.

When used with the wellness goals of skating should avoid large crowds, especially in the evening, as the flickering light of figures and points of discharge does not create the neuro-psychiatric from Kata.

Therefore, a more positive impact on the patient will have ice skating in the hours of smaller crowds and mostly during the daytime.

Especially good use of exercise skating outdoor rinks at health-care facilities (Health) when skating is done in a quiet environment with a small number of skiers.

In addition to the restorative effects on the entire body, skating places high demands on the vestibular apparatus to preserve stable position when sliding on the ice.

Exercises in the climbing and crawling

 Exercises in the climbing and crawling

Climbing and crawling, as applied to exercise, it is also used in physical therapy.

Climbing - a body moving up, it is produced by the voltage of individual muscle groups.

Climbing can be done only when the one source.

Exercises climbing with his hands in the physical therapy is not used as it is straining to hold a sharp degree and high demands to the central apparatus of blood circulation.

The most common exercises with the help of the hands and feet (mixed visy) at which the force is expressed moderately.

Climbing with the help of the hands and feet are used for climbing wall, inclined and vertical ladder and less on the pole and rope.

Exercises mainly used in the classroom with children and teenagers.

Exercises in the crawl

Exercises used in physical therapy for the purpose of correction of different curvatures of the spine.

The horizontal position of the spine in the last crawl unloads the static weights and the weight of the body contributes to the manifestation of its greater mobility, while strengthening the body extensors.

Great practical importance is crawling symmetrical than asymmetric.

The exercises in gymnastics and crawling position on all fours used in corrective gymnastics classes with children and teenagers.

Golfing, recreation swimming, boating

 Golfing, recreation swimming, boating

Golfing is applied exercises having great practical importance. When navigating on the health of the patient operates a complex of natural factors - sun, air, water and movement.

In other words, if the patient is swimming lessons in favorable environmental conditions.

Recreational diving

When Golfing enhanced heat transfer and increases metabolism. Stay in the water, as well as the effect of air masses have a tempering effect on the patient, taking place as it exercises the circulatory system and improvement of the mechanism of thermoregulation.

Swimming lessons are characterized by overcoming the resistance of the masses of water and accompanied with the active movements of the arms and legs.

When swimming classes is pronounced increase in activity of the circulatory system and respiratory system.

The activity of the patient at the wellness swimming in rowing

In physical therapy swimming lessons during the summer season is used to establish the purpose of strengthening the general health of the patient and increase the fitness of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, stimulate the metabolism and improve the body's resistance to environmental factors.

The greatest use of swimming lessons are in the seaside resort and spas, located on the banks of rivers and lakes. Rowing refers to a group of applied exercises with a large exercise.

Physical activity is dependent on the intensity and pace of movement at rowing. Known expression of the power voltage placing increased demands on the circulatory system, breathing and strengthens the processes of tissue metabolism.

It should include the positive characteristic rhythmic movements to facilitate the implementation of deep breathing.

Periodic increases intra-abdominal pressure has a stimulating effect on the digestive processes. Rowing promotes movement in the joints of the upper extremities and the spine, strengthen the muscles in the arms and body.

The activity of the patient in the process is carried out in a clean, fresh, and ionized air saturated with water vapor, which increases the impact of recreational boating on the patient's body.

It should be noted also that in the exercise of rowing patient is in a favorable external environment (shifting landscapes and experience) that promotes the expression of positive emotions. In the practice of physiotherapy by rowing competitions to refrain.

Boating should be used in the dosage form, taking into account the distance boating and availability change rowers. It is advisable to use the rowing short pause for relaxation and deep breathing.

The best time to practice hours are from 5 to 8 pm.

Golfing, swimming and boating recreation within physical therapy is used in the coastal resorts, sanatoriums and rest houses located near the water basins.
