Congratulations police officers in prose

 Police Day, congratulations

On this day, many of them will be on his own, quite frankly, the line of duty, because enough of those who want to live in harmony with the law and is going to do much harm to our citizens. We congratulate the police in prose for their hard work to protect our order.

There are people who all his strength, all his knowledge and experience, and even his entire life is given to the preservation of peace and order, for the safety of thousands of their fellow citizens, in order to preserve the normal rhythm of life and order in the country.

Name these selfless servants - police. All of us one way or another faced with these courageous people, all of us have an idea of ​​them - someone they have saved from trouble, someone gave good advice, someone remembered them in an emergency.

Official congratulations prose police colleagues from his superiors


On this festive day, police officers greet their superiors in rank and colleagues. Only together we will overcome all obstacles, defeat any evil, together we can keep the comfort and tranquility in the country. Experience and knowledge of gray-haired officer in conjunction with the savvy and energetic young ministers of the order will help stop the evil and depravity, abomination, and the cynicism and illicit crime.

And if there's trouble moving to the threshold, it sounds an order of the High Command, included flashing lights and a siren, suddenly mobilize the rank and file and the heads and rush into the night, to help to prevent crime and violence, to return to society harmony, peace and stability.

And our police officers have the experience and skill, will and ingenuity, a willingness to fight evil, violence, disorder and insolence, has quality, used for many years at the custody order and tranquility of peaceful citizens.

There courage and unselfishness, have the discipline and the willingness to defend, there is a desire to see the happy smiles of fellow citizens, friends, colleagues, children, wives, mothers, fathers. For all of them, they sacrifice their vacation, his calmness, and sometimes even their lives.

Congratulations to you, dear colleagues!


On this day, our brave policemen congratulations and recognition of the most expensive and the wishes of the beloved and expensive - friends, loved women and faithful wives. We are your valiant women know well especially the police service, we have experienced many hardships and inconveniences associated with this hard work.

This we accept every phone call with alarm, since such a call could again disrupt the rhythm of our lives, can again carry the darkness it is not known how much the husband and father.

And we can only wait and worry for you, waiting for any news from the invisible front struggle against evil and crime, do not sleep at night and wait, wait, wait. This is what we coddle and educate your children, tell them about your noble work, we raise future defenders of the country.

It's us, late at night, after putting the kids, drop a tear and think about you, When sewing straps on his coat. The double burden on our fragile shoulders, a burden with which we usually manage.

And in each award, which is now shining on the chest of our brave police officers, there is a grain of our heroic, everyday heroism wives and girlfriends. Congratulations on the day the militia (police)! Our deep bow to you and respect you, our infinite gratitude and appreciation, our love to you, dear police.

Congratulations police in prose


Police work is not easy and often quite dangerous, fraught risk and unexpected accident. And what qualities one must possess to honorably get out of any difficult situation, at first glance intractable dilemma, stop wrecking everything in its path offender.

Next to you on this day of your friends and acquaintances, people you have saved from disaster. They are proud of you, they thank you and wish you success in your valiant work. In difficult times, you can count on them, you can call them for help.

Lift the glass, dear friends, and wish our fearless cop endless heat and the incredible wealth in the souls, warmth and wealth in their homes. Happy holiday, dear, Happy militia (police)!

May success and luck accompany them always, and be eternally young, their hearts, even joyfully, with the flame burning their eyes, let them at least once a year, in their professional holiday phone calls would bring them only greetings and no unpleasant news of the crime, or mess!

Many Happy calm and joyful day for many, many years!

Day of police officers in 2014 date in Russia, Ukraine, history and traditions

There comes a professional holiday of defenders of public order in our cities, towns and selah.Etot holiday has a rich history. Back in 1715 during the reign of Peter I was set up service, which is engaged in the protection of public order. The name of this police service.

In 1802, under Alexander I in the Russian Empire started its activities Ministry of Internal Affairs. The main objective was to establish and maintain peace of mind, to ensure fire safety, develop roads, monitor medicine-mail. But in 1810, the Ministry of Police came from the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Interior of the Russian Empire.

Militia Day holiday history

"Police" comes from the Latin word «militia», which means army. Created police in the USSR in 1917, the authorities of the People's Commissariat is November 10th. The police could only serve those citizens who have reached the age of 21 years and recognized the Soviet government formed and having the right to vote.

The next stage in the history of the police was to sign a decree on the creation of the Soviet workers and peasants militia. Then, in 1920 it adopted the position, strengthens the education workers 'and peasants' militia. For a long time the police was part of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs. Since 1946, the police is part of the Interior Ministry. In April 1991 the Russian Federation passed a law "On the Police", and in 1999 it was amended.

Police Day - the police in 2014 Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, the date, the date when notice

Creation of a workers' militia was November 10, and determine the date of the celebration of Police Day - the Day of the employee of the Interior of the Russian Federation.

However, in some CIS countries, the date is different.

For example, in Ukraine Militia Day in 2014 is the date on 20 December. In 1990 December 20 the Verkhovna Rada considered and adopted the law "On Police".

In Belarus the holiday is celebrated on March 4th. In 1917 Bolshevik Mikhailov MA He was temporarily appointed chief of police.

In Kazakhstan celebrate Police Day on June 23 in Tajikistan - February 6.

Despite the fact that the holiday dates are not the same for each country, this day has a history associated with it important events.

Also in Russia celebrate Day of September 2 patrol police.

Feast day of police - police, law enforcement renaming

Everyone knows that the first in March 2011, police in the Russian Federation ceased to exist. This day was the official date of recreating the police. Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Abkhazia is also preparing for the renaming. Does this mean that now will be celebrated Police Day?

Interior Ministry expressed its unwillingness to rename this day. They offer the new name of their professional holiday - Day of law enforcement officers. This project has already been opened for discussion.

Holiday traditions

The holiday has its own traditions, which have developed over many years. Whatever the name, they will be respected in the future. It's really the most important holiday for law enforcement. On this day every police officer serving in dress uniform.

The city hosts concerts dedicated to the representatives of such a dangerous profession. And in the capital of our country annually organize large concerts with greetings, which are also broadcast on television.

Typically, the celebration consists of two parts: official and unofficial, or banquet. The solemn part of the mark in different halls or houses of culture, which organizes performances, sound congratulations and warm words, awarded prizes, awards to the best workers. Informal part of the suit to the discretion of the organization, preparing contests, congratulations, treats.

Police Day is always held fun and festive. Now the feast sure to keep all the tradition and atmosphere of the celebrations of previous years.
