Exercises c resistance

 Exercises c resistance

To exercise c resistance force characteristic voltage which runtime should be limited and metered. C resistance exercises are used in the initial sitting position for the hand muscle groups, yet often they are used in a standing position.

Application of resistance training

Application of c exercises resistance to physical therapy aims to strengthen the muscle groups.

As the extent of the power voltage, and increased involvement in the work larger muscle groups should be increased gradually.

Through these exercises can strengthen both flexors and extensors.

Thus, the exercise of overcoming the resistance at the time of extension of the hand, the work carried out by the extensor; exercise the same type of resistance in toing and performed by the operation of the flexor.

The ability to influence mainly on individual muscle groups (flexors, extensors, abductors, adductors) can be successfully used this type of exercise in all cases where there is muscle dystopia (paresis, contractures) or weakened muscle groups.

Dosed effort during exercise with resistance accompanied by increased contractile function of the heart muscle that allows you to use these exercises to strengthen infarction (injury circulation, circulatory failure I of a degree).

When you exercise with resistance necessary to regulate breathing, since the force violates lung function, causing it to delay and straining, making it difficult for the heart.

Therefore directly after each exercise with resistance must be used, or relaxation exercises muscle groups, or breathing exercises.

Known emotion of this kind of exercise, especially when the group holding them in a playful way (with a rope, pole, etc.), On the positive side characterizes the resistance exercise.

Exercises items and shells in physical therapy

 Gymnastic exercises, articles and shells in physical therapy

Various objects and projectiles

In physical therapy and gymnastic exercises are divided on the basis of the use of objects and shells on:

a) without objects and projectiles,

b) with objects,

c) on the equipment.

Such a division of gymnastic exercises and practice their use is justified.

Various items and shells are used in physical therapy and to enhance the (complexity) of the exercise, as well as his relief.

Therefore, when applying physical load items and shells in some cases increases and the other decreases.

The shell is also used for support during exercise.

Exercises (without objects, with objects and projectiles) the nature of the implementation vary from the most basic to complex exercises. Exercises without items and shells.

In physical therapy gymnastic exercises with objects are widely used. The most common subjects are: gymnastic sticks, clubs, dumbbells, balls (tennis, stuffed and inflatable), meditsinboly and others.

The use of physical therapy these items primarily aims - to diversify used gymnastic exercises.

For example, to develop the function of motion in the shoulder joint It increases the load on the body in this kind of exercise.

In the same line there is also an increase in the load on the rail fence foot gym wall (4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st) or chair rail gymnastic bench, on the floor.

Indications for use of thrusts roughly the same as a mixed Wisam.

Application visov stops and the effect on muscle antagonists is necessary to alternate, and at the individual states (contractures, limitation of movement, paresis, etc.) To selectively apply or visy or stops.

Exercises on balance, to maintain balance

 The function of balance, balance exercises, maintain balance

It is known that the function of balance is important in life.

This function in different individuals can be expressed in different ways.

When certain diseases:

vascular lesions of the brain,

hypertension with vestibular disorders,

Meniere's disease,

vestibular and other neuroses.

function equilibrium is broken.

For development use special exercises on the balance of the body, which are divided into two main groups:

1) the exercise of a broad footprint (floor) and

2) exercise on the narrow footprint (rack gymnastics benches, horizontal beam, and others.).

Exercises broad footprint (floor) are the most widely used in medical gymnastics and used both on-site and in the movement.

How to maintain balance

In a standing position on the ground is complicated by a decrease in the function of balance footprint: legs apart, the main rack - feet and socks together, the stop on the same line, one foot ahead of the other, stand on one leg and others.

Further complicating the process of maintaining balance in the exercises is also determined by the movement of the body, causing the displacement of the center of gravity of the body in relation to the area of ​​support.

As you walk along the line or rail gymnastic bench complexity achieved by changing the position of the hands; arms outstretched to the side, at the waist, or front of the chest to the shoulders, on the head, pull up. Position hands outstretched to the sides, facilitates balancing of the body and therefore it is most available to perform to maintain balance.

The change in the position of hand in the direction of upward increases the center of gravity of the body in relation to the area of ​​support, and this caused less stable position.

The physiotherapist this type of exercise is widely used for development in patients having important applications.

As specific exercises are used in all cases where due to disease or injury it is broken.

Exercises of throwing the ball in physical therapy

 Throwing the ball

In the practice of physiotherapy exercises are used throwing the ball (rubber and volleyball), meditsinbolov, grenades. The most widely used exercise in throwing the ball and catching balls and meditsinbolov.

Preparatory exercises for throwing the sword is rolling balls or meditsinbolov.

The procedures of medical gymnastics exercise in throwing the ball in various ways: from the usual throwing chest, over his head between his legs and others.


Tossing meditsinbolov puts a heavy load, determined by weighing meditsinbola.

The exercises are also used in various embodiments:

throwing and catching up,

throwing of a hand to hand,

with a bang on the floor,

with a bang against the wall, and others.

Keep in mind that the exercise of throwing large balls are made sick easier than with small balls require more coordination efforts.

It should be noted that the exercise at the same time are also exercises on the coordination of movements.

Every throw is a need to determine the distance to the target, to take into account the severity of the form and throw objects (balls, grenades) and, accordingly, should be proportioned force and amplitude of movements of the hand to the distance to the target, the form and severity of the throw objects.

Only then Item Dropped hit the target when all these elements are coordinated movements.

The physical therapy exercises are used for the development of the function of motion in the joints of the hands and hand function, and to improve coordination.

Throwing the ball is also used to enhance the emotional content of training and development of skills in throwing and catching.
