Assorted tomatoes and cucumbers - is a great way out, when one family loves cucumbers, and other crazy about tomatoes. There are many different ways and recipes to cook cucumbers with tomatoes for the winter. But I would like to share with you the most popular and delicious one.
1. The recipe for the winter Assorted tomatoes with cucumber
Looking for the following products:
- A kilo of cucumbers
- Tomatoes
- One sweet peppers
- Dry dill
- 4 cloves of garlic
- Horseradish root
- One onion
- Pepper
- 40 c. edible salt
- 50 grams. sugar
- 75 ml. vinegar
How to cook:
Cooking vegetables for preservation. Cucumbers are washed, cut the tails and leave in cold water for a few hours. Spine horseradish cleared. Pepper seeds and cleaned from walls and cut into strips. Clean and chop the onion into 4 major rings.
In sterilized jars lay dried dill, horseradish root, pepper, sweet pepper, garlic and onion. Then put half tightly cucumbers and tomatoes on top we report.
Laid jar with cucumbers and tomatoes fill with boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for fifteen minutes. Over time, drain the water and again Boil. By repeating this three times.
For the third time in each jar add sugar, salt and vinegar and pour boiling water. Immediately roll up cuts in the winter and leave until cool, pre-turn banks and wrap them with something warm.
Recipe 2. Canned cucumbers and tomatoes
Looking for the following products:
- Small-sized tomatoes
- Small cucumbers
- 1, 5 liters of water
- 50 grams. edible salt
- 100 gr. sugar
- 20 ml. vinegar
- Lavrushka, bell pepper
- Dried dill, garlic, horseradish leaves
How to make:
Banks thoroughly wash and sterilize. In each jar Lay dill, Lavrushka, garlic, horseradish leaves and peppercorns.
Tomatoes and cucumbers wash well. With cucumbers cut off the tails and leave in cold water for about an hour.
Half the banks lay the cucumbers, and the top, add the tomatoes.
The capacity to boil water, add to her table salt and sugar are completely dissolved and turn off the fire. In the hot marinade pour the vinegar and pour cans of tomatoes and cucumbers. Immediately Assorted sterilized lids roll up for the winter.
Overturn banks harboring something warm and leave until cool.
3. Recipe Marinated tomatoes with cucumber
Looking for the following products:
- Small size cucumber
- Small-sized tomatoes
- Hot peppers
- Dried dill and horseradish leaves
- Garlic
- Bell pepper
- 75g. edible salt
- 75g. sugar
- 20 ml. vinegar
How to cook:
Wash vegetables well. From cucumbers cut tails and leave for a couple of hours in the cool water. Peppers remove seeds and partitions, and cut into 4 pieces.
Three-liter jar a good wash and sterilize. Put into each jar of horseradish leaves and dried dill, hot peppers, garlic and peppers. Place the cucumbers in half, and add the tomatoes on top.
In a saucepan pour the water (with the expectation of a jar), add sugar and table salt and Boil. Slightly boil until sugar is dissolved and edible salt.
The jar, pour the vinegar and pour on the same neck of the boiling marinade. Cover the lid and sterilized send sterilized for 35 minutes. Immediately roll up a jar of assorted winter.
Leave to cool preservation of tomatoes and cucumbers in the inverted position. Do not forget to cover the banks with something warm.
Delicious zucchini with tomatoes for winter recipes
Very tasty canned obtained from zucchini and tomatoes. Squash impart sweet taste, and tomatoes are combined harmoniously with him. Let me tell you a few options for winter preservation of zucchini and tomatoes at home. Each recipe according to your taste and unusual.
Try to cook all and pick your favorite recipe.
Recipe 1. Tomato and Zucchini
Looking for the following products:
- A kilo of young zucchini
- A kilo of tomatoes
- Half a kilo of sweet pepper
- 2 heads of garlic
- 100 ml. vinegar
- 200 gr. sugar
- 200 ml. oil odorless
- 50 grams. coarse salt
How to cook:
Wash all vegetables well. Zucchini cut into slices about 1 cm in width.
In a meat grinder grind tomatoes, garlic and peppers. Add sugar, salt, oil and vinegar and mix. The resulting marinade pour zucchini and send it to slow fire. Since the boil, continue cooking for another 20 minutes.
Sterilize jars and place them on a hot salad in the winter. Roll up with sterilized lids and leave to cool, pre-wrapped cans and turning something warm.
2. Delicious Recipe canned zucchini with tomatoes
Looking for the following products:
- 3 young zucchini
- 5 small tomatoes
- Spices (garlic, dried dill, allspice)
- 50 grams. sugar
- 25 grams of salt ..
- 50 ml. vinegar
How to make:
Bank to sterilize and place them in spices.
Wash vegetables well. Zucchini cut into small pieces and place mixed with tomatoes in a quart jar.
Fill the jar with zucchini and tomatoes with boiling water and leave for a quarter of an hour to cool. After drain and Boil it again. Once again fill the jar and let cool a quarter of an hour.
Again drain and Boil water. Add the jar salt, sugar and vinegar and pour boiling water. Cover with sterilized lid and roll for the winter. Turn wrap and something warm. Leave to cool in such a bank.
3. Recipe Appetizer of tomatoes and zucchini without vinegar
Looking for the following products:
- A kilo of zucchini
- Half a kilo of onions
- 1, 5 kg. tomatoes
- 300 gr. garlic
- 50 grams. sugar
- 40 c. salt
- 75 ml. oil odorless
- Bitter pepper
How to cook:
Wash vegetables thoroughly. Cut zucchini in half lengthwise and remove the seeds. Cut into half rings and add to the tank. Add the squash, salt, sugar and oil, odorless and send to cook on low heat for 10 minutes.
Tomatoes cut into slices and boil as soon as the zucchini, send them to the tomatoes. Chop onion half rings and after 10 minutes after boiling, zucchini, onions, send the container. Bitter pepper chop and send along with the garlic in a salad. Boil for 5 minutes.
Sterilize the jars and place them in the hot salad. Roll up immediately sterilized lids for the winter and return to cool, turn the pre-wrap and something warm jars.
When banks have cooled off, you can hide them in a closet or cellar. They are great and can be stored at room temperature.
This delicious salad does not include vinegar and so like people suffering from acidity.
Eggplant in Georgian in winter recipes
Eggplant Georgian turn out very tasty and light. This excellent appetizer is perfect for any dish, both in everyday life and at the festive table. I want to tell you a few options for cooking eggplant in Georgian for the winter.
1. Eggplant Recipe Georgian salad with garlic and carrots
Take the following products:
- 10 kg. Eggplant
- 500 ml. vegetable oil odorless
- 500 ml. vinegar
- Half a kilo of garlic
- Along the beam parsley, basil, celery and cilantro
- A kilo of onions
- Half a kilo of carrots
- 400 gr. sugar
- 5 pieces. hot pepper
-65 C. edible salt
How to cook:
Eggplant wash thoroughly and cut off the tail. Cut them into large pieces and send in boiling water, with the addition of edible salt. Boil the eggplant for about 6 minutes and fold in a sieve to get rid of excess fluid.
Finely chop all the herbs and fold into a separate container. There also add twisted garlic with hot peppers. All the mix.
Carrots cut into thin strips, and chop the onion rings.
The capacity of the stacked layers eggplant, greens, carrots and onions. Then in the same sequence until the end products. Top cover with a plate and put the burden. Leave in a form for 4 days, to marinated.
In a separate container, mix the vinegar, vegetable oil, sugar and salt.
In sterilized jars marinated eggplant, apply and fill refueling. Sterilize jars and roll up quarter of an hour in winter. Leave until cool, cover jars with eggplant Georgian warm blanket.
Recipe 2. Delicious Georgian Eggplant rolls
Take the following products:
- 10 kg. Sinenky
- Half a liter of vinegar
- Half a liter of vegetable oil odorless
- The beam of basil, parsley, coriander and celery
- Half a kilo of shelled garlic
- A kilo of onions
- 6 pieces. hot pepper
- 65 c. edible salt
- 250 gr. sugar
How to cook:
Little blue wash well and cut into medium-sized plates. Send them in boiling water with addition of salt and boil for 5 minutes. After sinenkie fold in a sieve and let drain excess moisture.
Finely chop the greens and connect with chopped garlic and hot pepper.
In a separate container, combine vegetable oil, sugar, vinegar and salt.
Chop onion half rings.
Each little blue put on a spoon spicy greens and wrap in a roll.
In sterilized jars lay sinenkie as rolls, interspersing their onions and pour sauce. Sterilize sinenkie Georgian 45 minutes and immediately roll up for the winter.
Leave rolls to full cooling, pre-wrapped cans and turning them a warm blanket.
3. Recipe Marinated eggplant appetizer in Georgian
Take the following products:
- 10 kg. Eggplant
- One and a half kilograms of sweet pepper
- 300 gr. garlic
- 6 pieces. hot pepper
1, 5 bottles vinegar
How to cook:
Eggplant wash well and cut in half lengthwise. Few get the wind up with salt and leave for a couple of hours, that went all the bitterness. Rinse the eggplant with water and a little squeeze.
In a separate container, mix the chopped garlic and hot pepper. Pour the resulting mixture of vinegar.
Eggplant fry pan on each side of a small quantity of vegetable oil. Roasted eggplant dip generously on each side in a sharp mixture of acetic and tightly packed into sterilized jars.
Send sterilized for half an hour. After immediately sterilized lids roll up for the winter. The upside leave in Georgian eggplant until cool. Just be sure to wrap them warm blanket.