Active exercises, relaxation exercises

 Active exercises, relaxation exercises

Exercises are actively engaged in the leading role in physical therapy. Active exercises should call all exercises except passive. Even if any small part of the movement is performed actively in the exercise, and the rest with the help of others, these exercises should be seen as active.

Due to the fact that the activity of the exercise affects the magnitude of the load received active exercises subdivided into:

a) active free;

b) using active;

c) with the active force,

d) for relaxing the muscle groups.

Free active exercises constitute a basic group of exercises used in physical therapy. They fully met the patients themselves (without objects, with objects on the equipment).

However, these exercises are performed freely (without the express power component). Their characteristic feature - the freedom of performance and dynamism - increases in patients with circulating blood and lymph circulation, helping to eliminate stagnation and creating a moderate strain on the patient's body.

The use of active exercise

Exercises using active are substantially facilitated views exercises for the affected limb. They are executed with the help of a healthy arm or leg of the patient or practitioner.

They are applied in all cases where reduced muscle strength and limited movement in joints of the affected limb.

Exercises with active force are characterized by a high degree of stress of the neuromuscular system. They are more difficult to create a relatively large physical burden on the patient.

Relaxation exercises specific muscle groups are a form of active exercise.

The ability to actively relax the muscles - are relatively more difficult to process than their power, as in life it is less exposed to development.

To develop the skill to relax muscles and used this kind of active relaxation. The use of these exercises is necessary in all cases where there is an abnormal increase in muscle or vascular tone, and when it is necessary to create conditions for a good rest working muscle group.

Muscle tone, without which it is impossible to exercise voluntary movements, in the human body provides a consistent spinal function, the medulla, midbrain and brain stem under the influence of the cerebral cortex.

The basis of this effect is a special property of the cortex of the brain hemispheres, called Pavlov plasticity. Therefore, in the process of physical exercise can be consciously and actively influence not only on the development of the movement, but also to the decrease in muscle tone and stiffness of movement.

Use relaxation exercises muscle groups advisable after exercise-related gain and voltage of individual muscle groups. These exercises can be used in different starting positions: lying, sitting and standing.

Thus, the supine position is mainly used to relax the muscles in the arms; in the sitting position used relaxation exercises muscles in the arms and legs, and standing - as the body and muscles.

The standing muscle relaxation is carried out by hand tilted body and leg muscles (alternately) - with support from the hands of the rail gym wall, headboard, etc..

Passive exercises and passive movements

 Passive exercises and passive movements

Passive exercises and passive movements are characterized by relatively passive condition of the patient when movement is accomplished by the efforts of Methodist or a nurse, but in some cases the patient.

Passive exercises and movements are characterized by relatively weaker physiological effect on the body of the patient, the more active exercises.

The use of passive exercises and passive movements

This kind of exercise is still enhances neuromuscular connections and the development of joint movement. Passive exercises are also used to reduce muscle tension, t. E. Relaxation of muscle groups.

Some passive exercise (for hands, feet) and can be carried by the patient: in addition, they are used on devices Mechano (Zehnder type) and in combination with massage techniques.

The extensive use of exercise therapy in active exercise does not preclude the use of passive movements, which are considered as an additional effect.

Passive exercise and movement is shown to apply to enhance the impact on the periarticular apparatus of the joints, causing extreme positions of flexion or extension with the help of outside force. They are also used in subacute polyarthritis of different origin.

The exercises shown to apply in cases where the patient's condition characterized by an increased tone of the neuromuscular system (hemiparesis, hypertension, etc.), And when no active movement.

Unarusheniyah motor function, which developed on the grounds of injuries of the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system. Passive movement should be used in the initial positions lying or sitting.

In the supine position using passive gymnastics mainly the joints of the lower extremities. For the joints of the upper extremities and the spine is more convenient to use passive movements in a sitting position.

Standing in the passive movements are not recommended.

Implementation of the exercises and movements

In carrying out passive movements with one hand Methodist fixes the proximal end of the joint, while his other hand in a calm pace and rhythm produces the movement of the distal part of the extremities, gradually increasing its amplitude.

At the beginning of the procedure, as well as the treatment is straight ahead direction, and then along the semicircle and circular depending on the shape of the joint, the direction of movement should be changed.

A prerequisite for the implementation of movement is perhaps the complete relaxation of the muscles exercised limbs.

Passive movements are used in alternation with active exercise.

Means of physical therapy, exercise,

 Means of physical therapy

Total assets systematization of physical therapy

Exercise constitute the main link is essentially a method of physiotherapy, with the help of which the therapeutic effect on the patient.

Physical exercise very much, and they are diverse in species and their effects on the body. In this regard, it is increasing the need for differentiated and their proper use in the methodical practice of physiotherapy.

Therefore it is very important to organize different types of exercise in order to use the most convenient in practice.

B basis for systematization of physical exercise can be put various principles: pedagogical, methodological, physiological, and others.

The physical therapy exercises are used to provide therapeutic effect on the patient, based on generally acceptable physiological responses are different systems of the body.

In this regard, the most important principle of systematization of exercise for physical therapy is the physiological principle on which is built and below is the systematization exercise.

Exercise for the neck muscles include the free movements of the head in different directions (flexion, extension, lateral tilt, turn, spin).

In addition, the used resistance exercise, to turn on the power component dosed in order to identify a more pronounced muscle tension neck.

This kind of exercise is commonly used in the original standing and sitting in order to strengthen the neck muscles and the development or preservation of the mobility of the cervical spine.

Physical exercises for the muscles of the body combine different body movements performed actively and passively in different starting positions (standing, sitting, lying).

Movement of the body are carried out in the anteroposterior plane (flexion and extension), the side (lateral tilt), horizontal (rotation, rotation) and combined (circling the body, and others.).

This kind of exercise involves working the major muscle groups and thus to create an expression, and sometimes greater physical burden on the patient's body that should be taken into account in the dosing of the load in the procedures of physiotherapy.

Exercise for abdominals

Physical exercises for abdominal and pelvic floor muscles help to strengthen the muscles surrounding the abdominal cavity on all sides. This should include a variety of body movements in different directions (standing, sitting), and the move from a prone position to a sitting position in various ways.

Of great practical importance are exercises to strengthen abdominal muscles performed in the supine position with the implementation of foot movement (alternating with).

Physical exercises for the pelvic floor muscles include various movements of hips with a large amplitude, and the reduction of the thighs should be carried out with greater activity. In order to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles is also an active contraction of the sphincter of the rectum, causing both a reduction of muscles of the perineum.

Physical exercises for the leg muscles exercises are typical for large muscle groups. However, their use and can cause slight (bending the legs in the supine position) and large (squats, lunges, etc.) Exercise.

The practice is widely used walking as a simple and complicated, as well as running and jumping. To strengthen the leg exercises are used to overcoming gravity of the body, as well as on the development of the support function. These types of exercises can be performed lying down, sitting or standing, actively and passively.

The distribution of exercise on the basis of activity in physical therapy has great practical importance, since the degree of activity of the exercise depends on the value of physical activity.

In addition, active participation (in the patient exercises have to be dosed and methodically directed, depending both on its general condition and the nature of the applied exercise.
