How to cook stewed apples for winter recipes

 stewed apples

Despite the wide variety of drinks and juices in stores, we still want to indulge in a tasty and healthy drink without dyes or preservatives. And this drink is. This home-made fruit compote. Compote can be prepared from any fruit or fruit mixture. I would like to offer a few recipes for apple compote.

Apples - a storehouse of vitamins. Even if you prepare compote, they are not to lose their properties and flavor. To prepare compote of apples is necessary to choose ripe fruit durum, not perespevshie (perespevshie turn to mush).

First you need to clean the apple peel, remove seeds and cut into 8 pieces. Therefore several options for homemade apple compote in the winter.

Recipe 1. Classic compote of apples

To prepare you will need:

- Water - 1 liter
- Sugar - 200 gr.
- Apples - 5 pcs.

How to cook:

To prepare apple compote, first clear the apples and cut into 8 pieces. In a saucepan pour the water and pour sugar. Boil until sugar is dissolved and add the apple. On medium heat, boil the apples in the syrup for 5-7 minutes.

As time expired in sterilized jars lay apples. Syrup bring to a boil again and pour the apples. Close the lid and roll up for the winter. The upside was allowed to cool under a blanket.

Recipe 2. Apple compote with wine

This option compote of apples is not recommended for children because it contains alcohol.

To prepare you will need:

- Apples sweet and sour varieties - 1 kg.
- Water - 1 liter
- Sugar - 250 gr.
- Dry white wine - 100 ml.
- Cloves - 5 pcs.
- cinnamon stick
- With half a lemon peel

How to cook:

To begin, wash and clean the apples. Prepare the sugar syrup. To do this, pour water into the container, add the sugar, cloves, cinnamon stick and lemon peel. Boil and throw apples in syrup. Boil for 5-7 minutes.

In sterilized jars lay apples. Syrup bring to a boil, add the wine and cook another 10 minutes Strain the syrup and pour them apples. Cover and sterilized for 3 minutes. Roll up the banks in the winter and put upside down to cool under a blanket.

3. Recipe Stewed apples and rhubarb

For this option compote need:

- Apples - 1 kg.
- Rhubarb - 300 gr.
- Water - 1 liter
- Sugar - 300-400 gr.

How to make:

To prepare apple compote with rhubarb syrup downloaded the cook (in a container, pour the water and sprinkle the sugar, boil for 10-15 minutes) and sterilize jars. Apples are clean, remove core and cut into 8 pieces.

Fold in rhubarb and apples jar and fill halfway with cold syrup. Leave for 6-8 hours. After pour syrup up to the top and put on sterilized 45-55 minutes. Close the lid and roll up for the winter. In the upside-down set to cool under a blanket.

4. Recipe Stewed apples and grapes

For this option compote need:

- Apples - 4-5 pcs.
- Grapes - 1 handful
- Water - 2 liters
- Sugar - 400 gr.

How to cook:

To prepare compote of apples and grapes, wash first banks and prosterizizuyta. Apples and grapes good wash and go through that was not spoiled. The bank laid the whole apples and bunch of grapes. Prepare the syrup. For the syrup in a container, pour water, add sugar and boil for 10 minutes.

Pour hot syrup cans with apples and grapes and immediately cover with a lid. Put sterilized for 15-25 minutes. Rolls for the winter and put upside down to cool under a blanket.

Blueberry compote recipes canning for the winter

 Blueberry compote

Blueberries have long been famous for its healing properties. In this jet black berry contains a huge amount of vitamins and essential trace elements to the human body. In this article you will find recipes for the winter is very tasty and healthy blueberry compote.

Besides, the berry has exquisite taste and harvesting of blueberries on the subject of winter zealous pride of every housewife. It is often cooked blueberry compote. This drink is great thirst quencher, tasty and good for health.

Recipes cooking blueberry compote few. They differ among themselves the technology of preparation for the winter. Here are the most common.

Recipe 1. blueberry compote without sterilization

To prepare compote of blueberries will need:
-700 Grams of blueberries;
-polkilo sugar;
-liter of water.

Blueberries cleaned of dirt and leaves. Crushed and damaged berries are thrown, and the remainder was washed with running water.

In an enamel bowl pour the water and allow it to boil. In boiling water poured prepared berries, add sugar and cook for 20 minutes.

Thus prepared compote poured into sterilized jars and roll for the winter pre-boiled lids.

Banks roll over down the lid, check for leaks and leave until cool. The cooled compote should be stored in a cool, dark place.

Recipe 2. Blueberry Compote sterilization

In this recipe the blueberries do not cook and sterilize directly into banks. This method allows to preserve all useful qualities of blueberries. To prepare compote this need:

-chernika - 1 kg;
-saharny sand - at the rate of a pound per 1 liter of water;
-water - 1 liter.

The prepared fruit is placed in clean sterile jars to mid-volume. Next, prepare the syrup in such a way: in boiling water poured sugar, ensuring its complete dissolution.

The syrup was brought to a boil and remove from heat. Banks with berries put in a water bath, pour hot syrup cooked, cover with sterile lids and sterilize. Sterilization time is dependent on the volume of the can.

Sterilized liter jars for 10 minutes. For a half-liter cans will be sufficient to 5 minutes. After the sterilization time banks tightly roll the winter and turn up the cooling.

Recipe 3. blueberry compote with sugar sterilization

If this method does not prepare the sugar syrup and sugar is added directly into the bank.

-Berries blueberries - 350 g;
-saharny sand - half a cup;
-water - 1 liter.

Blueberries are washed, sorted out and allowed to drain excess water. Half-liter sterilized jars and lids. Blueberries put in a jar, sprinkling layers her sugar, pour hot boiling water and cover with a lid.

Sterilize the jar in a water bath for 10 minutes. Then the jar sealed for the winter, check for leaks by turning the lid down and hold upside down until it cools. The cooled clean container in a cool, dark place.

Blueberry compote cold winter remind sunny summer, and berries encased in the summer sun energy, lift your spirits and add health.

How to cook compote of cherries for winter recipes

 compote of cherries

The article describes in detail how to properly cook a delicious summer fruit compote of ripe cherries in winter, different recipes for canning blanks.

Probably there is no such person who would not like summer. During his hot days, a large harvest of fruits and berries, with the feeling of fairy tales and children's dreams.

Winter is coming, and begins normal for this time - the blues and depression. It is at such moments of magic will help greetings from sunny summer - a small jar of cherry compote. Cook it very simple. And the ways of cooking and recipes - a lot.

1. Recipe Stewed cherries with pits and lemon juice


-Spelaya Cherry - 1 kg;
-Saharny Sand - 600gr;
-pure Water - 5-6L;
-Sok Of 1 lemon.

Cooking method:

1. From the water and sugar syrup should be prepared. For the ignorant - the water is poured into a deep pan, add to the same sugar. Put the pan on low heat, stirring constantly, and cook the syrup.

2.Speluyu cherries need to go through, remove fallen leaves and twigs. After that, be sure to rinse it under running cold water.

3.Vishnyu fill in syrup and put on a slow fire. To bring the compote to a boil, then simmer for 5-6 minutes. Before the end of cooking, add the juice of one lemon, it will give a special flavor compote.

4. Ready compote pour into sterilized jars and roll for the winter.

Recipe 2. Delicious compote of cherries without sterilization

There is another way. Its peculiarity is that it is not necessary to use sterilization, which largely saves time.


-Water Net - 3-4 liters;
-Vishnya Mature - a full 700-gram bank;
-Baking soda;
-Sahar Refined - 400g;

Cooking method:

1. First of all you need to pay attention to the purity of the cans, which will go under in the compote. It is vitally important - or more than a week, they would not stand. Therefore, it is necessary to each jar and rinse thoroughly cleaned from dirt using soda.

2.Vishnya should be washed and shelled. Needless to say, that the bone remains inside the berries (this compote over time, only more delicious), but leaves, sepals, and various residents move around the bark of a cherry, must necessarily be removed.

3.Dalee in a pan of water is placed refined sugar. And simmered thoroughly dissolved, and then brought to a boil. It will be a syrup.

4.Paralelno a large pan of water warmed by steam empty cans - short for 5-6 minutes.

5. As only the syrup is ready, you must do the following operation. Cherries put in hot jars and pour nearly boiling syrup. After that, the bank must close the lid pretreated cover with boiling water and roll, seaming machine for the winter.

6.Ostalos quite a bit. Jar of compote must be turned over and put in a dark place, but not on the floor. Let substrate will be, for example, an old blanket. Top compote is also desirable to cover. And left alone, until cool.

This is such a simple way you can prepare aromatic and delicious compote of sweet cherries, which can then be not only on weekdays to try, but also on the festive table to put in front of guests. Everyone will enjoy - be sure!
