Delicious preparations for the winter cabbage recipes for appetizers

 Kvas cabbage

We suggest you make delicious preparations for the winter cabbage, this recipe is perfect for any dish, as well as an excellent fit and a cold light, simple and original appetizer for the holiday table.

Preparation of simple and tasty meals does not require a lot of time as cabbage shred and cut slices.

On 3 liter jar it is necessary:

2 - 3 cabbage

1 - 2 pieces of carrots

3 garlic zubochka

1 horseradish root, a small root

5 pieces peppercorns

3 tablespoons vegetable oil

Cooking cabbage

At the bottom of the banks put the horseradish, cut into 3 parts.

Cabbage cut into pieces, put them into a jar, carrots cut into strips, add pepper and garlic.

Brine is necessary to:

On 1 liter of water

1 cup of sugar without the slides

3 tablespoons salt without slides

1 tablespoon vinegar 9%

Output 1, 2 liters of brine cabbage

All the boil, pour into a jar with cabbage gently close the lid need caproic, and after cooling is recommended to put in a cool place in the refrigerator.

Week 2 great light and cool, simple and original appetizer for the holiday table is ready, invite your guests.

Enjoy your meal!

Pepper salad with vegetables preparations for the winter, delicious recipes canning

 Pepper salad with vegetables

With the onset of autumn, many housewives are starting to make preparations for the winter canned. Foremost among the blanks occupy vegetables. Their pickled, canned, doing all kinds of salads. To learn how you can cook pepper and vegetables in the winter, will be discussed in this article.

Here are some delicious recipes canning peppers, salad from pepper and vegetables that can be prepared for the winter.

Recipe 1 Pepper and vegetables for the winter in tomato sauce

To prepare the blank, take a pound of sweet peppers and carrots, 3 heads of onion, dill and parsley, salt and sugar to taste.

Also, for you will need to fill the tomato: tomato paste, pepper (black and sweet), salt and sugar.

Peppers, carrots and onions, peel, pepper, remove stem and seeds.

Cut the carrots and onions into strips.

Pepper parboiled, rest of the vegetables simmer until tender.

Wash and chop the herbs, add the carrots and onions.

Add salt and pepper to taste. This mixture fill blanched peppers. Place the peppers in a prepared jars and pour the tomato sauce.

Fill prepare as follows. Pour the tomato paste in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Then, add a small amount of water, salt, sugar and pepper (black and allspice).

2. Recipe Spicy salad of peppers and eggplants in winter

You will need half a kilo of sweet peppers, eggplant, two kg, two sharp peppers, and a half cup of vegetable oil and garlic.

To prepare the marinade to this salad, you need to take four liters of water, half a cup of salt and sugar, bay leaf and half a cup of vinegar (table).

Wash eggplant and cut into slices or halves circles.

Pepper clear from the stalk and seeds, chop finely, or scroll through a meat grinder together with hot pepper.

Garlic peel and squeeze through the press.

In a saucepan pour water, add salt, sugar and bay leaf. Wait until the water comes to a boil, and add the vinegar and stir. Put the chopped eggplant in marinade and cook for about 10 minutes then you need to remove the eggplants and put into the prepared container.

There also put the pepper and garlic.

Heat the vegetable oil in a pan and carefully pour in the vegetables.

Mix, spread to the banks and tighten.

In this salad can also add sieved carrots or onions, carrots and onions together. Garlic and hot pepper can be added at will by adjusting the sharpness of dishes at will.

3. Recipe salad of peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers in the winter

Take a kilogram of cucumbers and green tomato, half a kilo of pepper, some bulbs, three cups of vegetable oil, half a cup of vinegar and salt to taste.

Tomatoes and onions cut into thin slices, cucumbers - semicircles.

Pepper, seeded, cut into strips.

All the vegetables mix and leave to stand (about 20 minutes).

After that, pour the vinegar and oil.

The resulting mixed vegetables lay on banks and roll.

Cucumbers in the winter with vodka recipes blanks

 Cucumbers in the winter with vodka

Home canned, prepared with their own hands - it is always a feast with delicious blanks and pride in their work. Cucumbers with vodka, harvested in the winter always got very tight and crisp. Choose your recipe of delicious pickles.

Recipe 1. Canned cucumber with vodka

For conservation need:

- 1, 5 liters of water
- Small cucumbers
- 50 ml. vodka
- 100 gr. salt
- Acute perchina
- Dried dill, oak leaves, horseradish, cherry
- Horseradish root
- 4 cloves of garlic

How to cook:

Cucumbers and my soaked in cool water for a few hours.

The banks sterilize and spread them leaves, garlic, horseradish and hot pepper. Top cucumbers firmly laid.

The banks with cucumbers bed of salt and fill with cold water, cover with a lid and send in a dark warm place to ferment. This process takes a couple of days.

At the end of the term we pour the brine into the pot and boil. The banks with cucumbers, pour the vodka, add the boiling brine on top, and roll up for the winter.

Overturn jars with cucumbers and lodge a warm towel. We leave in such a way as not to cool down.

Recipe 2. pickles and vodka

For conservation need:

- 2 kg. small cucumbers
- 1, 5 liters of water
- 100 ml. vodka
- 50 grams. salt
- 75g. sugar
- Hot pepper
- Leaves of cherry, currant and horseradish
- Lavrushka and pepper

How to make:

In water, dissolve sugar and salt.
Banks sterilizes and laid them leaves Lavrushka, hot pepper and pepper.

Top laid cucumbers. Fill jars with cucumbers brine is not the most up to the neck and topped up with vodka. Blanking of the jar and leave for 3 days in a warm dark place.

Over time merge with the pickle jars in a pan and boil for 5 minutes. We fill our cucumbers boiling brine and rolls for the winter.

Overturn jars with cucumbers and lodge a warm towel. Leave to cool in this form until the brine in the banks has cooled down

Recipe 3. Crunchy cucumber with vodka for the winter

For conservation need:

- 2 liters of water
- 100 gr. salt
- 50 ml. wine vinegar
- 40 ml. vodka
- 3 cloves garlic
- Horseradish leaves, cherries and dried dill
- Small cucumbers
Cucumbers and leaves my.

How to cook:

The banks (sterilized) spread layers of cucumbers with leaves, dill and garlic to the top.

In a saucepan pour the water and dissolve the salt in it. Sends to the heat and pour in the vinegar not. Boil for 5 minutes and add the vodka. Pour boiling brine jars with cucumbers and immediately roll up for the winter.

Overturn jars with cucumbers and wrapped a warm towel. Subject in this form until the brine in the banks has cooled down completely.

All these species conservation should be stored in cool, dark place, and then they can be stored for several years, if not sooner eat.
