Cabbage Sauerkraut recipes preparations for the winter


Cabbage - is not only tasty, but also a source of selenium. You do not need to buy imported vitamins and fruit - all of the nutrients you can get from it. So try as much as possible to roll, pickle and ferment harvesting cabbage in the winter! Here are some delicious recipes for sauerkraut, cabbage recipes for winter, useful piece.

1. Sauerkraut Recipe for winter "Gold"

Do you like sauerkraut? This recipe will delight you with its unusual taste and originality!

For this you need a small cabbages. Remove them from the upper leaves, cobs act if - they cut off. On the opposite side to make cuts of heads crosswise. Chop the garlic, celery, carrots, peppers, beans and fresh corn.

At the bottom of a large container put horseradish leaves, then cabbage, sprinkle them with a mixture of vegetables. Repeat layers. Top should be based on the leaves of horseradish. Pour the filling and close the plastic lid. While the cabbage is fermented - it should be out in the cold.

Filling: 4 liters of water, you will need 200 grams of salt and sugar, 6 peas black pepper, 4 cloves bud, bay leaf. All mix, boil. You can pour the cabbage is hot water and cold.

2. Cabbage Recipe "Bread"

This recipe is suitable for lovers of bread. Sauerkraut will delight you with the smell of rye bread! You will need the cabbage, carrots, rye bread, honey, salt, cumin.

Preparing sauerkraut:

Chop cabbage, add the carrots, grated on a coarse grater, add salt, sprinkle with caraway seeds. Then remember the cabbage hands. At the bottom of a large container, place two slices of bread, smeared with honey, put the cabbage. Put it on a heavy press. After 2-3 days, when the cabbage starts to turn sour, pierce it clean wooden stick to left bitterness.

Do not forget the morning and evening crush the cabbage, so it does not temnela.Cherez 6 days spread out the cabbage to the banks and close the plastic covers. It is possible to store in the cellar and in the refrigerator.

3. Jam Recipe Cabbage

You adore jam? Then this recipe is for you - it is not only low-calorie, but delicious! At 1 kg of chopped cabbage, you will need 2, 5 kg of sugar, 3 teaspoons of citric acid, a little anise seeds.

Grind cabbage with 2 cups of sugar, add 1 teaspoon of citric acid and mix. Leave for 1 hour. Prepare the syrup: Dissolve remaining sugar in one liter of water, bring to a boil. Cabbage press, put in boiling syrup. Remove from the heat resulting mixture is possible only when it thickens. At the end of cooking, add 2 teaspoons of citric acid, anise and mix.

Spread into banks and roll. Keep out of the jam should be out in the cold.

Cauliflower preparations for the winter marinated with tomatoes


Cauliflower contains substances such as sodium, magnesium, folic acid. It must include in the diet of people suffering from diseases of the stomach. With it is possible to cure ulcers and gastric erosion.

The rolled-up, marinated and stewed cauliflower loses its nutrients, so be sure to zagotovte the winter this valuable product.

Recipe 1. Pickled cauliflower noodles "Raznotsvetka"

This method of preparation of pickled cabbage is simple and does not require much time. Cabbage combined with onions, peppers give a good antiseptic effect - you will not get sick in the winter! So delicious recipes preparations for the winter.

Cauliflower, carrots, onions, sweet pepper, 5-7 pea black pepper, bay leaf, hot pepper, 1/5 teaspoon of 70% vinegar.

Filling: 1 liter of water, 2 teaspoons salt, 3 tablespoons sugar.

First disassemble the cabbage into florets and wash.

Cut the carrots into slices, pepper - diced, peel onions.

At the bottom of sterilized jars put spices, carrots, onion and pepper, then cabbage.

Fill bring to a boil.

Cans of vegetables pour boiling water, leave for 5 minutes, drain the water, pour in boiling fill.

Add essence, roll.

2. Stew Recipe Cauliflower

If you are a fan of tomato and pepper - it stew for you. Pepper, which is contained in this dish will not be able to leave you and your family indifferent.

To make this stew you will need 30 minutes. Fast and tasty!

To cook it you need 3 kg of cauliflower, 3 kg of pepper, 1, 5 kilos of red tomatoes, 300 grams of parsley, 2 heads of garlic, 200 grams of vegetable oil, 2 to 3 tablespoons of sugar, salt and vinegar.

Chop cabbage, tomatoes, peppers and garlic, chop, as finely as possible.

Put everything in a large container, add the parsley, garlic, sugar, vegetable oil, salt, vinegar.

Simmer the resulting mixture for 20-30 minutes.

Spread on banks and rolls. Stew is ready!

3. Recipe Pickled cauliflower with pepper noodles

1 kg cauliflower, 1 kg of sweet pepper, 100 grams petrushki.zalivka 1 liter of water, 120 grams of salt, 150 mg of 9% vinegar. Divide the cauliflower into florets and wash it with water.

Cut the peppers, parsley. Place the jar in all layers.

Add salt, cover with boiling water.

Sterilize should techenie15-20 minutes.

Fill with boiling water and roll up.

Canned tomatoes tasty recipes for winter

 Canned tomatoes

The summer is coming to a close, the season begins tomatoes. Here are some detailed recipes for tasty tomatoes for the winter. So the tomatoes in their own juice, aspirin and original recipes in canned tomatoes with currant and plums in red.

Tasty tomatoes in their own juice for the winter


• tomato juice 1, 5 kg

• tomatoes Neboli large size - 1, 5 kg

• Garlic - 6 -7 zubochkov

• pepper - 6 pieces.

• sugar - 1 tbsp.

• salt - 1 tbsp. l.


Tomato juice you thoroughly wash and twist about Che cut meat grinder. To remove skin cells can Prote ret juice through a large sieve. Wash peppers and clean seeds from the stalks and cut into strips.

Add juice chopped garlic, salt, pepper and sugar. All cook for 30 minutes. Further, this mixture howling live whole tomatoes Neboli large size and cook for another 10 minutes hot mass decomposition sterilized ban on live Cams and roll covers.

This recipe tomatoes in their own juice pleased that no ingredients that greatly increases the caloric product. Preparation time 50 - 60 minutes.

Canned tomatoes with aspirin

The recipe on a 3-liter jar:

• medium-sized tomatoes - 1, 5-2 kg

• Garlic - 3 cloves

• small horseradish root 1 piece.

• sugar - 3 tbsp. l.

• salt - 2 tbsp. l.

• Black pepper peas - 9 pcs.

• cherry leaves - 3 pieces.

• currant leaves - 3 pieces.

• Vinegar 6% - 2 tbsp. l.

• aspirin - 1 tablet


Bank well you wash and pour over boiling water. At the bottom of the banks put the garlic, dill, horseradish, whether stya cherries and SMO homeland pepper. Next, fill a jar tomatoes to the top. Pour the boiling water, cover and let stand for 20 - 25 min. Then drain the water.

The jar, pour the vinegar and add salt, ca Features and crushed aspirin. For pour a jar to the brim with new boiling water and roll covers. Jar of tomatoes turn upside down, wrap up and leave until cool. Preparation time 30 - 35 minutes, without the infusion.

The original recipe for the winter

Canned tomatoes in plums

On the 3-liter jar:

• tomatoes -1, 5 kg

• Plum - 500g

• garlic - 4 cloves

• bay leaf - 1 pc.

• Carnation - 8 pcs.

• 100 g sugar

• salt - 2 tbsp. l.

• Dill - 50 g

• vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp. l.


Wash and drain pinned in not how many places with a toothpick. At the bottom of the banks put the garlic, dill, bay leaf and cloves. Top tightly packed tomatoes mixed with plums. Bank to pour boiling water and leave for 10 minutes.

For the water drain and 2 times zaley those banks with boiling water for 10 minutes. The Tre Tille just drain the water and boil it with salt and sugar. This marinade zaley those tomatoes with plums, add 2 tablespoons vinegar. l. and kata covers. Bank to return the pen upside down and cover to cool.

Together with plums on the recipe you are preparing luchite extra portion of vitamins B, PP, minerals - potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iodine and dietary fibers. Cooking Time 40 - 50 minutes.

Delicious tomatoes with currant in red

Recipe 3-liter jar:

• Solid red tomatoes - 2 kg

• Sweet bell peppers - 2 pieces

• red currants - 1 cup

For the marinade:

• water 1, 5 liters

• Sugar - Article 5. l.

• salt - 1 tbsp. l.


Place into sterile jars for Midori, shredded pepper, and pour boiling water for 15 minutes.

Prepare the marinade: salt and sugar dissolve in water and Prokip Titus 3 minutes. Drain the water from the cans, pour pure red currant berries and pour all the boiling marinade. Roll up the jar, turn and wrap until cool. The cooking time is 30 - 40 minutes.

These are delicious and original blank, canned tomatoes can be prepared for the winter according to recipes.
