Tasty snacks tomato recipes for winter preparations


Among the purveyors - appetizer of tomatoes for the winter are favorite type of home preservation. And all because the tomatoes delicious and affordable product, which also goes well with all the other vegetables. In addition, this snack can be a wonderful complement the festive table, well, or fit as tasty everyday food.

Recipe 1. Appetizer of tomato in Georgian

Ingredients per liter jar:

• 2-3 pieces of carrots,
• 700 g ripe tomatoes,
• onions - 1 pc,
• sweet pepper (bell) - 1 piece,
• dill,
• 2 cloves garlic,
• parsley,
• One teaspoon salt
• Black pepper - 5 pieces
• sugar - 30g,
• 9% vinegar (table) - 30g.

How to cook:

To get started is to take a glass jar with a capacity of one liter, wash thoroughly with soap or soda, and then it has to be pasteurized in the oven or on the ferry.

You can now proceed with the preparation of vegetables, and it must take the carrot - and wash it clean, and then cut into circles with a thickness of about 3-5mm.

Clove of garlic must be peeled, and then cut lengthwise into several records. Dill and parsley should be washed and dried.

Pepper also need to clean up and remove it from the stem and core with seeds. After that pepper should be cut wide seed pans.

Onions at first to be cleaned from the husk, and then cut into rings or half rings Well, it all depends on the size of the bulb. Tomatoes, too, should wash and dry.

At the bottom of pre-prepared banks need to put greens, sliced ​​carrots and garlic. On top of these products must be put peppers, onions and tomatoes, and then pour boiling water over all. The Bank should cover the tin with a lid and leave for 20-25 minutes.

At the end of 25 minutes will be necessary to drain the water from the banks, and on this basis prepare a marinade of sugar, salt, vinegar and black peppercorns.

When the marinade is ready, it is necessary to fill a snack and immediately roll up the cover for the winter. The most suitable option for storing such snacks will be - cool place.

Recipe 2. Tasty appetizer of tomatoes and peppers with rice


• bow - 1kg,
• carrots - 1 kg,
• Tomatoes - 4kg,
• pepper - 1 kg,
• Sugar - 200 g,
• Vegetable oil - 500g,
• salt - 3st.l,
• rice - 2 cups,
• black pepper.

How to cook:

You must first soak the rice for 6-7 hours, preferably in the cold water. When should wash and clean the vegetables. Cut them into small pieces can be arbitrary.

A pan with a thick bottom is necessary to heat the vegetable oil, and put carrots. After 15 minutes, to add to the pan the onion, and after 15 minutes it is necessary to add the peppers.

All through the same 15 minutes, put it in a pan of tomatoes and rice. Then, the pan must be covered with a lid and simmer over medium heat, without stirring, until tender.

Hot salad should be expanded in advance pasteurized banks and roll for the winter. Keep these salads should be at a temperature no higher than 25 degrees.

That's so that's wonderful recipes of appetizers with tomatoes, you can please yourself and loved ones in winter.

Salad of beets for the winter home-made recipes

 Salad of beets for the winter

Unfortunately, the beet is not enjoyed as great popularity as carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers. It is not clear why this is happening. Beetroot is not only delicious, but also useful. And besides, the beets cook very easy, there are many recipes. In winter, this salad can be used not only as a separate salad or side dish to fish, but also as a dressing for borscht. For you house preparations for the winter beet, quick recipes.

Salad of beets for the winter

For harvesting beet salad in the winter, we need the following products:

4 kilograms of beet

2 kg of sweet pepper

2 kg of onions

2 kg of tomatoes

100 grams chillies

10 grams of salt

15 grams of pepper

50 milliliters of sunflower oil

First we have a preparatory work. It is necessary to wash the beets and clean it. You should also wash the tomatoes and peppers. Peel the tomatoes is better to remove (it's easiest to do the pre-drop them in hot water for a few seconds, so the skin will be much easier to separate). After that, prepare and sterilize their banks. Take a suitable pan, pour vegetable oil and heat it.

Cut pepper slices. Mince the tomatoes and grate the beets on a grater. Grater is better to take a large. Cut the onion into small pieces and fry it until golden brown. Purified beets need to boil for half an hour. In fact, much easier to clean the beets after it is cooked.

To this end, it should be dipped briefly into ice water, and then the skin will depart easily and seamlessly. Separately, fry the beets and tomatoes simmered. They need to simmer for about an hour and stir constantly. Mix onions, beets, tomatoes, pepper, ground black pepper, salt and remaining oil. Extinguish all this is 15 minutes.

Salad is ready, it can be put into sterilized jars. When they need to be rolled up and wrapped in a cloth until cool cans. After experimenting with a variety of vegetables, you can achieve a variety of flavors. And with the addition of spices salad will turn out very different and delicious.

Beetroot is useful to everyone, but especially those who have a problem with the intestines, liver, heart. It helps to lose weight and cleanse the body of toxins and impurities. Beetroot helps the digestive system, helps blood formation. For maximum effect, try using a combination of beets and prunes. Add a little vinegar and salad acquire a distinctive tart taste.

This beet salad is very low in calories and contains a lot of fiber. It will help you save a figure in perfect condition and get rid of the extra kilos. Beetroot is used in many diets, so in the winter, in the absence of fresh vegetables, a salad is a must.

Tasty snacks tomato recipes for winter preparations


Among the purveyors - appetizer of tomatoes for the winter are favorite type of home preservation. And all because the tomatoes delicious and affordable product, which also goes well with all the other vegetables. In addition, this snack can be a wonderful complement the festive table, well, or fit as tasty everyday food.

Recipe 1. Appetizer of tomato in Georgian

Ingredients per liter jar:

• 2-3 pieces of carrots,
• 700 g ripe tomatoes,
• onions - 1 pc,
• sweet pepper (bell) - 1 piece,
• dill,
• 2 cloves garlic,
• parsley,
• One teaspoon salt
• Black pepper - 5 pieces
• sugar - 30g,
• 9% vinegar (table) - 30g.

How to cook:

To get started is to take a glass jar with a capacity of one liter, wash thoroughly with soap or soda, and then it has to be pasteurized in the oven or on the ferry.

You can now proceed with the preparation of vegetables, and it must take the carrot - and wash it clean, and then cut into circles with a thickness of about 3-5mm.

Clove of garlic must be peeled, and then cut lengthwise into several records. Dill and parsley should be washed and dried.

Pepper also need to clean up and remove it from the stem and core with seeds. After that pepper should be cut wide seed pans.

Onions at first to be cleaned from the husk, and then cut into rings or half rings Well, it all depends on the size of the bulb. Tomatoes, too, should wash and dry.

At the bottom of pre-prepared banks need to put greens, sliced ​​carrots and garlic. On top of these products must be put peppers, onions and tomatoes, and then pour boiling water over all. The Bank should cover the tin with a lid and leave for 20-25 minutes.

At the end of 25 minutes will be necessary to drain the water from the banks, and on this basis prepare a marinade of sugar, salt, vinegar and black peppercorns.

When the marinade is ready, it is necessary to fill a snack and immediately roll up the cover for the winter. The most suitable option for storing such snacks will be - cool place.

Recipe 2. Tasty appetizer of tomatoes and peppers with rice


• bow - 1kg,
• carrots - 1 kg,
• Tomatoes - 4kg,
• pepper - 1 kg,
• Sugar - 200 g,
• Vegetable oil - 500g,
• salt - 3st.l,
• rice - 2 cups,
• black pepper.

How to cook:

You must first soak the rice for 6-7 hours, preferably in the cold water. When should wash and clean the vegetables. Cut them into small pieces can be arbitrary.

A pan with a thick bottom is necessary to heat the vegetable oil, and put carrots. After 15 minutes, to add to the pan the onion, and after 15 minutes it is necessary to add the peppers.

All through the same 15 minutes, put it in a pan of tomatoes and rice. Then, the pan must be covered with a lid and simmer over medium heat, without stirring, until tender.

Hot salad should be expanded in advance pasteurized banks and roll for the winter. Keep these salads should be at a temperature no higher than 25 degrees.

That's so that's wonderful recipes of appetizers with tomatoes, you can please yourself and loved ones in winter.
