Cauliflower contains substances such as sodium, magnesium, folic acid. It must include in the diet of people suffering from diseases of the stomach. With it is possible to cure ulcers and gastric erosion.
The rolled-up, marinated and stewed cauliflower loses its nutrients, so be sure to zagotovte the winter this valuable product.
Recipe 1. Pickled cauliflower noodles "Raznotsvetka"
This method of preparation of pickled cabbage is simple and does not require much time. Cabbage combined with onions, peppers give a good antiseptic effect - you will not get sick in the winter! So delicious recipes preparations for the winter.
Cauliflower, carrots, onions, sweet pepper, 5-7 pea black pepper, bay leaf, hot pepper, 1/5 teaspoon of 70% vinegar.
Filling: 1 liter of water, 2 teaspoons salt, 3 tablespoons sugar.
First disassemble the cabbage into florets and wash.
Cut the carrots into slices, pepper - diced, peel onions.
At the bottom of sterilized jars put spices, carrots, onion and pepper, then cabbage.
Fill bring to a boil.
Cans of vegetables pour boiling water, leave for 5 minutes, drain the water, pour in boiling fill.
Add essence, roll.
2. Stew Recipe Cauliflower
If you are a fan of tomato and pepper - it stew for you. Pepper, which is contained in this dish will not be able to leave you and your family indifferent.
To make this stew you will need 30 minutes. Fast and tasty!
To cook it you need 3 kg of cauliflower, 3 kg of pepper, 1, 5 kilos of red tomatoes, 300 grams of parsley, 2 heads of garlic, 200 grams of vegetable oil, 2 to 3 tablespoons of sugar, salt and vinegar.
Chop cabbage, tomatoes, peppers and garlic, chop, as finely as possible.
Put everything in a large container, add the parsley, garlic, sugar, vegetable oil, salt, vinegar.
Simmer the resulting mixture for 20-30 minutes.
Spread on banks and rolls. Stew is ready!
3. Recipe Pickled cauliflower with pepper noodles
1 kg cauliflower, 1 kg of sweet pepper, 100 grams petrushki.zalivka 1 liter of water, 120 grams of salt, 150 mg of 9% vinegar. Divide the cauliflower into florets and wash it with water.
Cut the peppers, parsley. Place the jar in all layers.
Add salt, cover with boiling water.
Sterilize should techenie15-20 minutes.
Fill with boiling water and roll up.