A simple way to prepare compote of nectarines at home, a detailed description of prescription blanks of conservation for the winter.
Peaches - the most juicy and delicious fruit that not long ago appeared on the shelves of all the country. He received as a result of breeders who wanted to get a peach with smooth skin. In fact, very similar to the peach nectarine both appearance and taste, but it is sweet, fragrant and delicious. The skin remained the same smooth, and some scientists have tried to achieve.
His remarkable properties of nectarine perfectly
suitable for winter harvesting, such as jam, jam and compote of course - one of the most delicious drinks.
To recall the warmth of summer in the winter, be sure to prepare compote delicious nectarines.
Got bruised, thirst quenching and flavored drink, which will be anyone to taste. Seeing this dish, be sure to ask how to cook at home. The first step is to thoroughly examine what the ingredients and recipe.
Prepare in advance all the necessary ingredients to the cooking process did not have a problem with the lack of one or more of the ingredients and do not have to go to the store and buy everything you need. The next thing to do is prepare well and put all the kitchen accessories.
The cooking compote helps you detailed instructions describing a prescription. If you want to experiment, you can add or remove any product. Having done all of the description, it's easy to remember cooking compote and cook in a subsequent memory.
Experiment, and then cooking will please not only you but your entire family. Do not forget to calculate the caloric any product in order to stay healthy and beautiful.
Preparation of compote of nectarines
not much different from other fruits and berries.
Prepare the following ingredients:
Water is 2-3 liters;
400-500 grams of sugar;
Nektariny- 1-1, 5 kg.
A detailed description of the preparation of nectarine compote
In this recipe, we suggest that you prepare to sample a few jars, and a year later you close to many more of these cans. This compote recipe is very simple and does not require any sterilization, everything is quite simple and fast.
Carefully read through the recipe of nectarine compote and go to the kitchen to cook.
- First, put an enamel pot of water on the fire, then thoroughly wash fruits and my jar.
- Nectarines must be whole and small, it is desirable that there was overripe fruit, wash them thoroughly and lay washed in banks.
- After the procedure done pour boiling water and close the lid for about 15 minutes.
- When's the last 15 minutes and take a jar of it back to drain the water into a saucepan, add the right amount of sugar and put the pot on the stove.
- Once the syrup is boiled, pour it into jars with nectarines and begin to roll covers.
- To check for leaks, banks need to turn upside down.
- Banks need to wrap up warm materials and leave to cool.
- Completely drain the willingness banks into the cellar, we can only wait for the winter to drink a delicious compote of nectarines.