Marinated asparagus recipes, delicious

 Pickled Asparagus

From about mid-April to the end of July asparagus season. Cook it very easy and fast: about 5 minutes by steaming or boiling salted water, and the stems are soft. The article presents recipes for marinated asparagus delicious.

Gourmets recommend asparagus with butter, but it can be any filling of your choice.

1 recipe marinated asparagus in sweet - sour sauce

You need: 500g. steamed asparagus, garlic clove, 1 tbsp. teaspoon Dijon mustard (if possible, use mustard with grains), 1 tbsp. tablespoon wine vinegar, olive oil and white pepper.


In a small bowl whisk together the mustard, oil, vinegar, crushed garlic and pepper.

Boiled steamed asparagus pour this sauce and place in the refrigerator for a couple of hours to marinate.

Recipe 2 Assorted vegetables with marinated asparagus

Require: In 30g. carrots and celery for 200g. kohlrabi and canned peas, 120gr. oil, 15-20 gr. vinegar, 3 - 5 eggs, 100g. marinated asparagus to taste with salt and pepper.


Finely chopped vegetables marinate in oil with vinegar for 15 - 20 minutes, adding salt and pepper. Put vegetables on the lettuce and garnish with boiled eggs and pickled asparagus.

Roasted Asparagus Recipe 3

Take prescription: 300 - 500 g. asparagus, 50 g. butter and bread crumbs, 3 - 4 eggs, 100 gr. 33% cream, salt and pepper to taste.


Boil the asparagus and cool. Put the asparagus in a greased butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs form. Beat the eggs with a little salt and cream, pour the asparagus and place in preheated to 180 - 200 degrees bake until golden brown.

When a table, cut into small pieces and sprinkle with fresh herbs.

Recipe 4 bruschetta with marinated asparagus

It takes 300 - 400 gr. asparagus, 200 - 250 grams. curd cheese of 80 - 100 ml. wine vinegar, 100g. sugar, 100 ml. vegetable oil, a few cloves of garlic, thyme, Lavrushka, salt and pepper, a loaf for making bruschetta, water.


Asparagus fry in a skillet for 3 minutes and cool. Prepare the marinade: In a small saucepan, mix half a liter of water, sugar, salt, vinegar and spices. After boiling the marinade, in a minute remove from heat.

Add oil, stir and cool. Add fried asparagus and put into the refrigerator for at least 5 to 6 hours.

Baton cut into slices and fry in a pan or dry. Spread on the resulting cream cheese Bruschetta, and lay along the chopped pickled asparagus.

Bruschetta season to request a drop of lemon juice and sprinkle with fresh herbs.

Asparagus Recipe 5 in the test

Take prescription: 450 - 500g. asparagus, half a liter of milk, 250 - 280 grams. flour, 2-3 eggs, salt and pepper to taste.


Boil the asparagus until tender. Milk, flour and eggs make the dough, like a pancake. Season with salt and pepper. Optionally added to the dough favorite spices.

Asparagus dip in batter and fry in hot oil. Share finished asparagus on a paper towel, thereby collecting fat. Serve with your favorite sauce.

According to the recipes can be cooked pretty tasty with pickled asparagus.

Pickled peppers recipe for winter

 Pickled peppers

Recently, vegetable stalls in the markets look like a traffic light - green, yellow, red. And indeed there are other colored vegetables. Among this diversity, it attracts the attention of cayenne pepper, sweet, vegetable and paprika. This vegetable is a real "treasure" of various vitamins. Therefore it is recommended to buy it more often and prepare various dishes.

In fact, the pepper has a different color as itself and distinguish their varieties. All varieties have many useful properties and vitamins, and each "color" pepper - useful in its own way. Pepper is a vegetable from the nightshade family, pepper dishes prepared by various means available.

Pickling - a preservation method, with the addition of citric or acetic acid. Pickled peppers - surprisingly tasty snack that will fit on any desk.

Preparation for cooking marinated peppers

Here, the best fit of red and green fruit color, preferably those that have little wall fleshy. After peppers with a solid wall is not suitable, so the best stuff peppers, roast or stew.

Banks are required to thoroughly rinse and posterilizovat. Sterilization of cans required to carry out in the pan and the bottom should be completely prostelit cloth.

Do not forget to keep track of the temperature of the cans was on a par with the water temperature. For this you need to follow to prevent bursting cans, which in fact often happens. Then, cover the jar and do not remove them until the blockage.

The recipe of marinated peppers and honey

Usually, at the holiday table, no one would have refused the sour-sweet snacks such as pickled peppers. Honey taste of your pickled peppers - is quite original, tasty and unique. Worth a try!


1 sweet pepper, 6 kilograms

2. 2 small chili peppers

3. 2 cups (200 grams) of honey

4. Black pepper (pepper)

5. Bay leaf

6. Vinegar, preferably 3%, 200 ml.

7. 2 small onions

8. Allspice

9. 1 tablespoon sugar

10. 8 tablespoons salt

11. Several carnation petals.

Course of preparation:

1. You will need to clear the peppers from seeds and stalks.

2. Cook the marinade. Mix: water, salt, honey, vinegar, pepper (pepper) and vegetable oil. And in the end, add the bay leaf and gradually remove the foam from the top.

3. Then, the marinade is required to lay prepared beforehand pepper, cut into pieces. Boil the contents of 7 minutes.

4. All Templates lay in sterilized jars and then pour boiling marinade content. Pepper Marinade should cover at least 1 centimeter.

5. Roll up the metal cover.

6. Turn the jars upside down.

This recipe of marinated peppers in the winter is calculated on floor 7-liter jars.

Also, you should know that the composition of sweet pepper, even during heat treatment retains all the nutrients. Sweet pepper is useful in any way, even pickled.

It is worth noting that the use of pepper, promotes a positive effect on smokers and people who are in a smoke-filled room. Sweet peppers are rich in vitamin A, namely, it reduces the risk of cancer, as in this case, the high risk zone.

Pickled ginger at home, recipes

 Pickled Ginger

Ginger is known for its useful content, not only for the prevention of certain diseases, but also for the correction and toning the entire body. Today ginger in stores is not the deficit.

But you can marinate the product at home and use every day in the preparation of the menu, or in the manufacture of beverages. Marinate ginger can be for a variety of recipes, following their taste priorities.

Recipe 1 The easiest way to pickling ginger

Take 250 grams of ginger root, carefully clean and immerse in boiling water for 1 minute. Paper towels dry root and set it aside, you will need it later.

Getting to the preparation of the marinade. Prepare an equal amount of 30 grams. sugar, rose wine and sake. All the ingredients are mixed, the resulting mass boil and stir in 100 ml of su (in Japanese, rice vinegar).

Take a separate container where you will join the finished marinade and put the same-dried ginger. The process of marinating in the home will take 4 days, during which Ginger will get a nice pink color. Keep it may be in the refrigerator, taste is not lost, and ginger will not deteriorate.

Recipe 2 Delicate and delicious pickled ginger

For the second method it needs a very sharp knife. Half a kilo of ginger should be cleaned and cut into slices. By the way you need to clean the ginger does not like potatoes, but sufficiently scrape the top rind.

Cut peeled ginger is required as thin as possible to get tender and tasty product. Ready Lay slices in a ceramic pot and leave for 10 minutes.

Boil 3 liters of water with a pinch of salt and pour the brine produced slices of ginger. This must be done in order to ginger little podmyak. Then drain almost all the liquid, add a cup of rice vinegar and 50 grams. sugar. Pickled ginger is in the refrigerator for 6 hours. The finished product will be a very tender and juicy.

3 Unusual Recipe pickled ginger

The third method of cooking at home is not quite normal. Ginger marinated recipe with the addition of beets and get a great result.

The purified ginger firmly rubbed with salt and placed for 8-10 hours in the refrigerator. After the "salting" wipe dry root and cut into thin slices along the fibers.

Fold ginger in a bowl of hot boiling water and bring it down to the same piece of beet. Blanch ginger with beets need 5 minutes, then got only ginger and place in a glass jar. The remaining solution of water with beet is not very useful.

To prepare the marinade, use half cup of rice vinegar, 50 g sugar and 1/4 cup water. All mix, boil and pour the marinade in a glass jar with ginger. Ostuzhennoy put the dish in the refrigerator. Ginger can be used in 2 days.

By the way, pickled ginger in the home can be in any amount, because the store it will be a la carte portions in the freezer. We should not forget that any marinating and storage is not permitted in a metal boat, alone.

Pickled ginger is good for sushi, meat dishes and as a standalone product.
