Exercises to develop coordination

 development of coordination of movements
Development Coordination

Exercises for the development of motor coordination should include those with which you can gradually complicate the requirements of the neuromuscular system, the implementation of various movements.

Taking into account that different patients insufficiently coordinated movements, during the first days of treatment is the most simple exercises - individual exercises for hands, feet, body and head.

In the future, in order to promote consistency of coordination complicate the exercise.

Exercises to develop coordination of movements can be used both on-site and in the process of movement.

In the latter case, the hand movements (unilateral or versatile) combined with the rhythm of walking.

For the development of motor coordination exercises are also used with objects (gymnastic stick, maces, ball etc.).

Exercises to develop coordination procedures are widely used in therapeutic exercise with patients suffering from various diseases and injuries of the central and peripheral nervous system to the presence of ataxia, the so-called functional disorders of the nervous system, and in all cases where the broken motor coordination.

In the practice of physiotherapy exercises are used in throwing balls (rubber and volleyball), meditsinbolov, grenades.

The most widely used exercise in throwing and catching balls and meditsinbolov. Preparatory exercises for throwing a rolling balls or meditsinbolov.

The procedures of physiotherapy exercises in throwing balls in various ways: from the usual throwing chest, over his head between his legs and others.

Games table tennis, volleyball and tennis

 a game of table tennis

This game of table tennis in recent years has been applied much wider. The presence of certain dimensions of the table and set to play: net and rackets with balls, do not cause organizational difficulties.

Playing table tennis is cultivated all year round and not seasonal.

As a sports game of table tennis has a relatively high demands on the speed of reaction and coordination of movements, causing a certain tension of the nervous system.

The presence of a pronounced mobility in the game of table tennis makes a considerable total body burden. Given that the majority of patients, play table tennis, players are not highly technical and not used in the game all the features of its technology, the overall exercise with the usually moderate, that allows the use of physical therapy in the game of table tennis.

It should be noted that the game of table tennis promotes responsiveness, accuracy of movements, coordination, and other qualities.

Playing volleyball

Have quick and active movements, jumping, flapping hands, tilts and straightening of the body, short runs, hit the ball and so on. Characterize the variety of movements, which takes place in the game of volleyball.

In addition, you must consider the presence of positive emotions of joy, a common interest of participants in the game volleyball victory obsession that promotes teamwork play.

Despite the fact that the game is characterized by a rather large exercise on the body involved, yet it is widely used in physical therapy, especially in the spa care of sick and holiday homes.

If you want to play volleyball can be dosed by reducing the amount of physical activity (reducing the height of the grid, including breaks, the use of breathing exercises and so on.).

The game of tennis

The game of tennis more complex and more load than volleyball. Large load a game is determined by: the greater the value of the site than in the game of volleyball, a smaller number of participants in the game, the smaller size of the ball, the presence of bats, increases the length of the lever, the faster the flight of the ball.

Because of these features of the game of tennis It places high demands on its participants in respect of responsiveness, agility and coordination, endurance, and high technology games.

Tennis requires a specially equipped playground.

For beginners to play tennis and not enough trained people play It can be dosed by limiting its duration, reducing the area (doubles without corridors), the introduction of pauses and others.

Playing tennis should be preceded by study of patients racket strikes the ball and the total preliminary training participants.

Mobile and sports for exercise

 Mobile and sports exercise on the body

In physical therapy and sports mobile games are regarded as a set of physical exertion on the body, characterized by the presence of positive emotions of joy. Various mobile games and sports are physical exercises with a greater or lesser load.

The impact of mobile and sports games on the body

Mobile and sports activates different muscle groups, increase the activity of the circulatory apparatus, respiration, and increase metabolism. With mobile and sports games uses Application exercise - walking, running, balance, throwing, jumping, climbing and others.

The positive side of the games is that they have no continuity of effort. Periods of relative voltage alternate with pauses of rest, so that the duration of mobile and sports games can be lengthened without affecting the health of the students.

Joyful and positive emotions that arise in the course of the game, stimulate the functional activity of the body and create favorable conditions for the rest of the nervous system from the monotonous kind of physical and mental work. Games on the spot - sedentary and mobile - are included in the group of physiotherapy treatments.

Particularly important is the use of games in children's health care institutions, as well as spas and resorts. With curative tasks in the practice of physiotherapy is advisable to use a variety of sports games.

Sports games in their implementation are making a lot of excitement, much to the behavior of participants, toning their neuro-psychic sphere and the solidarity of the whole team. The advantage of sports games are also holding their outdoors and a pronounced pattern of positive emotions.

Recent stimulate the functional activity of the body and create favorable conditions for the patient to relax the nervous system of the professional activities. In physical therapy are used only by those mobile and sports games that do not make patients much physical stress and are not technically complicated.

Sports games, exercise on the body during sports games

Sports games in physical therapy are as follows: 1) cricket, 2), bowling alley, 3) towns, 4) table tennis, 5) Italian rounders, 6), volleyball, 7) Tennis.

Such sports as basketball, soccer, water polo, hockey, etc., Because of the great physical strain on the body can not be used in physical therapy.

However, the elements of these games, such as throwing balls into the basket, the transfer balls bathing, throwing of a ball or the puck while skating, used in the application of physical therapy primarily in sanatoriums and resorts.

Croquet. Playing with a small exercise on the body contributes to the development of precision movements and the development of movement in the shoulder joints. Carrying it in the open air and allow to apply moderate load this game, even for considerably weakened patients.

Bowling Alley. In a game of bowling exercise on the body increases due to vigorous movements and arm muscles of the shoulder girdle. The density of small game, as the alternation observed in the cast (rolling) between the parties to the ball game. The game is widely indicated for a variety of patients under treatment in sanatoriums and resorts.

Townships. When this game creates a burden mainly on the upper limbs and shoulder girdle. The total physical activity on the body in the game of skittles is significantly lower than in the game of volleyball, and especially in tennis. When playing in small towns there is no continuity in the load, as the momentum of the relative stress in patients (throwing bits) followed by periods of rest, which affects the decrease in the density of occupation.

The game of skittles usually show great interest of middle-aged and elderly, who are less attracted to other types of games. This should be taken into account in the application of physical therapy as resorts and spas, and at doctors' recommendations.
