Congratulations on the day the security services in verse



As you know - your service

And it is difficult, and invisible.

But however, the integrity of our

We trust you wholeheartedly!

We appreciate your preparation,

And the desire to protect,

We respect the mind, skill!

Living next to you, do not grieve!

Homes will let cozy,

At work, even easy!

With you let go simultaneously

Happiness, joy and love!


Strength, courage, bravery

And patience sometimes.

That thieves, poor fellows

Get round

If you are next to me,

I relaxed and light.

Do not look stern look.

I was lucky to be with you!


Security berezhesh you

Protected you are my dream.

From troubles me save you

The enemy will also be surrounded.

I wish you in the holiday

Save your soul rest!

You're my best guard!

The path you have chosen difficult!


Security guard

You stand and day and night,

Do not even penetrate a mouse,

You saw her shadow.

On this day, let me congratulate

And good luck wish

Let colleagues will praise,

And bosses - to improve!


Today we are pleased to congratulate

Guys that secret cherish.

Take the medals and awards,

But their faces were not recognized.

Bandits held at gunpoint

Kept secrets of the whole country.

All are engaged in serious business

Super Cool guys.


Holiday mysterious,

Holiday mysterious.

Very responsible,

Very decent.

Major honors

Services serious.

Defenders of the world,

Defenders formidable.

Thanks guys,

For courage and honor

Your services

No one does not find.


This day is full of mystery,

It is a holiday at the soldiers,

Whose victory have become a major

Memory for all fathers.

This service protects

Interests, nature, peace.

Citizens protect civilians,

Like an invisible hand.

Thank you guys

Residents of a big country.

All who once saved

Terror and war.


I congratulate on this day I want

Security guys, heroes and soldiers,

Whose exploits remain a mystery

For all boys and girls.

Let your coolness never end

Let your deeds will appreciate as quickly as possible.

Let your service all over,

The family and surrounded by friends.

Congratulations investigator in poetry

 Happy investigator

Day of the Interior Ministry's investigative agencies


This service is dangerous and difficult,

Give her the strength necessary to the full monty!

To understand who is right and who is wrong -

Not suitable guesswork out of place here!

His honor, we have to give you,

For cases rarely come to you dreams.

Day and night, day and night, even

Service is not an easy calling you.

I would like to wish patience,

That flaw in the work you do not know

Allow all things by themselves,

From the heads of thanks with a vengeance!

Most of detection, less crime,

Minor disappointments in life!

That family is waiting for you and loved,

And the fate of hard work appreciated!

An impeccable reputation and strength of spirit,

Only positive and kind of rumors!

According to easily climb up the career ladder,

With honor and dignity while staying!

The title came to you day after day,

All the barriers have become uneasy!

I hasten heartily, without delay,

I send you these congratulations!

Happy investigator in poetry


You day is special

I praise your profession!

Wish I want to

You always remember my love!

I congratulate you from the heart

Forget about the pain and fear

And you certainly wish

I have good luck in court cases!

Let deeds will not be violations

Just a lot of honesty, kindness

And many correct decisions,

And to hear warm words

Let your boss increases

A colleague love, cherish

Even though not often it happens

But even today, used once a year!


You are resourceful, quick and brave

Do you - dozens of cases!

All work, little sleep,

For computer sitting.

Distracted, let me congratulate

We'll get you in the April day,

We love you and praise

and you are not too lazy to download!

To solve all the problems,

Rake all cases

Let luck

The service will let sweet!


To life was easy

To appreciate high

To be respected colleagues,

To the authorities increased

To smaller grouse,

More correct ideas,

That work - six zero zero

Home to - always quiet!

Congratulations expert forensic MIA

 On the afternoon of Justice


On the first day of spring on a secret:

Why is it so bright everywhere light?

Unravel all criminologists:

Feast we celebrate them forever.

We forensic quick mind,

Clean hands and a fearless heart

Unlike the two prints

You can not be afraid of the consequences.

But when there are no more doubts,

Waiting to award the penalty.

There is one immutable advice -

Does not shine in what is not present of gold.

Secrets open with a bang

Any special experts from nature.

Tomorrow will be the same as yesterday:

Conscience, mind and honor of all the people.

Happy expert forensic MIA


Who does not remove the gloves,

Sitting in the hall for lunch

Revealing the secret of evil

And health with a neighbor?

Only a forensic expert

Do not tremble like a limpet,

Previous bulk darkest secrets,

The genius of experience online.

On the day of the spring greetings,

The most timid, most the first.

And in your luck,

And the fun you success.


Mighty taynolomov - experts

With power over water pipe, fire,

Native forensic

We congratulate them with a spring day!

Dangers meet without fear,

An open heart, a strong hand

Look for the right to the right, right of publicity.

But let justice salary pours river.


Happy expert - criminalist congratulate you, friends!

Luck, happiness, joy, luck

I wish you, For good luck

You are always accompanied,

Lest you ever upset,

To have always loved you and loved you are,

To our hard work has not been a hindrance than ever,

To every day as a holiday at work has always been,

To encourage your bosses,

Premiums issued a large,

To the happiness of your way not ever get away,

Happy expert - criminalist, gentlemen!


On this first day of spring light,

We celebrate the day of the expert - criminalist us.

I wish that the work has always been lucky,

Correct, if not, how else?

We are an important service in the police bear,

Any examination quickly - in time we perform,

For us there is no other work better,

In any case we will find clearance

Criminal matter, we will help you uncover,

In another simply can not be.

In forensics we are always the first,

Happy expert - criminalist, gentlemen!


Who will reveal any business?

Who will fulfill all skillfully?

Who is the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

Who is working with the police and friends?

Who is it, the question is?

This expert - criminalist!

We work for you,

Do not forget to congratulate us!
