Adzhika sharp-winter recipes

 Adzhika acute in winter

Many of us take adjika solely as a sharp seasoning, not even knowing about it lurking in the beneficial properties. Due to its composition of recipes, which provide a wide variety of herbs, it strengthens the immune system and contributes to the warming of the body, which is especially important in the winter, in the cold season.

In addition, its pungent and spicy taste makes adjika not only indispensable seasoning, but also helps to improve metabolism. But we must remember that its use depends on the amount of consumption, so you need to comply with the measure.

How to prepare for winter adjika

Classical adjika produced only from pepper, and it is desirable to protect the hands with gloves so as not to hurt the skin. This adjika mostly prefer men as a supplement to the meat appetizers.

For its preparation will need a kilo of pepper. Depending on the desired sharpness, you can take a kilogram of acute, but it is possible to replace a portion of acute peppers. In addition, part of the adzhika pound of garlic, a little less than a glass of salt and two hundred grams of the mixture of herbs hops-suneli, coriander and fennel seeds.

Its preparation does not take much time. Longest have carry with pepper, which you need to cut core. Then all the ingredients are crushed and mixed in a blender.

Recipe of tomato adzhika

Much less burning, but it is pleasant to the taste, it turns adjika for winter tomatoes. Most tomatoes need for it - two and a half kilograms. In addition, the need for a pound of large carrots, sour taste of apples and bell peppers.

To make the sharpness you need to take three or four heads of garlic and one medium-sized chili pepper. You will also need two large spoons of salt, half a cup of sugar, 250 grams of vegetable oil and as much vinegar.

Vegetables grind in a meat grinder, add to the resulting mass of oil and boil for about two hours. After introduce the remaining ingredients, stir, and let boil hot to lay in sterilized jars.

Georgian adjika urgent prepared without cooking

Georgian adjika also quite spicy taste and is prepared without cooking. It is prepared according to the recipe of kilograms of hot pepper (as a certain part of it may be replaced by sweet), one hundred grams of hops-suneli, coriander seeds 50 grams, 300 grams of garlic and salt, a cup of walnuts and a small spoonful of ground cinnamon.

All components are milled several times in a meat grinder, and pepper desirable first for 3 - 5 hours to keep the water. This mixture is very well applied to the meat before baking in the oven, it then becomes a special taste and aroma.

Tasty adjika Kiev for the winter

In Ukraine is also very tasty cooked adjika called "Kiev". For it will need a kilogram of carrots and Bulgarian pepper, the same amount of sour apples, two large spoons of salt and hot pepper. As well as 400 grams of vegetable oil and a cup of sugar. And of course juicy tomatoes not less than five kilograms.

Vegetables grind, add all remaining ingredients and simmer for at least two hours. Spread into hot jars and roll.

Adjika Tomato with the addition of eggplant

Very tasty adjika can be prepared for the winter with the addition of tomatoes and eggplant.

For its preparation will need three kilograms of tomatoes, two kilograms of Bulgarian pepper, eggplant, hot peppers three pieces of medium size, five or six garlic cloves, half a cup of salt, vinegar and sugar, as well as a glass of sunflower oil.

The highlight is a recipe fresh herbs - dill, cilantro. You can also add to taste walnuts and coriander.

Vegetables grind in a blender, add the oil and cook for at least an hour. In ostuzhennoy mass add all the remaining ingredients and herbs should also be ground in a blender. Give adzhika cool, then roll up to the banks.

How to make pickles with mustard on winter recipes

 pickles with mustard

Cucumbers, canned mustard, gets a little spicy and savory taste. They may be preserved as a whole, or as a salad (cut pieces). I would like to share with you some recipes for canned cucumbers with mustard.

After all, it's summer and the harvest of cucumbers is very rich, and the price is reasonable. Try to prepare yourself for the winter, these crunchy cucumbers and tverdenkie and you will not regret it.

Recipe 1. Whole cucumbers with mustard

For conservation need:

- 10 kg. cucumbers
- 150 gr. young garlic
- For the preservation of dill (umbrellas)
- Leaves of cherry, black currant and oak for crunch
- Leaves and horseradish root
- Bay leaf
- Pepper
- 350 gr. salt
- 5 liters. water
- 150 gr. mustard powder
- Hot pepper to your taste

How to make:

To begin wash cucumbers and 6 hours fill them with cold water. Meanwhile nakipyatite water and cool it. Wash and sterilize jars.

In each jar put on the bottom of herbs, garlic and pepper. Top tamp cucumbers. In the chilled boiled water Stir in the salt and stir it until completely dissolved. Pour the prepared brine banks.

On top, add a spoonful of mustard without the slides and close lid cans caproic very tight. Take out of the cellar or other cool place. A month later, it is already possible to eat cucumbers.

Recipe 2. Cucumber with mustard in salad

To prepare the necessary:

- 4 kg. gherkins
- Cup sugar
- A glass of vinegar
- A glass of vegetable oil
- 2 tbsp. lodges. mustard powder
- H. Lodges. ground black pepper
-cm. lodges. grated horseradish
- greenery
- 10 cloves of garlic
- 2 tbsp. lodges. salt

How to cook:

To begin Wash cucumbers well. Put them in a large container. Add salt, crushed garlic, pepper, grated horseradish root, sugar, mustard, vinegar, vegetable oil and a big bunch of chopped greens.

Mix well and leave to marinate for about 3 hours. During this time more gently stir a few times, so not much harm cucumbers.

The sterilized liter jars, apply salad and pour marinade over top. Each bank sterilize for 20 minutes. Then roll up the banks and leave to cool under a blanket upside down.

Recipe 3. cutting cucumber with mustard

To prepare the salad in the winter need to:

- Kilogram of cucumbers
- 150 gr. onion
- 250 ml. vinegar
- Dill
- Article 5. lodges. sugar
- 350 gr. mustard powder
- Bay leaf and peppercorns

How to make:

To begin Wash cucumbers well and dry them with a paper towel. Cut the cucumber into slices. For cucumbers, add the onion, sliced ​​into half rings and finely chopped dill.

Pour into the pan vinegar. Add dry mustard, sugar, ground bay leaf in a mortar and pepper. Bring to a boil. Gently put in a pickle cucumbers with onion and herbs and stirring occasionally bring to a boil again.

In sterilized jars lay cucumbers and fill them with brine obtained. Roll up and leave to cool under a blanket around at night upside down.

If you can not wait to try the result of your work, you can leave a little salad. He is ready for use.

Caviar for winter squash recipes

 Caviar squash for the winter

Squash caviar - is a useful, easy for the body and most importantly very tasty dish. Contained in the calf vitamins improve the digestive system, reduce the risk of hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and have a restorative effect on the body as a whole.

Due to its easy digestibility of this dish is recommended for people who are overweight. Besides squash caviar has a bright ovoschnym taste that will surely be appreciated by all the family and friends during the cold season. We offer detailed recipes for the winter.

Delicious caviar marrow with mayonnaise

It turns out tasty squash eggs with mayonnaise. To prepare a single serving takes six medium sized zucchini. It is advisable to take the young vegetables, then the eggs will be more tender taste. Furthermore, since this calf mayonnaise, using one of its bundle.

You will also need a kilo of onions, two hundred grams of sugar and three hundred and fifty of tomato paste, 200 ml of vinegar and three large spoons of salt. To give added sharpness calf two heads of garlic and red pepper.

The calculation for this portion is recommended to add a large spoonful of pepper, but especially for those who like spicy food this amount can be increased slightly.

The process of its preparation is quite simple. Courgettes can even peel and grind peeled onions. They were joined by all the other ingredients, except mayonnaise, garlic and pepper.

Mix the mass and cook over medium heat about two hours. After adding pepper and mayonnaise and minced garlic, and again boil for an hour. The resulting eggs roll into sterilized jars.

Squash caviar prescription in store

In addition, especially popular caviar "Soviet", which in the past were sold in stores. For its preparation will need 3 kg zucchini, one kilogram of onions and carrots, three or four large tablespoons of tomato paste, a large spoonful of vinegar. Add pepper and salt to taste.

Preparation of such eggs is quite time-consuming process, but its taste, no doubt, worth the time spent. Carrots and zucchini, peeled need coarsely grate.

Onion peel and cut into fairly large cubes. Then fry each ingredient separately, and vegetable oil for frying to use one. Fried chop vegetables until smooth in a blender and put the stew.

Vegetables should be periodically stir, so they are not scorched. After twenty minutes the resulting mass add tomato paste, pepper and salt and vinegar. Simmer another 10-20 minutes.

How to cook unusual squash caviar

Those who wish to try a non-standard way of cooking squash caviar can offer this recipe.

Of the products need three kilos courgettes, one bell pepper and tomatoes, 200 grams of sugar and 80 of salt, a few tufts of parsley, 400 grams of vegetable oil, a little allspice and 100 grams of vinegar.

In this case, first preparing the marinade: in a blender on tomatoes whipped added finely chopped herbs, pepper, vegetable oil, sugar and salt. The resulting marinade is boiled for ten minutes, after which it is introduced sliced ​​zucchini into small cubes and pepper.

The mixture should be boiled at low heat for 35-40 minutes, adding one minute until cooked vinegar. The resulting spawn is rolled into a sterilized, for half an hour, jars.

The recipe for a delicious Pumpkin eggs with mushrooms champignons

Quite unusual, but nonetheless very tasty squash eggs with mushrooms. On 2 kilograms of courgettes need 800 grams of mushrooms, tomatoes, seven, 4 pieces of onion and the same number of teeth of garlic.

Also, you need two carrots, three peppers, two beams of dill, two large spoons of lemon juice and tomato paste, two small spoons of sugar, half dessert spoon of red pepper, black pepper and salt. You will also need vegetable oil for frying vegetables.

Detailed recipe

Peeled zucchini, peppers and carrots need to rub on a coarse grater. Onion peel and cut into large rings, and mushrooms - straws. As for the tomatoes, then before processing them to remove the skin is desirable, but if it does not, it can be with her crush in a blender.

Then all the ingredients, starting with mushrooms, you need to fry in vegetable oil. Mushrooms are laid in a pan, and right there they need to add salt, then fry until the disappearance of the liquid.

Again add oil and fry until the mushrooms until lightly browned. After lay them, and put the onion oil, add salt and pepper and keep on fire a few minutes.

By sequentially adding onions carrots, zucchini, peppers and tomatoes. Moreover, all components are added gradually, with the exception of pepper and tomato.

Carrot must be stew with onions fifteen or twenty minutes, and for zucchini is enough to five minutes. After the addition of pepper and tomato, vegetables need to simmer until until they are soft, but not less than half an hour.

Thirty minutes before cooking it again, enter the mushrooms, as well as all other ingredients. And the greens have to chop and chop garlic. Cooked eggs mix well, let it stand for about 15 minutes, and then shift into sterilized jars.
