Congratulations sms happy police short poems

 Congratulation SMS policeman


Today afternoon the police,

Daveshny police

I congratulate all of you

I wish luck to you!


I congratulate you

On the day the police

Stay healthy,

Let you luck in everything!


My dear, the keeper of the peace dreams

(Let the bully is responsible for the "goats")!

I congratulate you on the occasion of yours!

Never forget that you love me!


Happy Police

You, friend, congratulations!

We wish happiness to you,

Good luck in the righteous fight

And that would be more of you

Stars has settled on his shoulders!


Happy Police

I congratulate you!

Good luck in the service and in all

I sincerely wish!


Congratulations police!

Be happy, old friend!

It's greetings

from your friends!


On the day of the police to congratulate

I hasten to his friends!

Word for word fix

It is not replaced w them!

You are still all the same,

In his uniform

To protect the peace

Russians in your holiday!


The police have

You guys are just class!

Congratulations Congratulations,

All the best wish,

Lots of happiness and good luck,

To solve all the problems!


Congratulations Congratulations,

Guardians of the order, you rock!

Happiness, luck, health, wish,

To be proud of your fathers!


Happy Police

I congratulate you!

On this day, I have

I wish all the best!

That did not get to the hospital,

To help us all!

We congratulate the police on the holiday, thank you for your work

Congratulations on the Day of the Criminal Investigation

 Congratulations Criminal Investigation


Chases, ambushes, sometimes shooting -

The bandits are not asleep, and we are on the alert.

And we are not the first to fall into trouble,

Work in the CID - not lying on its side

Rejoice guys - now our holiday,

We note the date of hassle.

Weather spoils October-prankster.

Long live life and let us luck!

Happy employees of the Criminal Investigation


Endurance, mystery,

The danger and romance -

Hard work without a glimmer

And thousands of legends about opera.

Pripryachte Single militancy

Under grace-toast to stand on,

Employees of criminal investigation -

Heroes of the films.

Look forward to disclosures

Forget troubles,

It is necessary from the dashing chases

Once the rest.

Let a joyous occasion -

With a special holiday,

Reading aloud a verse of praise,

Congratulate someone.


Only the chosen can fight crime

In situations involving risk to life.

Only the mind and courage in their entirety

Despite the complexity, serve the Fatherland.

It is not easy to have exceptional endurance -

Only the best of the best picks CID.

Let break out in a glass of champagne sparkle -

They are today the country congratulates.


Employees of the Criminal Investigation humble bow -

We congratulate them on the occasion of today.

Firmly hold the perpetrators of our peaceful sleep.

We have quiet weekdays and weekends!

Congratulations to the operatives of the Criminal Investigation on the holiday and success in solving crimes !!!

Day of the Criminal Investigation Service and the songs our dangerous and difficult lyrics

 Day of the Criminal Investigation

Soon Russia celebrate Day of the Criminal Investigation Department, the song dedicated to this wonderful and difficult profession, employees of the criminal investigation department.

Song Our office and the dangerous and difficult


The author of the text, the words: Gorokhov A.

Composer, music: M. Minkov

Verse 1:

Hasha Service

And dangerous and difficult,

And at first glance,

As if not visible.

if someone

Here and there we have sometimes

Honestly I do not want to live,

So with them

We carry an invisible battle -

Since appointed

Destiny for you and me:

Service - Days and Nights.

Verse 2:

If somewhere

The man was in trouble,

We will help you,

We are always on duty.

Well, and if I had

Does anyone of us

Will also become tight,

Well, to each other

We do not come to the rescue again,

And not just warmed us

Heavyweight hour

The heart, the heart of another.

Verse 3:

Often we hear

Reproaches from relatives,

What Works

Almost seven days a week,

What are endless at times of separation,

Meetings -

Not for long.

Only again

Raises us from dawn

And taking away

The invisible battle

Hashe sense of duty.

Criminal Investigation Day song Our office and the dangerous and difficult

Day of the Criminal Investigation Department in 2014 in Russia, Ukraine, history and traditions of the holiday

 Day of the Criminal Investigation

Work in the criminal investigation is related to the constant risk, danger, it requires a person of extraordinary courage, determination, self-control, fortitude. The criminal investigation department is always working people strong and brave, capable of thinking outside the box, because the line of duty they have to deal with the most dangerous criminals, terrorists, murderers.

Day of the Criminal Investigation Department in 2014 , The date, the date when notice

Their professional holiday of employees of criminal investigation department in Russia is celebrated annually on October 5th.

In Ukraine this day is celebrated April 15 - Day of the criminal investigation department of Ukraine.

History of the Criminal Investigation Department originates from 5 October 1918, when the organization accepted the instruction of the Criminal Investigation and the Central Office of Criminal Investigation Department of the Main Russian police. At the same time in cities with a population of 40 thousand people have created bodies of the criminal investigation department for policing and criminal investigation.

History of Criminal Investigation  

However, the criminal investigation department existed in tsarist Russia and imperial Russia, occupying important positions in the composition of the police and the society and the authorities have always appreciated the work Russian investigators. Since Peter I signed a decree according to which detectives pledged to catch the thieves and criminals, and governors - to give them every assistance.

Give serious consideration to the then Criminal Investigation and the Catherine the Great: so it has allocated a criminal investigation into an independent institution, and in 1782 in all Russian cities were the police council, whose task is the protection order hearing civil and criminal cases.

When Alexander II in St. Petersburg was established detective branch of police, who used secret methods of work and was to disclose and prevent criminal offenses.

Subsequently, the police department detective appeared in other cities of the Russian Empire, but some of the control center had not yet been built. In 1908, the activities of the detectives was secured through legislation and created a system solely focused on criminal investigation.

Today, criminal investigation, perhaps, is considered as the largest and most important branch of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. His professional holiday of workers of the Criminal Investigation mark and Ukraine.

Formation of the Criminal Investigation Department are related to the adoption of the April 15, 1919 Decree of People's Commissars of Ukraine "On the organization of the judicial and criminal investigation department." Due to the increase in crime from the 3rd April 1920 created the Criminal Investigation Department in the police.

By tradition, the Day of the Criminal Investigation Department CID takes honoring veterans and rewarding the best employees. On television shows and movies dedicated to the hard and dangerous work of detectives.
