Now marinating is one of the most popular ways of harvesting vegetables, especially among urban dwellers. After all, pickling, fermenting or soak vegetables, requires not only the bulk container, but necessary storage: the basement, cellar. And find a place for the three-liter jar of pickles can be in any, even the smallest apartment.
Suitable for pickling various vegetables, but the most popular are cucumbers, tomatoes, squash, red-cabbage or cabbage, cauliflower, garlic, peppers, beets.
Vegetables for canning must be fresh, without damage, signs of disease, regular shape and preferably the same size. Marinate can separate each kind of vegetables, you can make cuts, salads, or stuff some other kinds of foods. Recipes are many, for different tastes. The following recipes are time-tested. Try to cook, suddenly something will become your "signature dish."
A small note.
If the cooking process requires pasteurization (boiling cans of food and water or marinade), it must be borne in mind that at the bottom of the pan put a metal or wooden lattice. It is necessary that the banks are not in contact with the bottom of the dishes. In a pinch, you can use natural fabrics. The pot water should be just below the neck of the cans.
General rules for the preparation of the marinade (if the recipe does not specify any particular). Salt, sugar diluted in water in a specified amount. Stirring constantly, boil the solution for about 10 minutes. After straining, the vinegar was added and heated at a temperature not higher than 95 degrees C, for about 20 minutes.
Recipe 1 Marinated Cucumbers with carrots and onions for the winter
Consumption of products in 4 liter cans
Ingredients: Cucumber - 3 - 4 kg., Carrots average - 4 pcs., Bulb average - 4 pcs. Dill.
For the marinade: Water - 2 liters., Sugar - 7 tablespoons, salt - 3 tablespoons vinegar 9% - 180 ml.
Cooking at home.
Cucumbers are cleaned and allowed to stand for 6 hours in a cold water. Each sterilized jars laid: carrots, quartered, onion, cut into rings, 2 Umbrella dill.
Dense, upright, fill the jar cucumbers. Thus prepared jars with cucumbers pour hot marinade, roll, inverted and allowed to cool, pre-wrapped blanket.
Cucumbers are obtained tasty and crunchy
Recipe 2 Marinated tomatoes with garlic at home
Consumption of products in three-liter jar.
Tomatoes - about 2 kg. Garlic - 3-4zubchika
For the marinade: water - 1, 5 l., Salt - 1 tbsp Sugar - 100 gr., 9% vinegar - 1 tbsp
Tomatoes are placed in a jar, pour boiling water and leave to marinade while cooking. A solution of salt and sugar is heated to boiling. The water from the jars with tomatoes drained. Garlic rubbed or crushed and placed on top of the tomatoes.
Prepared tomato pour the marinade well and add the vinegar. Bank roll and harbor to cool.
Tomatoes are delicate, unique flavor.
Recipe 3 Pickled cauliflower recipes
Cauliflower (inflorescence) - 900 g, red and green bell pepper - 4 pcs., Parsley - 50 g
For the filling: Water - 1, 8 l., Salt - '80, Vinegar (essence) 70% - 2 tsp
Cabbage wash and divide into florets. Peppers cleaned of seeds, cut rings. Finely chopped parsley. The sterilized liter jars (2 pcs.) Tight layers stacked Products: red pepper, parsley, green pepper, cabbage. Repeat layers.
The filled jars are placed on top of the salt, pour boiling water (up to the neck leaving 3-4 cm.), Cover with a lid. Pasteurized approximately 25 minutes. Then add 2/3 tsp vinegar, topped up with hot water. Banks roll, flip, wrap up and leave to cool.
If you like a cauliflower, this recipe is for you. The taste of cabbage is just amazing.
Doing domestic preparations for the winter, you must follow some simple rules to avoid failures and not to harm the health:
• Use only high quality fresh raw materials, with no signs of disease, decay. Before use, thoroughly wash products.
• storage containers must be of glass, carefully sterilized. Covers twist to should be boiled and used while they are hot.
• Fill the jars with marinade should leave the air space of about 2 mm. If the fill banks 'neckline', it would lead to a lack of integrity. Blanks will be spoiled.