How to cook stewed plums on winter recipes

 stewed plums

The article describes in detail how to properly cook a tasty and useful compote of plums, good recipes for winter preparations.

Plum - a fruit with a great taste and health benefits. The high content of vitamin P in the sink helps to strengthen blood vessels and reduce high blood pressure. People are prone to constipation, so the fruit is soft and will not cause addiction.

The positive qualities of plums not disappear even after the heat treatment and prescriptions harvesting of this fruit in abundance. Dried plum, cook from it preserves, canned, make candy out of it and cook compote.

Stewed plums retains all the taste of the fruit and medicinal properties. Consider a few recipes for the winter compote of plums.

Stewed plums with seeds without sterilization

This compote is the easiest to make, however, it is not subject to long-term storage, because after years of storage of the seed starts to separate hydrocyanic acid, which can cause poisoning. To prepare compote, you will need:

-slivy - 1 kg;
-saharny sand - 1kg;
-water - 9 l.

How to cook fruit compote

Plums are thoroughly washed in running water and sorted. Wrinkled and overripe fruit discarded, otherwise they seethe in the cooking process, and compote lose its attractive appearance.

Also, throw a plum with signs of spoilage and insect damage. Failure to do so may result in fermentation and spoilage compote.

The three-liter sterilized jars placed plum so that they filled cans and half is poured boiling water up to the top. Banks are allowed to stand for 15 minutes to draw.

Then the water is poured into cans of enamel saucepan, add sugar and bring to a boil. Boiling syrup poured into the banks and the banks immediately roll pre-sterilized caps for the winter.

Hot cans inverted lid down and leave until cool.

Stewed plums with seeds sterilization

Compote, undergone sterilization, it is better kept, since all available on plums microflora killed by boiling. However, if sterilization is destroyed more vitamins and such a beverage is less useful. So, to prepare for the winter, we need:

-slivy - 1 kg;
-saharny sand - the rate of 400 g per liter of water;
-water - 1, 5 liters.

Washed plum sorted out, the skin prick with a toothpick, so as not to burst and fruits for 3 minutes immersed in boiling water. Then removed with a slotted spoon and plums are laid out on the banks.

It is best to use a half-liter and liter jars, as banks more difficult it will be scope to achieve uniform heating of the fruit.

The water poured sugar and bring to a boil. Fill in jars with plums hot syrup, cover with sterile lids and sterilized in a water bath for 10-15 minutes.

Stewed plums, pitted for the winter

The principle of the preparation of stewed plums, pitted the same as plums with seeds without sterilization. The only difference is that the bone before laying them in the banks are removed.

For this plum was cut in half and separated bone. Halved plums are placed in banks cut down to the top and pour the boiling sugar syrup and roll. Here are recipes for the winter.

Compote currants on winter recipes

 Compote currant

In early childhood, many have tried to sweet-sweet currant jam. Almost every garden growing in neat rows of trimmed bushes of red, white, or black currant.

However, few people know that the currant also obtained remarkable compotes that with the right preparation will please all members of your family during the entire cold and snowy Russian winter. Next recipes preservation of delicious compote currants for the long winter.

Recipe 1. compote currant piece with sprigs

This recipe will delight those housewives that do not like messing with a long shuffling berries. And the surprise is that the currant laid in banks with branches. And it is absolutely not lose its wonderful aroma and flavor.

So, the necessary products:

-Svezhesobrannaya Red currant - 450gramm;
-Sahar -350gramm;
-Water Net - 3litra;
-Vanilny Sugar - 1 package;

Cooking method:

1.Pochistit currants still have. It is necessary to rinse it under cold water, remove the spoiled fruit and leaves pozhuhshie. Berries but should be left on the branches

2. Banks are sterilized beforehand. And already sterilized jars can be stacked berry compote if needed for richer, up to 1/2 of the banks. If more dilute - it is sufficient to close the jar 1/3.

3.Vodu need to boil and pour boiling water laid berries. Then to "rest" for 40 minutes currants.

4. The cooled currant vodichku need to pour into the pan. To this was added sugar, and stir it beforehand, put the pan on low heat. The syrup is brought to a boil and then boiled for 5-7 minutes.

5. In a jar with berries need to add a bag of vanilla sugar. Then pour a boiling sugar syrup and then close the lid sterilized for the winter.

6.Banku with ready currant compote must be turned and put on a blanket in a dark place until complete cooling.

After the compote to cool and infusions, he has a bright beautiful color, and no less bright and juicy taste with a little sour.

Recipe 2. currant compote and fresh apples

Currants (red or white) is not only a full-fledged component of many recipes, but also a great component. It is perfectly combined with lots of fruits and berries. Because it turns out such a wonderful compote of fresh apples for the winter.


- Apples "White filling" - 10shtuk;
-Smorodina -700gramm Red and white;
-Saharny Sand - 1, 5 kg;
-Water Net - 10 liters.

Cooking method:

1. Apples are thoroughly washed, cut into quarters and remove the stem and seeds. They are not useful. Thereafter, the apples must be cut into small pieces.

2.Svezhesobrannuyu currants rinse under running water, dry and clean of twigs, berries damaged and withered leaves.

3. The three-liter jar wash with baking soda and rinse thoroughly. Then sterilized.

4. In the sterilized jars stacked layers of apples and red and white currants.

5.Otdelno in a saucepan, mix water and sugar. Stir well and bring to a boil.

6. The need to pour boiling syrup into jars with berries and apples. After that, banks roll up metal covers for winter turning upside down and put in a dark cool place.

Delicious and memorable currant compote with apples ready. Bon Appetit!

How to cook compote of raspberries for winter recipes

 compote of raspberries

Malina has not only excellent taste but also brings great benefits to the body. The article suggests recipes and detailed description of how to properly cook a delicious compote of raspberries for the long winter.

Briefly about the benefits of raspberry

Well-known fact is the ability to reduce the temperature of raspberry and to combat viral diseases. That's why a good hostess trying to stock up on this wonderful berries for the winter.

From her cook a delicious jam, and frozen fresh raspberries with sugar. Another way to preserve the unique properties of raspberry compote is canning for the winter. So, here are some recipes for this fragrant and useful drink.

Concentrated raspberry compote

To prepare compote of such need is ripe raspberries and Freshly. Before you roll it in banks, you need to go through berries, worms and remove debris. Then thoroughly wash and leave in the tank to excess water glass.

How to cook fruit compote

A detailed description of the recipe. Prepare three-liter jar, they need to wash and sterilize. Fill 1/3 of the banks raspberries and pour boiling water. Next you need to leave the bank for about 30 minutes to let raspberry juice in water.
Then pour a drink from the jar in a pan, add to 300 gr. sugar and boil. The syrup should boil for three minutes. Then turn off the fire, and after about 8 minutes, pour liquid back into the jar.

If syrup is not enough, you can pour boiling water into the jar so that it was filled to the brim. And, you can roll up the bank iron lid for the winter. Compote must stand still for 24 hours and "walk."

Ready concentrated raspberry compote stored in a cool and dark place. He is divorced with water, that is, of the three liters of the concentrate obtained 6 liters of this tasty and raspberry compote.

Raspberry compote "in haste"

For this recipe we will need 1/2 kg of sugar and 700 grams. raspberry garden. Berries in a sieve and add up my good running water. We leave briefly to excess water glass. Then laid in three-liter jar raspberry layers.

Each layer of berries poured sugar. Next, pour the hot raspberry and sterilize water for three minutes. The temperature during sterilization should not be higher than 80 degrees.

Classic compote of raspberries

To prepare such a compote prescription take 1 kg of sugar, 3 liters of water, and 1 kg berries.

This recipe is fairly simple. Raspberries need to pre-sort out and wash. Then the water and cooked sugar syrup. The resulting syrup, add the raspberries and simmer for about 2 minutes.
Berry took out the syrup with a slotted spoon and put into jars. Thereafter, the syrup was readjusted to reflux and poured into jars. The resulting compote tight-fitting lid and put on storage for the winter.

During the preparation of raspberry compote syrup hostess recommend adding a couple of slices of lemon - it will improve and refresh the taste.

Recipe compote "raspberries with red wine"

To prepare compote of this original recipe will need:

The water - 1, 5 liters, raspberries - 250 grams, wine - 100 ml, as well as a bit of citric acid. In a boiling water, add sugar and citric acid. The resulting mixture is brought to a boil. Then iterate fresh berries, wash in cold water.

We put raspberries in banks and fill it with the syrup obtained. In the finished compote need to add red wine, tightly close the jar and put in storage for the winter.
