Tomatoes with mustard recipes for winter preservation

 Tomatoes with mustard

Tomatoes can be used in food in different forms. Of eating fresh vyalyat, and prepare their pasta and sauces and of course conserved. Tomatoes with mustard as preparations for the winter are different from the normal preservation unique aroma and flavor with salted savory notes. I will share with you three recipes for tomato with mustard for the winter. I hope you try it and you and your family will like.

Recipe 1. Marinated tomatoes with mustard and vinegar

For conservation need:

- 2 kg. tomatoes
- 20 ml. vinegar
- Spices (Lavrushka, black pepper and allspice)
- 2 heads of garlic
- Dried dill and horseradish leaves
- 2 sharp perchiny
- 2 liters of water
- 40 c. sugar
- 50 grams. dry mustard
- 60 g. table salt

How to cook:

Tomatoes Wash thoroughly, move and leave to slightly dry.

Banks clean soda, rinse and sterilize. Place the jars in the already dry spices, horseradish and dill leaves, garlic and hot peppers. Firmly tamp banks tomatoes.

In a saucepan pour the water, and send it over high heat. When it comes to a boil, sprinkle in a tablespoon salt and sugar and boil for 5 minutes to completely dissolve the bulk products. Remove from heat and cool.

In a jar with tomatoes Sprinkle dry mustard, pour brine and add the vinegar. Cover the jars with gauze and leave for a week. Over time, remove the cheesecloth and send jars of tomatoes in a cool place for a month.

Can such banks with blanks tomatoes with mustard in a cool place can be stored for about 3 months.

Recipe 2. Canned tomatoes with mustard and pepper in the winter

For conservation on aspirin (no vinegar) need:

- 10 liters of water
- 250 gr. table salt
- 500 gr. sugar
- Small tomatoes
- 4 heads of garlic
- 8 Acute perchin
- Dill and horseradish leaves
- Mustard powder and 25 grams. 3-liter jar
- A pack of aspirin

How to cook:

In the cooled boiled water, add aspirin, sugar and table salt. Stir until complete dissolution of bulk ingredients. Then add the vinegar and stir.

Banks wash with the addition of soda, rinse and sterilize. In each jar put dill and horseradish leaves, garlic and hot pepper and lay on top of the tomatoes tightly.

On top of the tomatoes, pour mustard powder and pour brine. Cover pre-sterilized lids and send sterilized for 15 minutes.

Over time, banks roll up for the winter and leave upside down until completely cooled. Do not forget to hide the jars warm towel.

3. The recipe salted tomatoes with garlic and mustard

For conservation need:
- 1, 5 kg of tomatoes
- 4 cloves of garlic
- Horseradish leaves, currants and Lavrushka
- liter of water
- 50 grams. table salt
- 50 grams. sugar
- 50 grams. dry mustard

How to cook:

Pour the water into a container and Boil. Then add the sugar and table salt and cook a few minutes until the sugar and salt have dissolved. Ready marinade, remove from heat and cool.

The pre-sterilized jars lay leaves, garlic and tomatoes. Fill jars with tomatoes growing cold brine, cover and let sit for a couple of days.

Over time, drain the brine from the cans into the pan and Boil. The cans tomatoes, add dry mustard and pour the boiling brine to the top. Roll up the banks for the winter and leave upside down until completely cooled.

Do not forget to hide the jars of pickled tomatoes warm towel.

Cauliflower preparations for the winter marinated with tomatoes


Cauliflower contains substances such as sodium, magnesium, folic acid. It must include in the diet of people suffering from diseases of the stomach. With it is possible to cure ulcers and gastric erosion.

The rolled-up, marinated and stewed cauliflower loses its nutrients, so be sure to zagotovte the winter this valuable product.

Recipe 1. Pickled cauliflower noodles "Raznotsvetka"

This method of preparation of pickled cabbage is simple and does not require much time. Cabbage combined with onions, peppers give a good antiseptic effect - you will not get sick in the winter! So delicious recipes preparations for the winter.

Cauliflower, carrots, onions, sweet pepper, 5-7 pea black pepper, bay leaf, hot pepper, 1/5 teaspoon of 70% vinegar.

Filling: 1 liter of water, 2 teaspoons salt, 3 tablespoons sugar.

First disassemble the cabbage into florets and wash.

Cut the carrots into slices, pepper - diced, peel onions.

At the bottom of sterilized jars put spices, carrots, onion and pepper, then cabbage.

Fill bring to a boil.

Cans of vegetables pour boiling water, leave for 5 minutes, drain the water, pour in boiling fill.

Add essence, roll.

2. Stew Recipe Cauliflower

If you are a fan of tomato and pepper - it stew for you. Pepper, which is contained in this dish will not be able to leave you and your family indifferent.

To make this stew you will need 30 minutes. Fast and tasty!

To cook it you need 3 kg of cauliflower, 3 kg of pepper, 1, 5 kilos of red tomatoes, 300 grams of parsley, 2 heads of garlic, 200 grams of vegetable oil, 2 to 3 tablespoons of sugar, salt and vinegar.

Chop cabbage, tomatoes, peppers and garlic, chop, as finely as possible.

Put everything in a large container, add the parsley, garlic, sugar, vegetable oil, salt, vinegar.

Simmer the resulting mixture for 20-30 minutes.

Spread on banks and rolls. Stew is ready!

3. Recipe Pickled cauliflower with pepper noodles

1 kg cauliflower, 1 kg of sweet pepper, 100 grams petrushki.zalivka 1 liter of water, 120 grams of salt, 150 mg of 9% vinegar. Divide the cauliflower into florets and wash it with water.

Cut the peppers, parsley. Place the jar in all layers.

Add salt, cover with boiling water.

Sterilize should techenie15-20 minutes.

Fill with boiling water and roll up.

Eggplant fried on winter recipes

 Eggplant fried

There are many different and tasty snacks, which include fried eggplant. In the summer, we can easily delight yourself with these dishes, but that winter does not go without your favorite dishes you can prepare delicious grilled eggplant in the winter.

1. Fried eggplant recipe for winter

For conservation need:

- 3 kg. small eggplant
- Half a liter of vegetable oil
- 80 grams. table salt

Cooking method:

Eggplant wash and cut into slices along the middle. Each piece rub table salt and leave for half an hour to get rid of the bitterness of the eggplant. After wring your hands and send eggplant fried to brown.

Place the eggplant into dry sterilized jars and pour boiling oil in which they were fried, to the top.

Just roll up the banks with fried eggplant in winter, upside down and wrap up their leave until completely cool.

2. Eggplant Recipe fried with bell peppers

For conservation need:
- 3 kg. Eggplant
- Head of garlic
- 100 ml. vinegar
- 100 ml. vegetable oil
- A kilo of sweet pepper
- 2 pcs. onion
- 125 gr. sugar
- 50 grams. table salt

Cooking method:

Vegetables carefully wash and clean as needed. Sweet pepper cut into medium strips. Onions chop cube.
Garlic chop using chesnokodavki. Pour into a container garlic, peppers and onions, add the sugar, oil and vinegar. Extinguish vegetables in the mixture for 10 minutes on low heat.

Eggplant cut into circles of medium thickness and fry in a pan with oil.

The pre-sterilized jars lay eggplant layers and vegetable mixture to the top. Roll up the banks for the winter upside wrap them and leave to cool down completely.

3. Recipe Fried eggplant with garlic

For conservation need:
- 6 kg. Sinenky
- 300 gr. garlic
- Half a kilo of sweet pepper
- 3 sharp perchiny
- 80 ml. vinegar
- 500 ml. vegetable oil
- table salt

Cooking method:

Little blue wash and cut into slices or medium thickness plates. Pour into a container and sprinkle with plenty of table salt, mix well and leave for half an hour to get rid of the bitterness of the eggplant.

At this time, miss a meat grinder garlic, sweet and hot peppers, put the mixture in a sharp container, add the vinegar and mix thoroughly.

Little blue rinse under running water, wring out and fry in deep fat. Each piece of fried dip in spicy mixture and tightly packed in a liter sterilized jars. Fill the jars up to the top of the remaining acute mixture.

Cover the lid and send sterilized for 10 minutes. Just roll up the banks with fried eggplant for winter upside wrap them and leave to cool down completely.

Roasted eggplant in the form of conservation can be eaten as a snack to prepare their own, and you can add different ingredients (eg mayonnaise or sour cream) and you get a completely new and unusual dish full.
