Congratulations handler colleagues in verse


Colleagues, let us congratulate each other,
Our Profession, as air is needed,
About faithful companions do not forget,
Their role in our business very important.

Dogs flair helped us often
Clues to find or out on the trail,
He hopes in vain to hide the perpetrator,
Get away from the punishment - no chance.

Let weekdays harsh, and the holiday is not long,
And tomorrow we go back to the service,
Good luck to you and the dog, canine,
Can not you all, when you are together.

Congratulations to colleagues

Canine, my friend and colleague,
I wish you success
I congratulate sincerely want
After all, we are with you, shoulder to shoulder

We stand on guard outside the law,
We have no reason to complain,
And it's true we are dogs,
Against a criminal attack,

Dog footprint will certainly
Will detain enemy.
Over the years, our friendship is growing,
I wish the promotion of the service.

It has long been known to all citizens,
With such a service in the Interior Ministry there,
There, people and dogs are honest,
And their services to the people are countless.

Always ready to help, if needed,
Not knowing the rest, serving seven days a week,
We congratulate their canine service
From all my colleagues, friends and family.

And let the fate of them, like in the movie old
Everything goes fine and go!
There is a dress like Glazichev with Mukhtar,
So under the protection of our people!

Poems dog handlers with the holiday

Today, celebrating the day
Kinologo division.
Dog handlers, all bow to you,
Love and our respect!

You are protected by law.
You faithful dog is always on duty.
Gala composed hymns
Dog-a Human friendship!

Happy dog ​​handlers colleagues

Today is the handler, your day, my friends!
Health, happiness, vitality, I wish all of you.
Occupation handler is not suitable for everyone,
Only the brave and trustworthy are successful.

Dog to dog handlers - partner, a loyal friend,
And together - is power! And they know everything,
That man with the dog calm and peace are.
Thank you guys for your hard work!

Congratulations father cynologist

The Pope has come from the service very early.
I did not come alone. He brought Burana.
I hugged both of them, said: Congratulations!
Health service and a great desire!

I ceremoniously Buran extended his paw.
Shepherd for a long time partner with the Pope.
Huge, beautiful and loyal dog!
Shiny fur and velvet nose.

Severe Service dad with Buran -
They are at the customs barrier and protection.
Today, they have a legitimate outlet.
Today Buran play with me!

Someday I grow up I finally
And I will cynologist like my father!
I bring up your dog perfectly
And become worthy of my father's change!

Poems friend cynologist

Our friend - dog handler and his
We are happy to congratulate the holiday.
Not waiting for confession he awards
Jobs - happiness for him.

The service dog, the hero of the movie,
Yes, it is admirable!
Smart and brave, he, no doubt,
Heather, he is resolute, but ...

In the shadow of the man was,
To all this dog is required,
With whom it relates faithful friendship,
Whom he will not betray ever.

In the scenario - car chases, fights.
But looking through the eyes of another dog,
After a handler credit
The actor's "star" of the dog.

Beautiful congratulations investigator 2014 verses

 congratulations investigator


Happy investigator I congratulate,

Colleagues you! So let us drink to that

Never to have not disappeared,

No insight, no skill, no sense!

The profession we have chosen, I will not deny,

I think it is not important,

Let not easy to have to sometimes

But devotion to helping friends,

And being at the hundreds of cases in captivity,

Logically, we find all the answers,

It is subject to us (How? I do not understand)

Any competent to give advice.

Congratulations in the verses colleagues


Profession in the world there are so many,

What's even hard to count ...

But the investigator exactly the most rigorous,

Always ready to help you escape!

And after him today in this celebration,

We do not skimp on the words we want!

Let the sun shine your beautiful light!

Let it be your way easy and simple!

Let them always worked well!

Let add up all the wrong you ...

Let all be always beautiful, foldable ...

May happiness always goes on the heels!


Always at all worthy of dignity

Only the investigator - the best friend of the people!

It gives us a lot of days of calm -

Not hide from his eyes the villain!

And the feast of the soul from the huge

I want to sledokov for everyone,

Salaries more worthy award

And all of their catch criminals!

Let your experience at work helps you!

Let the luck in the age of the trail goes!

Let them always just always enough!

Let cool in the life of a very lucky!

Verses with the day in 2014 another investigator


I want to congratulate my friend, you,

Marked be this bright day

A good glass of sparkling wine

In the circle of colleagues. Happy investigator!

You're a detective - Hercule Poirot and Pinkerton,

In one face and Sherlock, and Migre,

Tremble bandits, lowering tone,

And impudent lie, not laughed at you.

You're defending the truth and order,

Let tremble with fear "fraera"

And may your path is thorny, and the bread is not sweet,

But friends are able to opera.


The investigator the most beautiful

In the light of article, it is necessary to work a lot ...

But we know this man

And we are on friendly terms with him and a lot of good!

And this professional holiday

We would like to wish success to the work of the ...

Let thy work shall be interesting, ingenious

There is always, like on autopilot!

Let every respect, strong values

Your achievements and your contribution to the huge ...

Let everyone in the world will certainly believes

What are you best investigator and modest!

Congratulations friend


I congratulate the inspector!

My friend, I'm proud of you!

Guess the mystery, the argument version -

I envy your work sometimes.

Tangle revealing intricacies,

Finer quirky mind,

You all amaze his tenacity,

Forgetting for a moment about the family and the house.

Let it be this day without incident

And glad you warm spring,

Do not forget, girlfriend, in your business

The fate of the people on the tip of the pen.

Happy investigator favorite guy, man


You accept, love, congratulations,

No quiet life with you,

I wish you luck wish

On this day - the day the inspector!

I know, once again rush to the identification,

Perpetrate criminal interrogation,

That fear of losing consciousness,

Everything is as it is, to answer the question.

Because of the alleged evidence

And logical guesses choosing

You have reached this level,

What Zheglov Tomin and "rest."
