How to close the tomatoes without vinegar recipes for winter preparations
People who suffer from acidity, try not to abuse the vinegar. Therefore, I would like to share with you some simple and detailed recipes canned tomatoes without vinegar.
Despite the lack of conservation in the vinegar, taste and shelf life of preparations did not suffer. Tomatoes are tight and very juicy. These tomatoes can even be given to children.
1. Tomatoes Recipe without vinegar halves
Looking for the following products:
- Tomatoes
- Lavrushka and pepper
- Dill with seeds (for preservation)
- 25 grams. kitchen salt
- 100 gr. sugar
- Water
- 30 ml. vegetable oil odorless
How to close:
Banks are good wash and sterilize with lids. Place the jars in the dill, peppercorns and Lavrushka.
Tomatoes wash thoroughly and cut in half. Place the banks cut down. Add vegetable oil, sugar and cooking salt.
Pour the boiling water, leaving the banks are not filled, about 5 centimeters (the juice during the heat treatment is not poured from a jar).
Cover the jar and send sterilized for 20 minutes. Immediately roll up preparations for the winter. Leave to cool overnight under something warm. Do not turn!
Recipe 2. Yellow tomatoes without vinegar
Looking for the following products:
- 2, 5 kg. yellow tomatoes
- 1 head of garlic
- Dill with seeds, currant leaves, horseradish and oak
- 50 grams. kitchen salt
- 50 grams. sugar
- Pepper and cloves
- 2 liters of water
How to cook:
Thoroughly wash the tomatoes and leave, so dry.
Banks are good wash and sterilize with lids.
In each jar put currant leaves, horseradish and oak, add pepper, dill with seeds and cloves. Top tightly packed tomatoes and garlic, lay on them.
In a large pot, pour water and Boil. Pour boiling water jars with tomatoes and let stand for fifteen minutes.
Then drain the water and back Boil it. Perform this procedure two more times. Once the tomatoes are filled into a third time by adding to the banks sugar and kitchen salt and immediately roll up the preform for the winter.
Leave them to cool down at night upside down for something warm.
Recipe 3. Tomatoes whole without vinegar
Looking for the following products:
- Small red tomatoes
- 125 gr. sugar
- 50 grams. kitchen salt
- 5 c. citric acid
- Garlic to your taste
- Pepper, cloves and cinnamon pieces
How to close:
Thoroughly wash the tomatoes and place them firmly into clean sterilized jars. Top with garlic, peppercorns, cloves and cinnamon.
Boil water and pour boiling water over the tomatoes immediately. Cover them with sterilized lid and let stand for fifteen minutes. Drain and again Boil it.
At this time, add the tomatoes sugar, citric acid and common salt. Fill jars with tomatoes with boiling water and immediately roll up preparations for the winter. Leave in an inverted position until cool, and the cover banks somewhat warm.
In this recipe, the tomatoes get very fragrant, juicy and tight. And savor them betrays cinnamon. Try it and you will not regret.
Delicious cherry tomatoes for winter recipes
There are many options for preserving tomatoes. For these purposes, you can also use cherry tomatoes. Preserving them is more diverse and has an intense spicy flavor. I would like to tell you a few options for the preparation of delicious cherry tomatoes for the winter.
Recipe 1. Canned cherry tomatoes
Looking for the following products:
- Cherry tomatoes
- Currant leaves, fennel umbrellas
- A couple of cloves of garlic
- Lavrushka, pepper, bitter and sweet peas
- Horseradish root
- liter of water
- 25 grams. sugar
- 15 grams. kitchen salt
- 15 ml. vinegar
How to close:
Tomatoes and wash thoroughly to loop.
Banks with lids wash and sterilize. Put them leaves, fennel, pepper, garlic, horseradish and Lavrushka. Top tightly packed tomatoes.
Boil water and pour it into jars of tomatoes. Leave to stand, covered a quarter of an hour. Drain and add the sugar and cooking salt. Boil and pour the marinade over the tomatoes. On top, add the vinegar and roll for the winter.
Turn the jars upside down and leave to cool, covered with something warm.
Recipe 2. cherry tomatoes with soy sauce
Looking for the following products:
- Cherry tomatoes
- Pepper and Lavrushka
- Dill umbrellas
- liter of water
- 25 grams. sugar
- 15 grams. kitchen salt
- 15 ml. soy sauce
- 30 ml. vinegar
How to make:
Tomatoes are a good wash.
Wash and sterilize the jars with lids. In each jar lay dill, Lavrushka and pepper. Top tightly packed cherry tomatoes and fill them with boiling water. Leave the jars in the quarter of an hour to infuse.
At the end of time, drain the water, add the granulated sugar and cooking salt and Boil again. Pour the hot marinade over the banks with the tomatoes, add the soy sauce and vinegar and immediately roll up for the winter.
Turn the jars upside down and leave to cool, pre-wrapped something warm.
Recipe 3. Cherry tomatoes with rosemary
Looking for the following products:
- 0, 5 kg. Cherry tomatoes
- 2 sprigs of rosemary
- Sweet pepper and dried thyme
- Table salt
- A couple of cloves of garlic
- 0, 5 liters of vegetable oil flavored
How to close:
Tomatoes Wash well and let them dry. Cut them in half and place on a baking sheet. Sprinkle with salt and thyme kitchen. A little sprinkle vegetable oil. Roast tomatoes at 100 degrees about a half hour.
Cool the tomatoes and place them in a dry container. Add the rosemary, garlic and pepper. Stir.
Thoroughly wash the jar and sterilize it. Boil the remaining lean fragrant oil.
Send tomatoes with spices in a jar and fill it with hot oil. Tighten the cap for the winter and leave to cool, pre-wrapped something warm. Store cooled banks such tomatoes in the refrigerator is recommended.
Recipe 4 cherry tomatoes with Provencal herbs
The same principle can cook delicious cherry tomatoes with Provencal herbs, dill and parsley.
One difference dill and parsley, sprinkle the tomatoes and send bake for three hours. A Provencal herbs with garlic and Lavrushka fit into the jar to the tomatoes.
Delicious salad in the winter tomato and pepper recipes preservation
Salads prepared for the winter, tomatoes and peppers will make great snacks during the holiday, or a chic addition to any side dish. They can also be added in the preparation of the first dishes that will give soups a rich aroma and the taste of summer. I'll tell you a few options for preparation of tasty salad of tomatoes and peppers in the form of conservation.
Recipe 1. Delicious salad of tomato and pepper
Looking for the following products:
- 3 kg. tomato
- 1 kg. carrots
- 1 kg. onion
- 100 gr. kitchen salt
- 1 kg. red bell pepper
- 300 gr. sugar
- 400 ml. vegetable oil
- 50 ml. vinegar
- 1 bag of pepper
Vegetables Clean and wash thoroughly. Tomatoes cut into 4 pieces. Chop onion half rings. Sweet pepper cut into small slices and chop the carrots on a coarse grater.
All vegetables are put in a deep container and cover with salt. Stir and leave na12 hours to let the juice vegetables and some marinated.
At the expiration of the time, add to the vegetables sugar, pepper, vegetable oil and vinegar. Place the container on a slow fire, and Boil. Then boil for half an hour.
At this time, good wash and sterilize the jars with their lids.
Ready Hot salad decomposed into prepared jars and immediately roll up for the winter. In the inverted position, leave to cool cans by something warm.
2. Lazy recipe salad of tomatoes and peppers
Looking for the following products:
- 2 kg. tomatoes
- 400 gr. sweet pepper, preferably yellow
- 1 head of garlic
- 200 gr. onion
- Lavrushka and pepper
- 15 grams. kitchen salt
- 65 c. sugar
- 10 ml. vinegar
Vegetables Clean and wash well. Tomatoes cut into slices. Onions chop is not very finely (average cube). Pepper cut into medium dice.
Good wash and sterilize their banks. They settled in layers of vegetables. Although you can mix and put salad - it's as you like. On top, add the remaining ingredients (they are indicated with respect to 1 liter jar) and pour boiling water.
Cover with lids and sterilized to send a quarter of an hour. Immediately we roll up the banks with a salad in the winter and cool to send am upside down for something warm.
Recipe 3. Lecho vinegar salad without tomatoes and peppers
Looking for the following products:
- 2 kg. peppers, preferably red
- 250 gr. carrots
- 3 kg. tomatoes
- 50 grams. kitchen salt
- 75g. sugar
- Cloves and peppercorns
If you want to cook lecho without sharp vinegar, you must dobavit1 head of garlic (crushed through chesnokodavku) and 150 gr. hot pepper), but all the taste alone.
Vegetables carefully wash and clean. Pepper cut into medium strips. Carrots crush using a coarse grater. With tomatoes, remove the peel and grind with a blender to puree the state of the juice, or (depending on the tomato).
Optionally, you can rub the tomato puree or juice through a sieve to get rid of the seeds.
In the tomato, add salt and cooking sugar, cloves and peppercorns. Stir until dissolved. Add the peppers and carrots and send it to slow fire. Since boiling is necessary to boil a quarter of an hour.
Banks are good wash and sterilize with lids. Boiling ready to mess up a salad on banks and immediately roll up. Leave the jars to cool lettuce under a warm blanket until the morning.