Congratulations on the day the tax inspectorate in verse

 Congratulations to tax


Do not judge too harshly,

Those of us with picks tax

It depends on the tax

The condition of roads,

Training children to school,

The defense of the entire country,

What the doctor you prick,

So, still needed

These people believe that the

State tax

Let the force applied,

To those who could not pass it.

This hard work,

But, for the benefit of the whole country.

The generals and the "infantry"

We have to congratulate you!

Happiness to all, and a long life,

Do not get sick and do not suffer,

And holy duty

In your souls save!


If you dream of the night,

What is knocking at your door,

Tax police,

That should be waking up to decide,

Income share with her,

And after vengeance fun,

What worse could happen.

But you have helped to fix it,

On the right path you send,

And how now do not congratulate,

All those who collect the tax,

And fees to the budget sends,

A fair - surely knows,

What he congratulates,

People that protect the country,

From those who hide income!

Author Vladimir Komarov


Employees of the Tax Inspectorate,

I made you an audience!

We heartily congratulate cordially!

The thing is that I know very well,

How do you feel about serious violations,

And this is a matter of respect.

In reporting hover orders,

Not greedy nor to bribe or bribes.

Perseverance to achieve justice

And does not descend debtors - natural persons.

And rightly so. Let him behave decently:

You pay taxes and sleep quietly.

I sincerely wish you good luck

In solving the problem!

Health, happiness, faith in your success!

Today you relax is not a sin!


We'll sincerely and cordially congratulate!

As for the work, you know:

Frankly fighting for each coin

With the purpose of filling the budget.

As a reliable support of the state

You do not tolerate corruption, embezzlement of public funds.

Your opinion we respect,

Because do know:

The experience, painstaking and mobility

Ensure the stability of the economy.

New you victories and achievements,

And good relations with the people!

Laughter, joy and optimism

For the improvement of the body!

Author Lyudmila Kusturova

Congratulations OCD in verse

 Congratulations OCD

Castomer units to combat organized crime


Every weekday - in work,

Every day - the fight against evil!

You guys UBOP,

Speakers shield!

From criminals - store,

Saves you our sleep!

The terrorists - on the way,

But OCD - armed!

Super-fast guys!

Vigilance, always - strict!

Our life you trust,

Do not break through to our enemies!


In nature, there is a date,

What makes tremble,

Criminals and terrorists,

OCD - we congratulate!

What super-ous!

What staffing!

We give you all greetings,

Criminals awe-inspiring!

Be healthy and rich!

Let there will be no troubles,

And you're lucky to live;

Continuous actions you - men!


Corruption and terrorism,

Criminals are always full,

And the crimes and misdemeanors,

Here, everything has already been determined!

Criminals do not need to think,

What will smooth all of them,

Guys with terrible UBOP,

Snack disappoint them!

OCD - the keepers of the law!

So it will be forever and ever,

Let them be the best in the world,

Their actions and their words!

We wish you a serious OCD,

In his career, in life and in business!

And each comes Star,

The hour of truth and life, and minds!

Author Valeriy Petrovich


Our country has had many situations

The pride which has grown rapidly,

But there have been cases of sad variation

On the subject of crime, crime and evil.

A glass of champagne for those people raise,

Organized crime who are struggling right now!

Without their efforts, we just all die,

In their day worship for safe time!


Organized crime is terrible -

To spare no one capable of it.

It's like a slow deadly bomb

Rush everything within the horizon.

However, not visible in our lives, they -

Fighters with groups like shadows formed

To ensure peace and more days

Gone from the threat away, away.

The profession of the day is not easy, dashing,

I wish you all to go home!

Health miracle have very strong,

And the happiness of the family to enjoy the time!


Organized crime as not to be seen!

Excellent job peace activists and right!

And on the day you have to give up the profession

We would like to stand and shout in unison to all of you, "Bravo" !!!

Author leskoo

Congratulations police in verse

 Congratulations on the Day of Police


Happy to congratulate the police

I have long dreamed you,

To truly glorify

And I wish good now,

Lest you forget

About the family and about the friends,

That crime is reduced!

Lung and successful days!


Do not you afraid of the city at night,

Not terrible crime in broad day,

You - the guys are not simple,

You always come to the rescue!

Congratulations to the police together

We wish all of you today,

Serve Motherland idle, obediently,

Be like the best sons,

To come back from work so proudly,

If you save the whole world,

Your service is always matchless

And each of you our idol!


Happy Police today

I congratulate you, dear colleagues!

Suppose that every day and every hour

You will not have to run the service,

Let calm will be the day,

Let zero crime

Will forever, without any problems,

Work will let Easy!

And, of course, let us

The salary will be, uh, great!

Happy Police I have

I heartily congratulate all!


My dear, happy police!

For me - you are the best hero!

You're like a long tradition of worker

Protects in cold and in the heat!

I wish you a success

At work, in the service of yours!

I wish to caress, cordiality

At home, his wife!

Author Alain


Police! A lot of sense in this word!

It is important in this, and all that,

That the protection of our children,

In spite of everything!

Congratulations Eagles!

You - the defenders of the people,

And you rush to the aid,

Immediately trembling fiend!

Protected our peace,

From attacks and enemies,

He knows because anyone and everyone,

What guys - be healthy!

So let you be strong,

And health, and honest!

Well, we raise a glass!

You - all of us really need!


He knows everyone,

Police sniveller - no!

Here all like the selection,

In spite of all the enemies!

So congratulations to you guys!

Right, follow morality,

The hard you work,

From her you're tired!

But that's because - bad luck!

We have no - no way!

State of you - good luck,

We are all good friends!

Let the service - will be sweet,

And do not be evil and misfortune!

Let's career - will be a joy,

And live - for many years!


Happy police, friends!

Holiday - should be fun,

And not to celebrate - not!

This holiday - school, too!

School of Life and Good Luck,

Will let you steeper,

Steeper than the oligarchs

Well, how do without gifts ?!

You get from us,

Wine and delicious pineapple!

That award has appeared in time,

This here is - is another matter!

Be all you optimists

And sometimes - realists!

Good luck to all and good luck,

There should not be anything else!

Author Valeriy Petrovich
