Ritmoplasticheskie exercises, rhythm and plasticity

 Ritmoplasticheskie exercises, rhythm and plasticity

Ritmoplasticheskie exercise. A characteristic feature of ritmoplasticheskih exercise is rhythmic movement and plasticity. These exercises can be performed both on-site and the movement is without shells, and with shells and objects (gymnastic stick, mace, hoops, scarves, flags, etc.).

Ritmoplasticheskie exercises include elements with objects without subjects. Some items are used as weights for exercise and strengthening individual muscle groups (dumbbells, meditsinboly).

Other items, such as clubs, are also used for the development of motor coordination; increasing the length of the lever with the movement of the upper limbs, they can develop in the best degree of range of motion in the shoulder joint.

Gymnastic stick allows you to use the exercises with the help of healthy hands and promote the function of motion in the joints of the affected limb symmetrical.

Gymnastic stick is widely used in correcting the gym to strengthen the muscles of the back, shoulders and chest.

Consistent reduction fulcrum arms and legs in a dance at ritmoplasticheskih exercises can significantly burden the circulatory apparatus.

Ritmoplasticheskie exercise characterized by roundness, softness and smoothness of movement.

For rhythm, plasticity, and more expressive movements must be performed to music.

Musical accompaniment during ritmoplasticheskih exercise has a positive effect on the neuro-psychic sphere concerned.

It facilitates exercises and subordinating the last musical rhythm, contributes to the development of motor coordination and motor skills education.

Ritmoplasticheskie exercise most shows for children and adolescents and to better carried out in women's groups.

Application ritmoplasticheskih exercises

Application ritmoplasticheskih exercise is desirable in cases where the need to reduce tensions neuro-psychic sphere, create a cheerful mood, distracting the patient from painful experiences.

Corrective exercises in physical therapy

 Corrective exercises

Corrective exercises or correct, these are exercises that strengthen the muscles of the body itself, especially the extensor system, arch spine in the direction

abnormal curvature of the opposite, and develop static and dynamic function of the spine and chest.

Corrective exercises are used to level the muscle dystopia between flexors and extensors.

Alignment muscle dystopia is achieved through corrective exercises:

a) predominant influence on stretching shortened muscles (flexors) and strengthening of the stretched and generally weakened (extensor cup);

b) the strengthening of all muscle groups involved in the correct position correctable part of the body.

The task of corrective exercises:

resist developing various strains, educate and promote good posture harmonious physical development of children and adolescents.

The indications for the use of corrective exercises are:

poor physical development,

curvature of the spine,

chest deformity,

incorrect posture,

flat and so on.

Systematic and purposeful use of the procedures of physiotherapy active corrective exercises used in accordance with the medical indications, is included in the concept of corrective gymnastics.

Ordinal, preparatory, introductory exercises

 Sequence exercises preparatory exercises

The character sequence of exercises

Sequence exercises have the character of disciplinary and educational value for patients. They help organizations of patients during medical procedures, group gymnastics and used at the beginning and during each session.

Sequence exercises promote discipline involved, raise emotions and allow you to perform a variety of exercises to rebuild on exercise. This kind of exercise has a practical significance.

Sequence exercises pose a moderate physical activity the human body, a key element of this exercise is walking. They also contribute to the development of skills to fulfill a collective exercise.

To sequence the exercises include: construction, rebuilding, disconnection, walking in different directions (bypass, circle, diagonal, and so on. D.).

In this regard, each group medical gymnastics procedure usually begins with a sequence of exercises that are also used when you change one section of the other treatments (rebuild).

It is desirable to music this kind of exercise if the hospital environment allows it.

Musical accompaniment of exercise along with the team, the show has the added irritation coming from the human environment. Music in conjunction with the movement of the movement becomes pathogen, facilitating its implementation.

Preparatory or introductory exercises

One of the characteristic features of the method of physical therapy is to implement the principle of gradually strengthening exercise in procedures of medical gymnastics.

To ensure this, the methodological rules, you must first use the most gentle exercise, accessible to patients and then gradually complicate them. This problem is a gradual retraction of the patient in increasing physical activity is carried out mainly using preparatory exercises.

Application of preparatory exercises

The name itself preparatory exercises indicates that their application prepares the patient to a higher load, which occurs in the middle of physiotherapy treatments. In connection with this preparatory exercises are usually applied after the first half ordinal procedure.

With these same exercises and possible decline in physical activity by the end of Physiotherapy.

It prepared the exercises include various basic exercises involving in active limited muscle groups and carried out in a calm pace and, therefore, the body of the patient lodging a little physical activity (individual exercises for the arms, legs or body).

These exercises are usually used in three major Starting position - standing, sitting, lying down.

The use of breathing exercises

 Breathing exercises, the use of breathing exercises

Breathing exercises.

Under the breathing exercises in physical therapy mean those exercises which promote education and proper breathing,

not showing large requirements to the patient, significantly stimulate the respiratory function.

Describing the breathing exercises, it should be noted that they must be simple in construction, not to cause difficulties for patients in their implementation and are not accompanied by a power voltage, since every effort inhibits and suppresses respiratory function.

Breathing exercises are carried out without any movement of the arms and the body (breathing exercises in a static), with accompanying hand movements and body (breathing exercises in the dynamic)

and stand as special exercises that contribute to the priority development of individual sections of the respiratory system and breathing phases.

Breathing exercises in physical therapy technique used in alternation with other physical exercises, under the influence of which is stimulated by respiratory function.

Breathing exercises in pure form in physical therapy is not used, as it causes hyperventilation.

The exercises are widely used in the application of therapeutic exercises for different patients, especially in diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
