Influence of physical activities

 Influence of physical activities

Walking, moderately stimulating metabolic processes, blood circulation, respiration, has a restorative effect on the entire body of the patient.

Providing small and habitual physical activity, walking is a good physical exercise for middle-aged and elderly people, training and strengthening of the cardiovascular system.

Walking is shown applied to a variety of patients with health-building purposes (for diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory, metabolic, and others.).

In addition, walking is advisable to use for various diseases and injuries of the central and peripheral (the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system, when disrupted the process right away.

Walking in physical therapy is used: in the procedures of therapeutic exercises in walking, health path, excursions and close tourism.

Gradually strengthening exercise is achieved by increasing the distance, walking tempo with obligatory consideration of the terrain (uphill).

Running in physical therapy

Influence of physical activities

Unlike running distance of movement it is in a manner in which the body moves through the air for some time without a fulcrum.

Running uniformly developed body muscles, it trains the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the ability to generate deep and rhythmic breathing, increases metabolism.

Running in physical therapy procedures used in physical therapy for special assignments for general training. Most jogging apply rhythmic and dosage form.

The physical therapy is used mainly run with the aim of training the cardiovascular system, increase metabolism, the development of respiratory function and so forth.

Apply recommended to run only when there is a known patient readiness to physical stress.

Sport physiotherapy and walking are preparatory activities for the transfer of patients to run.

Seated exercise

 Seated exercise

High Gymnastic bench primarily used for exercises in the sitting position used in the physiotherapist to strengthen the muscles of the body and movement in the spine.

Horizontal log, installed at different heights, allows the use of exercise in a sitting position, exercise in mixed wyssachen and stops, corrective exercises, primaries for the development of motion in the hip joints, and exercise in balance.

An inclined plane is used for unloading and traction of the spine, and for her to exercise sacral-lumbar region, as well as corrective.

The physiotherapist of great practical importance and are widely used exercises in a sitting position, performed on a hard couch, an ordinary chair with a backrest and a rug on the floor.

So, on the couch are different exercises in the supine (on your back, your side, on your stomach), on all fours, kneeling both active and passive.

Exercises in sitting position on a chair is one of the most common medical gymnastics.

In the sitting position on the chair are various simple gymnastic exercises for the arms, legs and body, breathing exercises. In addition, the exercises are used to support the hands on the back of a chair, or with the support feet on the seat of a chair and several others.

It should be emphasized that the chair used as exercise equipment, is important in medical gymnastics. On the floor on a mat are widely used exercise corrective nature and restorative exercise type, exercise for the abdominals, spine and several others.

The above shells are used for medical gymnastics exercises in a sitting position, as in various diseases and disorders of movement on the basis of traumatic processes.

Exercise jumps and jumps in physical therapy

 Exercise jumps and jumps

When dealing with jumps must push off from the support area, overcoming the weight of the body.

In connection with this exercise jumps and jumps in physical therapy more easily performed by those persons who have less weight and better developed muscular system.

Jumping, involving the work of the major muscle groups of the lower limbs (mainly), as the exercise is usually carried out at a rapid pace, creating a heavy load on the main systems of the body, being at the same time difficult to coordinate the exercise.

In this regard, jumping more frequently applied in the classroom with children and young people or persons of mature age and limited - at employment of persons of middle and especially the elderly.

The use of hops

Jumping apply to:

general training of the body,

its toning,

of responsiveness,


in some cases for special effects (eg, in the conservative treatment of ureteral stones, in the absence of contraindications).

Jumping can be applied in place and moving forward, backward, sideways, rotating.

After jumps and hops should be used breathing exercises to reduce the total load.

The exercises on the equipment

 The exercises on the equipment, the use of projectiles

Specialists in the field of physical therapy designed a wide variety of shells, simple instruments and devices (rollers are simple and combined, beamsRehabilitation, lestnichki, block devices, staggered cylinders, etc..), With which you can enhance the development of the function of movement in different joints of the upper and lower extremities .

The use of shells

These shells, equipment and supplies - simple design, usually made of wood, most practical applications are in traumatic injuries of the central and peripheral nervous system and the musculoskeletal system.


Sports and gimnaticheskie shells in the application of medical gymnastics:

climbing wall,

Gymnastic bench

regular and high staircase,

inclined and horizontal ladder

horizontal beam,

inclined plane,

and gymnastic rings.

Widely used in the procedures of medical gymnastics, medical couch, an ordinary chair and mat exercises on the floor.

Exercise equipment as part of physiotherapy are used:

a) for a variety of methodological materials;

b) to enhance the overall exercise;

c) for preferential electoral impact of exercise on specific muscle groups and joints;

g) to facilitate the exercise.

How about climbing wall and on the inclined and horizontal ladder and the rings are widely implemented in mixed exercise wyssachen and stops, as well as clean visy and corrective exercises.

In the gymnastic bench can be successfully used a variety of exercises in a sitting position to strengthen the abdominal and back muscles exercises with an emphasis for feet and hands, and exercise in balance.

Visy and stops, pure and mixed visy and stops

 Visy and stops

By their physiological characteristics visy and stops are a group exercise, which is a characteristic element of the main power.

In physical therapy visy used in two ways:

1) clean visy

2) visy mixed.

Exercises in pure vise

When the net wyssachen entire load during exercise is carried out muscle groups of the upper extremities and the body. In other words, the weight of the body overcome the limited work muscle groups that are directly related to the movements of the chest.

When the net wyssachen thorax is fixed in a certain position, which often causes a delay of breath and straining. Recently, increasing intrathoracic pressure, slows inflow of venous blood to the heart by promoting expression of stagnation, especially in the venous system of the head and neck and in the pulmonary circulation.

Moreover, the very effort, expressed in sharp form, and the delay of external breath put the central apparatus of blood circulation in adverse operating conditions.

Therefore clean visy are of limited use in the framework of physical therapy. Their use is only allowed in the safe condition of the cardiovascular system.

They are used to strengthen and stretch muscles in the arms and shoulders, the development of the range of motion in the joints of the upper extremities, spine and unloading traction and in some other cases, if there are no contraindications of the cardiovascular system.

Using mostly occurs in fairly good physical development, in practice, corrective exercises with children and adolescents, with the restoration of the functions of the upper limbs, impaired on the basis of traumatic injuries, and others.

After exercise you must apply relaxation exercises worked muscle groups or breathing in order to reduce the overall exercise.

Mixed visy and stops

Mixed visy unlike pure performed involving muscle groups hands, feet and body with the mandatory seizure of projectile arms and support feet.

In this regard, the body weight is uniformly distributed on all muscle groups, it does not cause such a power voltage which occurs for pure wyssachen and respiratory function is not disturbed.

Mixed visy as creating a moderate strain on the body are widely used in physical therapy.

With exercise in mixed wyssachen can successfully strengthen the muscles of the arms, legs and body movement to develop in the joints of the limbs and spine, selectively increasing the physical burden on different muscle groups and successfully combine the rhythm of breathing movements.

Stops, as well as visy may be divided into pure and mixed.

Pure focus - focus on the backs of chairs, beds, etc. - Has application mainly for injuries of the lower extremities.

Mixed stops are frequent use. Unlike visov, strengthening the flexors, extensors of the stops to develop strength.

In physical therapy rests on the degree of physical activity become more complex in the following way: brushes stops on rail gym wall at shoulder level, chest; focus on the headboard of the bed, a chair, a table and an emphasis brushes on the floor.
