Cabbage Sauerkraut recipes preparations for the winter


Cabbage - is not only tasty, but also a source of selenium. You do not need to buy imported vitamins and fruit - all of the nutrients you can get from it. So try as much as possible to roll, pickle and ferment harvesting cabbage in the winter! Here are some delicious recipes for sauerkraut, cabbage recipes for winter, useful piece.

1. Sauerkraut Recipe for winter "Gold"

Do you like sauerkraut? This recipe will delight you with its unusual taste and originality!

For this you need a small cabbages. Remove them from the upper leaves, cobs act if - they cut off. On the opposite side to make cuts of heads crosswise. Chop the garlic, celery, carrots, peppers, beans and fresh corn.

At the bottom of a large container put horseradish leaves, then cabbage, sprinkle them with a mixture of vegetables. Repeat layers. Top should be based on the leaves of horseradish. Pour the filling and close the plastic lid. While the cabbage is fermented - it should be out in the cold.

Filling: 4 liters of water, you will need 200 grams of salt and sugar, 6 peas black pepper, 4 cloves bud, bay leaf. All mix, boil. You can pour the cabbage is hot water and cold.

2. Cabbage Recipe "Bread"

This recipe is suitable for lovers of bread. Sauerkraut will delight you with the smell of rye bread! You will need the cabbage, carrots, rye bread, honey, salt, cumin.

Preparing sauerkraut:

Chop cabbage, add the carrots, grated on a coarse grater, add salt, sprinkle with caraway seeds. Then remember the cabbage hands. At the bottom of a large container, place two slices of bread, smeared with honey, put the cabbage. Put it on a heavy press. After 2-3 days, when the cabbage starts to turn sour, pierce it clean wooden stick to left bitterness.

Do not forget the morning and evening crush the cabbage, so it does not temnela.Cherez 6 days spread out the cabbage to the banks and close the plastic covers. It is possible to store in the cellar and in the refrigerator.

3. Jam Recipe Cabbage

You adore jam? Then this recipe is for you - it is not only low-calorie, but delicious! At 1 kg of chopped cabbage, you will need 2, 5 kg of sugar, 3 teaspoons of citric acid, a little anise seeds.

Grind cabbage with 2 cups of sugar, add 1 teaspoon of citric acid and mix. Leave for 1 hour. Prepare the syrup: Dissolve remaining sugar in one liter of water, bring to a boil. Cabbage press, put in boiling syrup. Remove from the heat resulting mixture is possible only when it thickens. At the end of cooking, add 2 teaspoons of citric acid, anise and mix.

Spread into banks and roll. Keep out of the jam should be out in the cold.

Chinese cabbage recipes preparations for the winter, kimchi salad

 Chinese cabbage

Chinese cabbage contains a lot of nutrients, so it is often used for medicinal purposes. Large quantities it contains vitamin C, mineral salts, proteins, sugars, organic acids. B vitamins, A and K, you'll also be able to get out of this miracle - a vegetable.

One of the main advantages of Chinese cabbage is its property to preserve all the nutrients in frozen and rolled-up form. In autumn and winter you should try as much as possible to stock up on healing this product!

Recipe 1. Chinese cabbage salad

To make it, take

1 kilogram of Chinese cabbage,

half a kilo of sweet peppers and onions,

1 piece of hot pepper,

1 liter of water,

100 grams of apple cider vinegar,

100 grams of sugar,

50 grams of salt.

Marinade: 1 liter of water, 100 grams of apple cider vinegar, salt, 50 grams of sugar, mix and boil 15 minutes.

Wash the cabbage, cut into large chunks. Onions cut into rings and pepper - julienne. Place the vegetables in jars and pour the boiling marinade. Put the cabbage 1 piece crushed pepper. Close the jar lid.

2. Recipe of Chinese cabbage kimchi

This dish comes to us from Korean cuisine. Many Koreans believe that this is the most important and the dish on the table. It is rich in pepper and garlic, and for those who like it hot. Besides using it in the winter, you can recover from any colds!

Take 1 kilogram of Chinese cabbage, 200 grams of chili pepper, salt, 200 grams of cabbage chesnoka.Razberite on the leaves and rinse it with cold water. The large capacity put salt and the cabbage, pour boiling water over all. Put the cabbage for 1 day in a warm mesto.Izmelchite chili and garlic, add a little salt, mix well. The resulting mixture should be in the refrigerator 1 den.Sleyte water with cabbage and promazhte each cabbage leaves a small amount of pepper mixture. Again, put the cabbage in a warm place and cover press 2 sutok.Cherez two days cabbage stir and refrigerate. Cabbage ready. It can be both stored in banks under the plastic cover and use directly.

Recipe 3. frozen Chinese cabbage

Disassemble the cabbage on the leaves and dipped in boiling, then cool water. Tilt in a colander and let drain water. Add the cabbage leaves in plastic bags, close them. Place in the freezer. You will be able to do in the winter as salads and side dishes - getting plenty of nutrients!

Broccoli in the winter, how to cook recipes canning

 Broccoli for winter

Harvested for winter broccoli, it contains a lot of nutrients for our body. With skillful preservation broccoli retains all its taste for a long period of time, and from it we can cook a variety of dishes to your table in the winter, if you have any interruptions to the purchase of fresh broccoli.

Beneficial features

It contains a lot of nutrients and vitamins (E, C, B). It is suitable for diets.

Broccoli increases the body's defense against cancer, stabilizes pressure, prevents the development of atherosclerosis and the onset of premature aging. Women broccoli will be useful in the fight against cellulite.

Very useful is definitely fresh juice strengthens the immune system and protects against colds. Be sure to include dishes with broccoli in your diet.

The first varieties of cabbage were grown on Sredizemnomornom coast, but it came to us from the United States.

We knew about it back in ancient times, but began to use only in the XVI century. Its name comes from the word "Brocco", which translates from Italian as a branch or escape.

This vegetable does not lose its properties even after processing.

Roll up the cabbage can be stored for a very long time, and often superior to taste raw.

Marinated Broccoli

If you like fresh broccoli, then using this recipe you can make her look like the most on fresh.

You will need 1 kilo of broccoli, 1 liter of water, 50 grams of salt, 30 grams of sugar, 350 ml of vinegar.

Shredded cabbage dip in hot water for 5 minutes, then at the same time in the cold.

Put in jars and pour the marinade. Pasteurized at 85-90 ° C half-liter jars for 15 minutes. Useful and tasty marinated broccoli ready!

Broccoli recipes sweet- fill.

This cabbage recipe is more suitable for lovers of spicy. It will warm you on cold winter evenings and adds mood!

For this recipe canning require less branched head of broccoli. 1 bay leaf, mustard seed, allspice, black pepper. (Add spices to taste)

Zalivka1 1 liter of water, 0 25 l 8% of vinegar, 20 g salt, 60 g sugar.

Zalivka2 1 liter of water, 0, 3 l of 8% vinegar, 25 grams of salt, 80 grams of sugar.

Rinse the herbs and pour the vinegar, bring to a boil.

Leave them in a container for 1 hour, without opening the cover.

Lay head of broccoli in boiling water, add a bit of citric acid, boil until the cabbage is tender. In no case can not tenderize it - it must be elastic.

Once the broccoli is ready, it is spread, and hearken to the banks.

Then add to the banks fill, close and sterilize them.

Half-liter cans have to be sterilized for 20 minutes at 90 o C.

After banks sterilize - refrigerate them.

Filling: take a liter of water, add salt and sugar, boil, remove from heat and add the vinegar.

Broccoli can be eaten as a salad separately and seasoning to the meat.
