Congratulations verses district

 Congratulations verses district

Poems congratulations on the occasion of the Day of the Police precinct


Happy precinct we hasten to congratulate you,

To wish to be an example in every way!

And to say this, we want to add,

What we appreciate you, we love, we cherish!

With your hard work, we respect!

What fascinates us your military work!

We wish you good health

Let the heavens you cherish forever!

Let it be on site all right!

Let peace be entrusted to the area!

Let him run today riots

And let us presides over a century the law!


Authorized site you manage

And to protect the region against crime!

And now your holiday has come -

On the Day of the district sent a letter to the people!

And there in the verses to send congratulations

And wishes of happiness and luck ...

In the cases of more than fine!

Investigation is not dangerous!

May you continue to anxiously labored

That new titles achieved hurry!

That prowess has earned the respect of

And to always respect you had!


You precinct - a conscience, intelligence, courage!

You are the most important, who will bring order ...

You are not afraid of criminals gang,

After all, you are the law and conscience cares!

Happy district we want to congratulate you,

To wish success to the valiant work!

We would like to send all congratulations

In fact, so it was all in your hands!

To preserve our peace could boldly!

Work always be loyal!

Everything that we do is important to a hundred times!

Serve us as soon as many years!


Happy precinct Congratulations!

Let it be forever in a normal mood!

Let the troubles will never let you touch!

We wish happiness to plunge into the maelstrom!

That promoted to general you!

That life is better today became ...

To make it less troublesome work

And not touched troubles and worries ...

That joy you just worked!

That was not hard for you all!

So that you are always at work shine!

And never ever be discouraged!


Approved by the brave police

You bring order to the region ...

For us, your work must be an important,

After all, you all win as Stallone!

With crime you will put an end soon,

To sow peace, kindness, warmth and affection ...

You will undertake to find even a thief,

And all at once find him, even in the mask!

You valiant fighter in this holiday

Happy divisional congratulations ...

Let your glory will be a private method,

Which is to reassure the population!


You have many years as district

Labor, took care of us for the rest ...

And today, on this holiday again

Thank you for us is always a mountain!

Happy precinct Congratulations!

Glorified be your labor and business!

Let there be ratna your brave aspiration,

To calm living areas flowing!

Thank you for that signal

In the rush to call you every day ...

We want to get your General!

And that you do not perform the duty was too lazy!

Beautiful police congratulations on his birthday

 the policeman on his birthday


What the police on the holiday wish

In his wonderful light birthday?

So that he could shine brightly all around!

That was more happiness and luck!

That could all get a hundredfold!

To know the price of success and victory!

That was always the soul you are rich!

And he was happy, despite all the troubles!

To get to the post office!

That title was awarded for long service ...

That life was very happy with everything

And to all of you always loved!


With you, we are working together properly

For the benefit of our country great ...

So nice birthday today

We note a lot of fun, with a soul ...

You, as the police will congratulate

And wish happiness and success!

And congratulations better targeted,

That was not only the ills of life!

And so the title was given as a gift

Your birthday every year!

That there was no sadness, no sorrow!

So that was very, very misery!


Today is a holiday at all difficult,

After the birthday of a man

Who is willing to take a chance at once,

That police serve half a century!

And I want to wish to the birthday,

That was all in the life of your right!

To not have a drop to faint!

And in my personal life was smooth, smooth!

To ladilis always your deeds!

Service to bring only joy!

To love is always waiting for you

And to know you only the sweetness of life!


You serve the police for many years

And valor and courage shine ...

And after thee many victories!

You go through life hard, right step!

And here's your birthday today!

And this will be a holiday congratulations!

We wish joy sometimes

And that was a lot of luck!

That there was no sorrow, no problem!

To the chagrin was not in sight!

That was pleased with you always and all!

And a happy forever now!


Police celebrate birthday -

Will cover the table and call of guests ...

All accurately prepare food,

To celebrate the holiday fun ...

And so we wish him ready

Hope, happiness, peace and goodness! ..

That waiting for you a beautiful new case,

After becoming a favorite for your time!

Let it be at work all wrong!

Let superiors honors you!

Let them give for everything, for all the awards

And will always respect yourself!


At that time with great excitement

You happy birthday

Once again, we wish you to be,

I reached the main heights!

As a police officer to work nice!

To perform all the orders correctly!

To the house they respected and appreciated!

To tea in bed for breakfast brought ...

And to make friends for life helps!

That there was no sadness, no sorrow ...

To never ever not upset

And the best ever stayed!

Congratulations police officers in 2014

 Congratulations police


On this day, we congratulate the police,

To wish for all of you health!

You keep sacred tradition -

Day and night to protect our peace!

You and valor, and honor, and consciousness!

You - honesty, conscience for us!

We appreciate you always necessary!

And we wish you now,

To always promise you a fortune,

That you were lucky age!

The fate of the life you love,

After all, you are the hero of the miracle man!


Militia Day - a holiday special,

After all, we must congratulate the people

With organized crime

BEAUTY and many days and nights!

They want health today,

To snap them strength to work!

Surrounded be love!

Let forever will not be trouble!

Be the best among equals century!

Be full of happiness forever!

Do you want to work only martial!

And at the heart of this spring!


You run the risk of him sometimes,

Defending us in danger!

In this holiday is now torzhestvuete -

Congratulations to please you!

May you always keep providence!

Let's say you're happy forever!

It will normally always the mood

And you love yourself forever!

Let everything go well in your work!

Let the family will be eternal peace!

The joy will be any worries!

And always stay yourself!

Never, never sad!

Be the first only in labor!

The Militia Day milestone please!

And wishes become everywhere!


In a beautiful shape to serve the law,

We are defending everywhere and anywhere!

Let no place in the life of evil

And only the best will in the destiny!

We all have to congratulate the Police Day,

And wished joy in destiny!

That there was no sadness, no sorrow ...

And he was always calm, always in the family!

To quickly obtain the title!

That was just a lot of awards!

That you are living only won

And everyone was always immensely pleased!


Make sure you have the implementation of the law!

You - justice, valor, honor and mind!

You all have idols of millions!

And you can add to the triumph of the heart!

We sincerely congratulate you today

With perfect your holiday now!

We Militia Day you sincerely wish,

That was a joy and a day and every hour!

To never ever do not be sad!

That you were wise consciousness century!

That homeland desperately served

You - an extraordinary man!


Risking their lives, observing all the laws,

Are you looking for criminals is encouraging ...

You are here in the land of millions!

And we congratulate you today fluently!

And on the day the police did not spare words

To wish you the best in life!

You will be happy again and again

And each will let impeccable!

Work and enjoy life!

The profession of desperate love!

And the best stay in the profession!

Criminals all-all overfishing!
