How to make the eggplant for winter with mayonnaise recipes


Summer - wonderful time when everything blooms and smells, the summer sun caresses with its rays, and an abundance of fruits and vegetables pleasing to the eye. It is a time of rest and entertainment, and of course it is time preparations for the winter. One of the most delicious summer vegetables is eggplant, there are plenty of ways to harvesting, from eggs and ending with all kinds of salads

But there is one who wants to give special attention, canned eggplant with mayonnaise.

1. Eggplant Recipe for winter with mayonnaise

To prepare mayonnaise eggplant require the following ingredients:

- 6kg eggplant
-2-2, 5kg of onions
-150-200gr Garlic
0, 5 kg of mayonnaise (preferably 72% fat, and there are some who loves)
-100gr 9% vinegar
0, 5 l of vegetable oil (it is necessary for frying)
-salt pepper

How to make:

To prepare the eggplant in mayonnaise they must be washed, dried, cut into non-small cubes, put layers, sprinkling, and the Salts. Then the eggplant should be left to rest a couple of hours to remove the bitterness.

The next step is a bow that needs to be cut into thin half rings and fry. Eggplant need to wring out and fry in small portions, too.

Then next, fried eggplant, mix with onions, while adding the garlic, chopped with a knife, or chesnokodavke, salt, pepper to taste.

Now, after just add the vinegar and mayonnaise, spread 0, 5l banks and sterilize 20 minutes, roll up for the winter and set bottomed up under the covers, and then when they need to transfer them to cool down in a cool place.

Recipe 2. Canned vegetable with eggplant caviar and plums

There is one blank for the winter, which I would like to pay due attention to this canned eggplant with vegetable caviar and plums.

To prepare the eggplant with vegetable caviar and plums need the following ingredients:

-7-8sht. eggplant
1, 5 kg of tomato
-300gr Blue plums
-500gr Apples
-300gr Bulgarian pepper
-700gr Carrots
-4 Tablespoons tomato paste
-4st.l. vinegar
-2 Tablespoons vegetable oil
-3-4st.l. salt
-2st.l. sugar
-250-300ml. water
-1golovku Garlic
-3 pcs. bay leaves
-4 Black peppercorns
-4-6 Pieces. cloves
-Several pieces of dry mustard seed
-rastitelnoe vegetable oil for frying

How to make:

Carrots must be cut into slices or cubes and fry in a pan. Then, peppers, tomatoes, apples, plums and garlic, it is necessary to clean and grind in a meat grinder.
The next stage, you need to put everything in a pot, add water, sugar, tomato paste, salt and cook on heat for 30-40 minutes stirring occasionally.

After this time you need to add in the eggs spices, vinegar, vegetable oil and boil for about 10 minutes even if a thick caviar, then it can be diluted with boiled water.

Meanwhile, the eggplant should be cut about 2cm slices and fry until soft. The next and final step will be canning.

Jars and lids should be sterilized, and then put them to the eggplant and pour over the top of a vegetable caviar, roll up for the winter.

There are plenty of recipes for all kinds of winter preparations of eggplant, but these two will ever, by the way, look at any festive table and beyond.

Eggplant in the winter recipes


To prepare eggplant caviar from the winter you need to boil, bake or fry the eggplant. Depending on the method of processing and vary the taste of eggplant caviar quality.
I'll tell you a few ways to cook eggplant caviar from the winter, and you already choose which way do you prefer to taste and effort.

Recipe 1. Eggplant in the oven

For calves need the following products:

- 2, 5 kg. small eggplant
- 2, 5 kg. tomatoes
- A kilo of carrots
- A kilo of onions
- A kilo of sweet pepper
- 100 ml. oil odorless
- Hot pepper, garlic
- Table salt

How to cook:

Tomatoes blanch them and remove the skin. Tomatoes twist in a meat grinder. Chop the carrots using a grater, finely chop the onion. Fry the carrots and onions in a pan with a small amount of vegetable oil. When the onion is translucent, add the tomatoes.

A pepper and eggplant bake in the oven. Remove the peel them, remove the seeds and twist in a meat grinder at a time. Send twisted peppers and eggplant and boil for some time to zazharki until cooked about half an hour.

Garlic pass through chesnokodavku. Hot pepper finely chop. Send for 5 minutes until cooked eggs to garlic and hot pepper. A little salt and add pepper powder.

Arrange eggplant caviar out of sterilized jars and immediately roll up for the winter. Leave, banks wrapped a warm blanket, until cool.

Recipe 2. Eggplant with vinegar

For calves need the following products:

- 3 kg. small eggplant
- 2 kg. tomatoes
- Half a kilo of carrots
- Half a kilo of onions
- 300 ml. oil odorless
- 100 ml. vinegar
- 1 clove garlic
- 2 pcs. hot pepper
- Table salt

How to cook:

Aubergine bake in the oven for half an hour. At this time, finely chop the onion and fry it in a small amount of vegetable oil. Put ruddy lek in a container on the pan and fry the grated carrot. Carrots send the container to the onions.

Tomatoes blanch, remove the skin from them and make of them mashed via a blender. Pour the finished sauce in a pan, add vegetable oil and Boil.

Eggplant remove from oven, peel and cut into cubes. Put the eggplant in tomato, add the onions and carrots and simmer for 40 minutes over low heat.

Add the finely chopped garlic and hot pepper and boil for some 10 minutes. Enter a trickle vinegar while stir.

Turn off the heat and lay eggs on the banks, pre-sterilize jars. Roll up for the winter, wrap a warm blanket and let cool completely.

Recipe 3. Eggplant slices

For calves need the following products:

- 5 pieces. Eggplant
- 2 pcs. sweet pepper
- 2 pcs. Bulbs
- 2 pcs. tomatoes
- 1 clove garlic
- One carrots
- Salt, ground pepper
- 100 ml. oil odorless

How to cook:

Eggplant peel and cut into cubes. Fill with salt and leave for half an hour, I went to all the bitterness. Rinse and fry until soft state on vegetable oil.

Carrot and onion cut into cubes and fry on the other pan until soft state carrots. Add the diced peppers and saute 5 minutes. After add the tomatoes, cut into cubes, add salt and ground pepper.
Continue to simmer for another 5 minutes. Next, add the eggplant and minced garlic. Cover with a lid and leave to stew for another 5 minutes.

Lay eggs on the banks, pre-sterilize them and roll up for the winter. Leave until cool, pre-wrapped a warm blanket.

How to make a salad in the winter of eggplant recipes

 salads in the winter of eggplant

There are many recipes, how to prepare a salad of eggplant in the winter. These recipes are very diverse, besides eggplant they contain a variety of other vegetables. I'll tell you a few options for salads Eggplant in the winter.

1. The recipe salad "Winter" Eggplant

Take the following products:

- 2 kg. small eggplant
- One and a half kilograms of tomatoes
- A kilo of sweet pepper
- 2 heads of garlic
- Half a kilogram of onions
- 50 ml. vinegar
- 50 grams. edible salt
- 125 gr. sugar
- 200 ml. vegetable oil odorless

How to make:

All vegetables are good wash and cut into large pieces. Put them in a large saucepan, add the sugar, vegetable oil, odorless and salt. Stir and send it to a small fire.

Boil fifteen minutes, pour in the vinegar and cook for another quarter hour. After add the minced garlic and leave on the fire for a couple of minutes.

In sterilized jars lay eggplant salad, cover with a sterilized lid and sterilize for 20 minutes. Just roll up your jars for the winter and leave them upside down until cool, covered with a warm blanket.

2. Recipe salad of eggplant and cabbage for the winter

Take the following products:

- 5 kg. medium-sized Sinenky
-1, 5 kg. cabbage
- Half a kilo of carrots
- 200 gr. garlic
- 4 things. sweet peppers
- 3 pcs. hot pepper
- Table salt

How to make:

Wash vegetables thoroughly. Cabbage chop, chop the carrots using a grater, sweet peppers and clean seeds from the walls and cut into strips and garlic and hot pepper twist in a meat grinder.

From the little blue tail cut off and send them to cook in salted water for a good quarter of an hour. After cool and cut into large semicircles.

Mix all the vegetables in a large saucepan and pour vinegar. Leave the salad for an hour, while the mix every 15 minutes.
After Lay eggplant salad and cabbage sterilized jars and roll for the winter. This salad should be stored either in the refrigerator or in the cellar.

Recipe 3. Tasty eggplant salad with rice

Take the following products:

- Half a kilo of onions
- Half a kilo of sweet pepper
- Half a kilo of tomatoes
- 2 large apples
- 1, 5 kg. small eggplant
- 600 ml. vegetable oil odorless
- 50 grams. edible salt
- Half a kilo of carrots
- 100 gr. sugar
- Have a glass of cooked rice

How to make:

Eggplant scald with boiling water, remove the peel and cut into medium-thick slices. In eggplant, add salt and leave them for an hour to get rid of the bitterness.

After a wash eggplant and squeeze them. In a small amount of vegetable oil fry the eggplant on both sides.

All other vegetables thoroughly wash. Finely chop the onion, carrots grate, tomatoes cut into slices, apples and pepper chop small strips.

Onions and carrots fry until half a small amount of vegetable oil. Put all the vegetables in a pan, add the remaining vegetable oil and Boil. After adding sugar and table salt and boil for 35 minutes. Once cooked, add the rice and salad dogotovte another 10 minutes.

Salad hot lay on the banks, pre-sterilize them, and immediately roll up for the winter. Banks wrap a warm blanket and leave until cool.
