Congratulations SWAT prose

 Happy SWAT

Friends, co-workers dedicated


On this auspicious day, we congratulate you, the brave and valiant defenders of Russia.

There is not one person who would not hear of bravery, courage and strength of special forces soldiers.

You have a strong grip, instant reaction, a keen eye - all that is needed for a steel will. Homeland can feel safe when you're on the job.

We wish you a long life, may God bless you and your family.


Your tasks are easy on the sound, but almost impossible. You run the risk of their lives, because they themselves have chosen this path. You - unusual you guys - the elite of the country, you - our shield. Behind your back, we feel safe, because you - special forces. And just today, we wish you a lot of health, strength, long life.

Let your service goes without losses, let your mother's waiting for and believe in you, let your wife take pride in and are praying for you.

You - our pride.


Today we congratulate you, special forces. Today is your day. May it be filled with joy, fun and warm feelings in the same way as all the other days.

Thanks to you we are alive, thanks to your courage our children can safely walk to school. The enemy is afraid of you, because special forces invincible.

Let this bright day you luck!


What can I wish a person who is willing to lay down his life to protect their state from all kinds of dangers? What can I wish the boy who tells his peers to dream of becoming a soldier in the Special Forces? This dream is born in the hearts of the brave and not extinguished until realized in reality.

So we wish the well-being of our friends and fearlessness to celebrate the realization of their dreams.

Happy SWAT!


When throwing doubt and fear, pleading mothers and wives shoulder to shoulder, we are going to the most dangerous storm, when there is no way back and will lead forward to congratulate my colleagues, sister and friends on their professional holiday - the Day of Special Forces. Let us for many years to shine a guiding star of luck!


For many, this day is remarkable and different from others. But people close to remember about the danger posed to you, spending every working day, forcing relatives to pray for your return home. Behind you are not afraid to live, you're protected from unseen danger.

On this day, let me congratulate you on your professional holiday - the Day of Special Forces, and wish that every day you hear the laughter of children, protected you.

Happy Holidays!


Nearing the date of the creation of a century of your profession, but we also live and enjoy life. Thank you for what you are, an employee special purpose units. On your shoulders the care of our country, our land, and joy.

Suppose that every single day you will shine the flame of gratitude and love in our hearts.

Happy SWAT friend!

Congratulations on the day tax service in verse

 Congratulations tax

The professional holiday Day of Tax Service of Ukraine celebrate on July 2 in the Day of the Russian tax authorities of the Russian Federation are celebrating the fall of November 21 in Belarus in 2012 the festive date falls July 8

Festive Greetings dear colleagues, employees, friends, on this wonderful holiday, best wishes, and tax inspector in verse


At the dawn of the history of power

This service creates Prince Oleg,

And since then, though much has changed,

It serves the state for many years.

All of us - especially people

After all, anybody - do not take,

Who got - not able to be

In this selfless work!

Day and night they stand on guard

Valuable state treasury,

Who is the payer - there does not matter:

After all, the budget anyway.

Oh, viva, the tax office!

Storehouse of rare footage of gold!

This should be a good day to congratulate

All-all-all of your employees.

After all, they, work, do not forget

About his work, and in a dream!

Often, sleep and rest do not know

That the total wealth was in the country!


What is unique about our service,

And the country, it is important -

There does not need long to explain,

About this country knows.

He does not like people to pay taxes,

So why something happened ...

Next we carefully and strictly,

To all grow together in the budget.

Work it - is not easy,

We are now, as of old,

With people, who fails to comply with the debt

... We carry a paper war.

Let this day care

Forget everything immediately,

Come, tired from work,

And the glass of foamy pour!

To our good health,

Children happy eyes,

To fill with love

Native eyes and voices!

For labor, our everyday lives,

And for colleagues that everything - friends!

Let the sometimes difficult,

But on another, we - not!

Author Inga Arteeva year 2012

Day of Russian spetsnaz 2014, the date of holiday and history

 Day of Special Forces

We all love watching exciting movies commandos and listen to stories of their exploits. It seems that these people - just a figment of someone's imagination that such brave, strong and fair in real life just does not happen.

But there are such people. They live among us, next to us.

Special Forces Day 2014   in Russia, the date, the date when notice

It's no wonder there is a professional holiday - Day of Special Forces. Celebrating the Day of Special Forces every year, the date of the celebration of 24 October.

The commandos carried out the most dangerous and difficult job in the country: fighting terrorism, calculated saboteurs, hold special events in the enemy rear.


SWAT history begins in the turbulent revolutionary years. Then, in 1918, it was created by special forces. In these parts of the fighters were trained and training. There was a civil war only ended World War, there was chaos and confusion.

To restore order in the country and fight the robber bands in Central Asia, to soothe disgruntled uprising in Russia, Ukraine, the Caucasus - all of this was the responsibility of the fighters of special purpose. During World War II, August 3, 1943, a special operation was carried out with the participation of the guerrillas. It was the first example in world history of cooperation between the special forces units in several countries. In the days of the Soviet Union it was formed by the Army Special Forces.

And now it is the men who receive excellent physical and tactical training. The formation of a special forces of the FSB, the Interior Ministry, the Emergencies Ministry and other authorities. Each has its own paramilitary code name: "The Knight", "Russia", "Alpha", and others. Their main task is to provide security and order in the country.

Special Forces soldiers are engaged in the dismantling of criminal groups, releasing hostages and arrest dangerous criminals, and other special operations. In 1996, during a meeting with the Russian president, was asked to set the Day of Special Forces. And already in 1999 by Presidential Decree it became a state holiday.

Special Forces soldiers - people who possess special qualities, have a strong character and courage. They constantly have to work in extreme conditions of combat operations. It must be strong-willed, brave and courageous people to stand and not break under the DC voltage.

And their professional holiday they celebrate solemnly and in a big way. But the commandos do not forget and honor the memory of their friends and colleagues, who were killed on duty.

Therefore, first and most importantly, how to begin each celebration of the Day of Special Forces - is to visit the graves of their fallen comrades, placing flowers, a moment of silence and recollection. And further: the solemn meetings, concerts, congratulations, gratitude and reward.
