Congratulations on the Day of Migration Service

 Congratulations employees Migration Service


You work hard in the FMS,

Road opens in the world you are mortal,

Sometimes administer human destiny,

So let your luck will not forget.

Career will grant you success,

And your house full of happy laughter.


Thank you dear,

What is all the way open to us,

You will never be forgotten,

For immigrants because you like gods.


Let your employees hardworking

Wealth will be easier to find than rye nivah,

Let the sweet balm of happiness,

It sheds light in the soul temple.

Thank you for your service without looking back,

Sometimes you work for no charge,

Day and night, you make a decision,

So let not visit you will never doubt.


I congratulate all the employees of the migration service

Because you organize around the world friendship,

For the fact that you sometimes at night is not will close eyes,

Listening to immigrants the same story.

Let the luck will shine you every moment,

And you too will feel the happiness in the moment of touch,

We need you, so you do not let them get bored,

The work done in one sitting.


I am glad that there are people in the world,

That always help, prigolubit,

Support, help give the right,

In a strange deliver us comfort.

Thank you dear, FMS workaholic,

Perhaps you are tired, the poor man,

I wish the rest, wealth and love,

To the right were all the way.


On the Day of Migration Service,

We wish you happiness,

And for those who dream of a better,

Let luck overnight!

Suppose you do not leave hope

And joy will fill your home,

And we firmly believe in you,

Thank you for your work and home!

Poems congratulations police precinct

 Our local


Today the sun from behind the clouds looked warily.

Today was going to rain, but did not go,

After all, every police officer in his area

By the day of the district brought poryadochek

And this celebration of courage and strength

I would like to (like b) The family wish to:

So that on the shoulders and in the sky you light

One large, the general's star!

On the day the district police!


This, however you - dear police

We know all the troubles in this country

But looking at today in your lovely person

I want to dissolve all the problems in the wine

After all, you do not spare neither strength nor health

Just to keep the civil peace

But you relax, at least today,

Allow yourself to forget about everything

So let the shivers unlucky swindler

Let the hands of the thief will rise up,

Otten punishing sword on the necks

And at the right time, he will overtake you all!

Congratulations in the verses


Once the windows light goes

And the darkness will pitch

As soon as he is on the whole site

Tonight will not fall asleep

And our people let him sleep peacefully

And not afraid of nights,

After all, our divisional inspector

Always willing to help in trouble

Well, today we are all together

In the seventeenth day of November

The lovely holiday police

You will be generously congratulated

Good luck, peace and good to you,

Patience, courage and strength

All divisional our brave

The people gave a smile

And though the people of adversity

Promise to pay you for your work,

I wish you to work less

Well, today, relax!

Author Alex Zinovkin

Humorous congratulations Police

 Congratulations to the police


My husband - a brave police officer,

He is at the service of the day and night.

And not afraid of everyday life,

And the proud dad of a daughter.

Let bypassed woes,

May be shorter shifts.

Let the police workaholic

Will be like Superman!

Let your salary increases

If the dough with yeast,

There will be more sausage,

In family carousing!


Do you have a holiday today,

You are, after all, dad, our hero!

I, the favorite son of tricks

But dad i mountain.

You are on duty per shift change,

Protected our peace

Crime And you wall

Beat the good of the sovereign.

On this day, let annually

Congratulate all my friends.

Rank grows let annually

And here's a gift from me !!!


You, my brother, a police officer!

And proud of our family,

And zakalochki Army

Full of your darling.

You're smart and brave enough

To pacify the violent fervor

Our citizens prosper,

Just what are you sad?

Soon rank will increase,

Do not be sad, do not be sad!

Powers will not exceed,

All will observe the law!

Light life wish,

And prosperity - over the edge!

Let you all respect,

In the shower let blooms in May!

On the day of the people's police,

Wishing the good days.

And good service level,

Bright, festive lights!

Day of district 2014 date, history and traditions

 Day precinct

At the forefront of the fight against crime and offenses should service district. It was on this unit has a big part of the duties that are associated with the work of law-enforcement bodies from the ordinary citizen. Resolute authority of civilians living in the area, vigilant fight against crime and other violations of law are the basis of the service.

Day precinct police in 2014 , The date of the holiday, the number that mark history

November 17, 1923 for the first time approved the instruction "Precinct officers." This date became the starting point of the existence of the most important service of the Interior today.

November 17, 2013 marked "The Day of the district" law-enforcement bodies of the Russian Federation.

The district commissioner of police carries out an extremely wide range of rights and duties of officials. Prevention in the area, work on the complaints of tenants with noisy neighbors, the resolution of family conflicts, the fight against alcoholism and drug addiction, control of accounting entities, compliance with the rules of walking animals and proper parking of vehicles, control of legislation in the sphere of the consumer market, a little part of these duties.

All this underlines the importance of responsibility and service, which depends on the functioning of the safety pravoporyadochnyh citizens, the state of public order and the implementation of the constitutional system on their territory.

In every region of our great state, "Day of the district" is celebrated in different ways. Different contests professionalism and skills, the results of which are awarded prizes and valuable gifts.

Merit and performance of the employees are encouraged and rewarded. Is awarded certificates, awards and appreciation, given the special ranks, badges and medals awarded. Also that day Congratulations honorable veterans service.

Features of the service district, district police officer

Often, the precinct is forced to work in spite of the weekend or holidays, and later in the day, regardless of personal time. Since such specifics of the family members of district should realize this and be in solidarity with the high-performing debt.

It is also important on this day to an employee of the Interior felt his reliable rear, which can always be relied upon in difficult circumstances. Strengthen the prevailing tradition in the service team.

At various times post and the agency had different names. The district overseer, district police officer, police precinct, and now time-precinct police. Office is going through fundamental reform. However, the district has always been, is and will be a representative of the law on the ground.

Always it may be necessary to risk their lives and endure the hardships of life, for the sake of peace and peaceful law-abiding Russians. Regardless of job title and department, work will be important and significant, but the result will be the respect and acceptance among the population of the administrative area.
