There are many different recipes for domestic preparations made from tomato. Along with summer salads you can make different tasty salads in the winter that year round will please you and your loved ones. We offer you detailed recipes for tasty salads in the winter.
Cut tomatoes into slices, carrots rubbed on a coarse grater, chop the onion half rings. Next you need to add vegetable oil, salt, sugar, vinegar and pepper peas, bay leaf. Salad simmer just 1 hour. Then you need to be expanded into sterile jars.
Salad in the winter tomato recipes
The following recipe
Ingredients: Tomatoes - 2-3 kg, 1 kg of onions, bell pepper - 1 kg of parsley, dill, sweet pepper, cloves. The marinade: 3 liters of water, 3 st.lozhechki salt 7 st.lozhek sugar, acetic essentsiya70% - 1 desert.lozhka.
Preparation: chopped bell pepper, tomatoes, sliced, and onion - rings. Preparing the marinade: Add the water, salt, sugar and vinegar essence. Then boil for 15-20 minutes and allow to cool slightly. In sterilized jars laid layers of vegetables.
At the bottom put the parsley, sweet pepper, bell pepper, dill. cloves. Then Lay vegetables layers: a layer of tomatoes, a layer of onions, etc.
Pour the marinade is not very hot, add the tomatoes and 1 tbsp. spoon vegetable oil 1 quart
Cooking method:
Tomatoes must be cut into slices - 4 pieces, chop the greens on the frog grate garlic, hot pepper finely chop. Tomatoes mixed with vinegar, sugar, salt and spices. Do not add water! For tomatoes settled and gave the juice they need to cover (you can put the press) and a day in a warm place.
Liter sterilized jars for 40 minutes. after boiling. Then the prepared banks expanded tomatoes, which should be fully in the juice. Banks roll covers and put down. Keep the salad in a cool place. To spicing up the salad, you can add grated grated horseradish.
2. The recipe salad greens tomato noodles
Ingredients: green tomatoes - 3kg, onion - 1 kg of carrots - 1 kg of sweet pepper - 1 kg of sugar - 200 g, salt, uksus9% - 100 grams of vegetable oil - 0, 5L, tomato puree - 750g.
How to prepare Next: tomatoes cut into slices not subtly, carrots coarsely grate, then chop the onion rings, sweet pepper - thin strips.
In a large pot or bowl, add all the layers of vegetables.
Sol each layer, leave the salad for 3 hours. Sterilized jars. Boil butter, sugar, vinegar. The resulting marinade pour salad and need to bring it to a boil, cook for just 20 minutes.
Then decomposed by the banks and rolls.
Adzhika sharp-winter recipes
Many of us take adjika solely as a sharp seasoning, not even knowing about it lurking in the beneficial properties. Due to its composition of recipes, which provide a wide variety of herbs, it strengthens the immune system and contributes to the warming of the body, which is especially important in the winter, in the cold season.
In addition, its pungent and spicy taste makes adjika not only indispensable seasoning, but also helps to improve metabolism. But we must remember that its use depends on the amount of consumption, so you need to comply with the measure.
How to prepare for winter adjika
Classical adjika produced only from pepper, and it is desirable to protect the hands with gloves so as not to hurt the skin. This adjika mostly prefer men as a supplement to the meat appetizers.
For its preparation will need a kilo of pepper. Depending on the desired sharpness, you can take a kilogram of acute, but it is possible to replace a portion of acute peppers. In addition, part of the adzhika pound of garlic, a little less than a glass of salt and two hundred grams of the mixture of herbs hops-suneli, coriander and fennel seeds.
Its preparation does not take much time. Longest have carry with pepper, which you need to cut core. Then all the ingredients are crushed and mixed in a blender.
Recipe of tomato adzhika
Much less burning, but it is pleasant to the taste, it turns adjika for winter tomatoes. Most tomatoes need for it - two and a half kilograms. In addition, the need for a pound of large carrots, sour taste of apples and bell peppers.
To make the sharpness you need to take three or four heads of garlic and one medium-sized chili pepper. You will also need two large spoons of salt, half a cup of sugar, 250 grams of vegetable oil and as much vinegar.
Vegetables grind in a meat grinder, add to the resulting mass of oil and boil for about two hours. After introduce the remaining ingredients, stir, and let boil hot to lay in sterilized jars.
Georgian adjika urgent prepared without cooking
Georgian adjika also quite spicy taste and is prepared without cooking. It is prepared according to the recipe of kilograms of hot pepper (as a certain part of it may be replaced by sweet), one hundred grams of hops-suneli, coriander seeds 50 grams, 300 grams of garlic and salt, a cup of walnuts and a small spoonful of ground cinnamon.
All components are milled several times in a meat grinder, and pepper desirable first for 3 - 5 hours to keep the water. This mixture is very well applied to the meat before baking in the oven, it then becomes a special taste and aroma.
Tasty adjika Kiev for the winter
In Ukraine is also very tasty cooked adjika called "Kiev". For it will need a kilogram of carrots and Bulgarian pepper, the same amount of sour apples, two large spoons of salt and hot pepper. As well as 400 grams of vegetable oil and a cup of sugar. And of course juicy tomatoes not less than five kilograms.
Vegetables grind, add all remaining ingredients and simmer for at least two hours. Spread into hot jars and roll.
Adjika Tomato with the addition of eggplant
Very tasty adjika can be prepared for the winter with the addition of tomatoes and eggplant.
For its preparation will need three kilograms of tomatoes, two kilograms of Bulgarian pepper, eggplant, hot peppers three pieces of medium size, five or six garlic cloves, half a cup of salt, vinegar and sugar, as well as a glass of sunflower oil.
The highlight is a recipe fresh herbs - dill, cilantro. You can also add to taste walnuts and coriander.
Vegetables grind in a blender, add the oil and cook for at least an hour. In ostuzhennoy mass add all the remaining ingredients and herbs should also be ground in a blender. Give adzhika cool, then roll up to the banks.
Eggplant salad for winter recipes
Eggplant is very useful in certain diseases. Such as cardiovascular disease, digestive disorders. Eggplant output salt from the body. It contains large amounts of potassium.
What can be made from this vegetable, and even feast on them in winter? Here are some recipes for tasty salads preparations for the winter.
Eggplant mushrooms
Eggplant 3 kg
Water 2, 5 l
Vinegar to taste
Salt to taste
Garlic can be added to taste
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
Cooking method:
Eggplant cut into cubes. Make a marinade, water, vinegar and salt mix. Give boil. Dip eggplant in marinade. Cook for 5 minutes you need. Remove the eggplant and let the water drain out. After eggplant mixed with crushed garlic and vegetable oil. Spread this mixture into jars and roll up.
Recipe 1. Caviar Eggplant excellent
Eggplant 4 kg
Carrots 4 kg
Luke 2 kg
Tomatoes 4 kg
Pepper 2 kg
Garlic 250g
Salt to taste
Uksusmozhete add to taste
Vegetable oil 2 tbsp
Eggplant cut into cubes, carrots rubbed on a coarse grater, finely cut onions, bell pepper cut into small cubes. All the vegetables separately fry in vegetable oil and mix. Tomatoes grind in blender. Fill the tomatoes cook the vegetables, season with salt and put to boil for 40 minutes. Before you turn off, add chopped garlic and vinegar. The eggs lay on banks and roll.
2. Salad recipe for winter Eggplant in Korean
Eggplant 4, 5 kg
Carrot 1, 5 kg
2 kg of sweet pepper
Luk1 kg
Garlic 150g
Pepper bitter 1-2 pod
Salt to taste
Vinegar to taste
Narezht eggplant into strips, salt them and leave for about an hour. At this time, carrots grate, chop re strips, onion half rings. Garlic should be crushed. All vegetables, except the eggplant, mix with vinegar and Post the five hours. Fry eggplant and connect with other vegetables. The resulting mixture was spread out to the banks and roll.
3. Eggplant Recipe in adzhika
Bulgarian pepper 9 pcs.
Garlic 50g
Eggplant 2 kg
Carrots 3 pcs
Tomatoes 10 pieces
For the marinade:
Vegetable oil 250 gr
Vinegar 100g
Sugar 250g
Salt 100g
Cooking method:
Eggplant cut into cubes, season with salt and leave them for about two hours. At this time, we make a marinade. All ingridinty interfere and fire. When the boil, add the chopped tomatoes, grated carrots and chopped peppers. Cook needed twenty minutes. After add the eggplant and cook for another twenty minutes. Before turning off tm put chopped garlic. Lay in a bank and roll.
4. Recipe salad of eggplant in the winter, "Cady - heh"
Eggplant 800 g
Fresh cucumbers 500 g
Tomatoes 300 g
Pepper 3 pieces
Pepper peppers 1 piece
Onion 1 pc
Garlic tooth 4.
Any greens
Soy sauce 1 tbsp. l.
Salt can taste
Black pepper 0, 5 h. Liter.
Red pepper 0, 5 slice.
Vinegar can taste
80ml vegetable oil
Cooking method:
Eggplant cut into two parts. Boil in salted water for about two minutes. Let them suck. After the dice. Onions, peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, garlic and fresh herbs chop and add to eggplant. Add to the mixture spices, vinegar and oil. Mix well. Salad ready.
These are the eggplant salad, you can prepare for the winter, the most delicious recipes for salads preparations for the winter