Canning tomatoes in jars for winter recipes

 Canned tomatoes

Currently, home canning is a very popular form of pieces of fruit and vegetables for the winter. A canned tomato dish and is always willing to everyday table for the holiday.

Especially good tomatoes in own juice, which is not only a tasty snack, but also a wonderful juice. Each hostess their recipes twist tomatoes, but in general, they differ little from each other. Consider the most common methods.

Recipe 1. Canned tomatoes in tomato juice


• Tomatoes - about 1.5 kg,
• Garlic - 3 cloves,
• allspice and black - to 8 peas,
• salt - 20 g. per liter of juice.
• Juice - 1 liter

Let's start with the preparation of tomato juice. To do this, we take the ripe tomatoes and pass them through a juicer.
We filter the resulting juice through a cheesecloth, salt and boil for 15 minutes. You can do simple: buy a juice at the store, try it for salt, add some salt and boil.

Banks are thoroughly washed with soda and sterilize at steam or in the oven.

Red, small tomatoes are well washed. The bank spread garlic, pepper, then put tomatoes and fill with boiling water. Give tomatoes warm. Then the water is drained and pour the boiling juice into the jar.

The filled cans cover with a lid and put into sterilized hot water up to 60 degrees for 10 minutes.
After that, banks tightly sealed lids for the winter and turn to cool for a day.

Recipe 2. peeled tomatoes in tomato juice

Peel of canned tomatoes still can not eat. Canned tomatoes peeled always obtained excellent quality. The preparation technology is different from the recipe described above.

Tomatoes sort, wash, put in a colander and boil for about 2 minutes. Then cool the vegetables in cold water and remove the skin with a knife. Then put in jars and immediately pour the boiling juice. Completing the process as outlined above.

Tomatoes in winter are good in themselves, they can be used in the preparation of borscht, rassolnik or tomato gravy.

Recipe 3. Red tomato salad with pepper and vinegar


• tomatoes - 1.8 kg
• pepper salad - 3 pcs.
• Dill - 20 grams.
• black pepper - 6 pcs.
• allspice - 8 pcs.
• Carnation - 5 pcs.
• Water - 1.3 liter,
• sugar - 80 grams.
• salt - 60 grams.
• 2 cloves garlic,
• bay leaf - 1 pc.
• vinegar essence - 20 ml.

Tomatoes for this type of canned choose small, elongated shape, resembling a plum. Tomatoes wash, sort, remove damaged.

Bulgarian pepper is washed out, cut into quarters and remove the stem and seeds.

In the prepared jars laid first washed spices, then gently spread the tomatoes. Over the tomatoes laid pepper quarters.

Then pour boiling water over the vegetables and merge into the pot already warm water to which you add salt and sugar and boil.

Next, fill the jars with brine blanks, pour vinegar essence, cover with prepared lids and sterilize. Then sealed for the winter and turn over the banks.

Delicious sharp cucumbers for winter recipes preservation

 Delicious sharp cucumbers

This kind of cucumbers pleases all thrill. To make sharp cucumbers in the winter there are several ways. In some recipes using cucumbers small size, and in others the reverse. The bigger, the better. To share with you in these ways.

Recipe 1. Acute cucumbers in a salad

For conservation need:

- 3 kg. cucumbers
- 250 ml. vinegar
- 800 gr. sugar
- 70 ml. vegetable oil
- 120 gr. coarse salt
- 2 heads of garlic
- 1 package of sharp pepper

Thoroughly rinse the cucumbers and cut them into thin slices (you can do this with the help of a grater). Add the sliced ​​cucumbers in a large saucepan and cover with salt. Mix gently with his hands and leave overnight.

In the morning drain the cucumber juice into a separate container. Add the sugar, oil, pepper, and Boil. Remove from heat and add the vinegar.

Good wash and sterilize jars. In sterilized jars tightly packed cucumbers. Top skibochkami thin slice garlic (for a couple of cloves in each jar).

Fill jars of the most up marinade and send sterilized. Liter jars to sterilize 10 minutes of boiling water. Roll up the banks for the winter and return to cool off under the warm blanket until the morning.

For this recipe, you can not sterilize the jars with cucumbers and just fill them with hot marinade and immediately roll up (only with sterilization as it is quieter).

Recipe 2. Pickled cucumbers sharp

For conservation need:

- 3, 5 kg. Small cucumbers
- 4 liters of water
- 70 ml. vinegar
- 200 gr. coarse salt
- 250 gr. sugar
- Fresh tarragon, dill umbrellas, horseradish leaves
- 2 heads of garlic
- Lavrushka and allspice
- 4 acute perchiny
- Currant leaves, oak and cherry

Thoroughly rinse the cucumbers and leave them in cold water for about 5 hours.

Well wash jars and lids with sterilize. In each jar lay the leaves and green tie, allspice and Lavrushka, garlic and hot peppers.

From each tails cut the cucumber and place them close to the banks. Above you can put a little dill.

In a large saucepan pour water, add the sugar and salt and Boil large. Turn off the heat and pour in the vinegar.

Pour the hot marinade cucumber, cover and send sterilized for 20 minutes after boiling water.

Just roll up for the winter and allowed to cool upside down under a warm blanket until the morning.

Recipe 3. Canned sharp cucumbers

For the preservation of one 2-quart need:

- 2 tbsp. lodges. coarse salt
- 1 tbsp. boxes of honey
- Small cucumbers
- 1 hour. The lodges. vinegar
- 3 red sharp perchiny
- 6 cloves of garlic
- Dill umbrellas, leaves smorodiny- cloves and peppercorns.

Thoroughly rinse the cucumbers and cut the tails. Wash the jar and sterilize it with a lid. The bank lay dill leaves, chilli and garlic. After this tightly packed cucumbers.

Fill the jar with boiling water and leave until cool under covered with a lid.

At the end of time, drain the water from the cans into a container and again Boil. Add salt and honey, cloves and pepper and boil for another 5 minutes.

In the hot marinade, add the vinegar and pour them a jar of cucumbers to the top. Roll up for the winter and upside down under a warm blanket leave to cool overnight.

How to make cucumber ketchup recipes for winter preparations


Recipes cooking cucumber ketchup, there are many. We bring you some of them. For these recipes for winter cucumbers The result is tight, crisp and sharp little bit. A combination of ketchup does taste blanks great.

Recipe 1. pickles with spicy ketchup

For conservation need:

- Small cucumbers
- 4 cups water
- 400 gr. sugar
- 2 tbsp. tablespoons coarse salt
- 300 gr. acute ketchup
- 250 ml. vinegar

How to make:

On one portion of the marinade received 7 half-liter jars of preserves.

Cucumbers are a good wash, trim ends and soak in cool water for a few hours.

At this time, prepare the marinade. To do this, pour the water into a saucepan and add the sugar, ketchup and salt. Boil the marinade and add the vinegar.

Cucumbers lay tightly in sterilized jars. Pour on the neck of banks in the hot marinade and cover.
Sterilize the jars for 10 minutes and roll for the winter. Turn down the banks cover wrap blanks warm blanket and leave until morning.

Recipe 2. Canned cucumbers ketchup

For conservation need:

- Small cucumber
- Sweet pepper
- Blackcurrant leaves
- Horseradish root
- Bay leaf
- Dill for preservation
- 2 tsp. Mustard powder
- 2, 5 liters of water
- 200 gr. pure without additives ketchup
- 200 gr. sugar
- 250 ml. vinegar
- 2 tbsp. tablespoons coarse salt

How to cook:

Wash cucumbers thoroughly and cut tails. Leave them in cool water for a few hours.

At this time, well wash 4 liter jars and sterilize them.

At the bottom of jars put allspice, bay leaf, mustard powder, dill, currant leaves and small pieces of horseradish. Top tightly packed cucumbers.

In a saucepan pour the water. Add sugar, ketchup, vinegar and salt. Boil the marinade and pour it jars with cucumbers. Banks cover and send sterilized for 15 minutes.

Over time, banks roll up for the winter and send a blank under a warm blanket to cool down until the morning.

Recipe 3. Pickles with ketchup

For conservation need:

- Cucumbers small size
- Dill umbrellas and leaves of horseradish
- 4 heads of garlic
- Allspice pepper
- 3 liters of water
- 200 ml. vinegar
- 200 gr. sugar
- 150 gr. acute ketchup
- 2 tbsp. tablespoons coarse salt

How to make:

Thoroughly rinse the cucumbers, cut the tails and leave in cold water for a few hours.

At this time, well washed out banks and sterilize them. In each jar spread dill, horseradish leaves, a couple of garlic cloves and allspice. Top tightly packed cucumbers.

Boil water and pour it on the cucumber 5 minutes. Over time, empty the cans back into the pot and again Boil. Hot pour the marinade over cucumbers for 5 minutes.

Again, drain the water. Add the sugar, vinegar, ketchup and salt. Boil the marinade and pour it jars with cucumbers. Cover the jar and send sterilized for 10 minutes. Roll up the banks for the winter and leave blank to cool upside down under a warm blanket until the morning.

Preservation cooked to these recipes are sure to impress fans of spicy food. It is suitable for both everyday dining and for the holiday table.
