Squash caviar - is a useful, easy for the body and most importantly very tasty dish. Contained in the calf vitamins improve the digestive system, reduce the risk of hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and have a restorative effect on the body as a whole.
Due to its easy digestibility of this dish is recommended for people who are overweight. Besides squash caviar has a bright ovoschnym taste that will surely be appreciated by all the family and friends during the cold season. We offer detailed recipes for the winter.
Delicious caviar marrow with mayonnaise
It turns out tasty squash eggs with mayonnaise. To prepare a single serving takes six medium sized zucchini. It is advisable to take the young vegetables, then the eggs will be more tender taste. Furthermore, since this calf mayonnaise, using one of its bundle.
You will also need a kilo of onions, two hundred grams of sugar and three hundred and fifty of tomato paste, 200 ml of vinegar and three large spoons of salt. To give added sharpness calf two heads of garlic and red pepper.
The calculation for this portion is recommended to add a large spoonful of pepper, but especially for those who like spicy food this amount can be increased slightly.
The process of its preparation is quite simple. Courgettes can even peel and grind peeled onions. They were joined by all the other ingredients, except mayonnaise, garlic and pepper.
Mix the mass and cook over medium heat about two hours. After adding pepper and mayonnaise and minced garlic, and again boil for an hour. The resulting eggs roll into sterilized jars.
Squash caviar prescription in store
In addition, especially popular caviar "Soviet", which in the past were sold in stores. For its preparation will need 3 kg zucchini, one kilogram of onions and carrots, three or four large tablespoons of tomato paste, a large spoonful of vinegar. Add pepper and salt to taste.
Preparation of such eggs is quite time-consuming process, but its taste, no doubt, worth the time spent. Carrots and zucchini, peeled need coarsely grate.
Onion peel and cut into fairly large cubes. Then fry each ingredient separately, and vegetable oil for frying to use one. Fried chop vegetables until smooth in a blender and put the stew.
Vegetables should be periodically stir, so they are not scorched. After twenty minutes the resulting mass add tomato paste, pepper and salt and vinegar. Simmer another 10-20 minutes.
How to cook unusual squash caviar
Those who wish to try a non-standard way of cooking squash caviar can offer this recipe.
Of the products need three kilos courgettes, one bell pepper and tomatoes, 200 grams of sugar and 80 of salt, a few tufts of parsley, 400 grams of vegetable oil, a little allspice and 100 grams of vinegar.
In this case, first preparing the marinade: in a blender on tomatoes whipped added finely chopped herbs, pepper, vegetable oil, sugar and salt. The resulting marinade is boiled for ten minutes, after which it is introduced sliced zucchini into small cubes and pepper.
The mixture should be boiled at low heat for 35-40 minutes, adding one minute until cooked vinegar. The resulting spawn is rolled into a sterilized, for half an hour, jars.
The recipe for a delicious Pumpkin eggs with mushrooms champignons
Quite unusual, but nonetheless very tasty squash eggs with mushrooms. On 2 kilograms of courgettes need 800 grams of mushrooms, tomatoes, seven, 4 pieces of onion and the same number of teeth of garlic.
Also, you need two carrots, three peppers, two beams of dill, two large spoons of lemon juice and tomato paste, two small spoons of sugar, half dessert spoon of red pepper, black pepper and salt. You will also need vegetable oil for frying vegetables.
Detailed recipe
Peeled zucchini, peppers and carrots need to rub on a coarse grater. Onion peel and cut into large rings, and mushrooms - straws. As for the tomatoes, then before processing them to remove the skin is desirable, but if it does not, it can be with her crush in a blender.
Then all the ingredients, starting with mushrooms, you need to fry in vegetable oil. Mushrooms are laid in a pan, and right there they need to add salt, then fry until the disappearance of the liquid.
Again add oil and fry until the mushrooms until lightly browned. After lay them, and put the onion oil, add salt and pepper and keep on fire a few minutes.
By sequentially adding onions carrots, zucchini, peppers and tomatoes. Moreover, all components are added gradually, with the exception of pepper and tomato.
Carrot must be stew with onions fifteen or twenty minutes, and for zucchini is enough to five minutes. After the addition of pepper and tomato, vegetables need to simmer until until they are soft, but not less than half an hour.
Thirty minutes before cooking it again, enter the mushrooms, as well as all other ingredients. And the greens have to chop and chop garlic. Cooked eggs mix well, let it stand for about 15 minutes, and then shift into sterilized jars.