Acceptance speech at the graduation teacher in prose, the reply parents

 Graduation at the school

Beautiful, original, thanksgiving speech to teachers in prose, reply to a parent at the prom, ball, on the last call

Acceptance speech at the graduation teacher in prose, on the last call


The word "teacher" is associated in people's minds with stability and consistency, but at the same time and with continuous change, dynamic development. There is no contradiction. Teacher student stores and transmits enduring values, and always the first to be sent to the new and the unknown, it is a perpetual pioneer, trailblazer, civilizer.

There is no single curriculum that would save the school system, for example, from ancient times. Each year, disappearing legacy and new discipline, but just as many centuries ago, the baby's eyes look into the eyes of the teacher, still directed to return the student view. This thin, fragile, yet unusually strong threads of trust and understanding.

It is very difficult to list all, for which we are grateful to the teacher, the list will always be incomplete. I bow to him for his hard work and patience, for faith in each student, for the wisdom and willingness to help those in need. And yet - is given to children for strength, nerves and health. Let forever be blessed work of the teacher!

Reply by the parents of the class teacher, text, thanks


School - a ladder on which you can not move down. He got up on the first step - and has gone into a continuous upward path, and at the final destination of this road there. One learns all his life, but the point of reference for everyone - the school.

It is easy to go, if you see a light ahead lit mentor. The higher you go, the warmer it becomes brighter and light - a spark of goodness, love and wisdom, the hot part of the soul of the class teacher.

If there is in the world a universal specialist, then this is it. Psychologist, teacher, educator, healer, confessor in one person. But most importantly - he is a true friend who understands, faithful, reliable.

Wrong who think that the class teacher is only one family. No, he does them as much as the students in his class. That's because for all of us it is the native people.

Thanks to the class teacher for the cordial warmth, for the great ability to see, hear and understand everything that is happening in the soul of the child. Thank you for the light that he illuminates the path of his disciples!

Director acceptance speech at the graduation in prose


The school is like a self-cleaning of the body: it pushes from their midst those who are not able to love and empathize, who are obsessed by pride or selfishness. Do not tolerate it pessimists, indifferent and random people. That's because there are only winners - the worthiest of the worthy.

Probably, this process figuratively be called "school environment", and the title of the main "ecology", no doubt, you want to assign to the Director. This person is responsible for the cleanliness of the environment in which children are present. It creates a micro-climate, and ensures that the weather has always been a good school.

Being the leader of a team of strong, smart, exceptional people is not easy. And very hard every day, every hour to realize what burdens you carry on your shoulders - a burden of responsibility for each student's school.

There the director of another task - to protect the school entrusted to him by immorality, anti-culture and pseudo-science, which easily penetrate today in many areas of life. Thanks to the team, rallying around their leader, the school remains a bastion of self-valuable knowledge, freed from impurities immediate needs. And this is its uniqueness and vitality.

Thanks to the director of the work, for professionalism, wisdom and respect for eternal values, which he entrusted to protect!

Congratulations to the class teacher at the prom in verse


Congratulations to the class the class teacher in verse


We will remember all the teachers,

But there is one, and that everyone agrees

What is still more expensive and miles,

We own a cool head.

Today, graduation celebration,

And our word above all awards

We were all happy and cheerful such,

As equals, he glad to see today.

He knows everything about us and our families,

And attention is given to each,

And the ears pulled backward,

And this festival has organized.

One for all, in its eternal care,

All pull up and hand over the diploma,

Not forgetting the carefree youth

Be a friend and mentor, though.

Delve into our problems and kinks,

And each give their heat,

But we can and miss classes,

And not always make fun innocently.

And we do not know its problems,

And to be frank, friends,

Never asked - How is it, the house,

As your children and all the family?

As a tribute, care taking,

Should we finally realize,

What is the threshold of the school life of another

And it's time we return,

At least a word, kind and pleasant,

All that was given many years,

Welcome is not lost forever

We will refund part of his soul in return.

A memory in the strict selectivity,

Discard the husks and bustle,

And already we go our separate ways,

Carrying in their hearts the warmth and kindness.

Not always we are to leave,

Custom kind, zavedёn ago,

Always return to their home school,

Behind the desk to sit and look out the window,

And do not count crows and smile,

And remember you after a long time,

What is our promise to return,

Low-key, with honor doing the lesson.

Author Vladimir Komarov


After high school, we do not just

You remember a kind word.

Entrance, cool, you are in class

With the heat, not with reproach.

We all remember the admonition,

Lessons change.

They taught you to appreciate the people,

Forgiving others of treason.

We are in the school of life now the way

With the excitement of opening.

For creative hard work

One hundred years of love wish.

Scenario Prom 2014 11 school class in college

 Scenario prom

That ends my school years, reached the end of the last academic year in school and fun to complete it, we offer you a new comic, funny, interesting scenario of prom 2014 11 class in school, in college-style talk show.

Students in grade 11 participants in a talk show on the prom at the school called "The Last Hero - shkolota" debriefing on the thorny path of pupils to glory, repentance director, the statement of the class teacher, comic complaint elder class, poetry, greetings, wishes and parting students from teachers, the head teacher and the school principal.

Cheerful funny script prom


Hello dear viewers! Today we live our program to prom in a school are pleased to introduce the participants so loved us all talk show called:

"The Last Hero - shkolota."

All of us, with a special predilection for such a long time (no joke - as much as 11 years!) Watching the bitter struggle of participants and their uncompromising will to win. On their thorny path to glory was all: the fight against hunger and sleep (show on the definition of the "lazy" students), with the fears and complexes (for the most shy student), with a burning desire for freedom, which manifests itself in combining business with pleasure, in particular with walks in the fresh air, the persistent desire to keep secret the knowledge obtained by hard work, with the dangers they are literally everywhere: they could flunk the exam, slaughter of set-infect unknown viruses in the classroom ...

But they have overcome all and now they are with us and are ready to unveil many secrets. However, you know that we do not like platitudes, so let me introduce and other participants of the show - aside chinivshuyu all kinds of difficulties in the way of our heroes, so to say the highlight of this show, his intrigue! (lifts the veil - there is a teacher with the director, the director of studies ...). So how did it all start?


(headmaster comes to center stage with the words):

Excuse me! For God's sake forgive me! Well, unless there I thought that creating a spur of the moment 12 years ago this school, college (assuming you are in the first class), Pull you in such ordeals. I could not imagine that there will discharge at school - an hour of parting with you, my dear students. Where did you go? Where else would so appreciate your uncommon intelligence and such fantastic abilities? Which book of records will contain all of your achievements? I confess that we taught you too qualitatively that put his heart and soul in you. Now what do I do, I do not know?

Should raise the class teacher and categorically puts on the table a leading paper. She reads the syllables:


The class teacher, stamping his foot in the hearts says:

Yes, a statement! I ...., Being of sound mind and memory, categorically declare my protest against the withdrawal of 11 classes of the walls of our institution. So much effort has been put! Requires a revision of the law of education and teachers' meeting for an urgent meeting to address this issue. The argument list is attached.

1. Lack of a decent replacement within the Russian Federation.

2. The absence of this class may lead to irreversible consequences in the form of violations of all cycles of school life, being an indirect cause of the maturing of a revolutionary situation in the ranks of teachers.

3. Lack of grade 11 is to breed boredom and sadness.

Practically does the same thing and the head of the class, throwing on the table leading complaint with the words: I hope - will satisfy (pointedly pointing up at the same time).

Leading complaint reads slowly elder class:


We, the undersigned, declare protest intention administration to shove us out of the walls of his native school, depriving us of childhood. We demand the continuation of the pilot, at least a year, and in the success of such initiatives and for all!


In all likelihood we formed unusual situation. It turns out that we are with you, dear viewers, do not say goodbye to our heroes? Continuation of the talk show "The Last Hero shkolota" should be?

Runs disheveled director (as in multi: film, movie film) and also widely gesturing great strides flies to the disciples with the words:

Good luck, guys, fly away!

Life is much ahead of you waiting for!

Show this you do not forget,

But do not slow down! It's time to fly!

Further strides directed towards teachers, something to explain to them turns to the disciples with the words:

We have no other traditions

Right now you will all answer!

Head teacher:

Behind the year of your studies ...

And first off, and the first fall ...

This evening we would like to

You remember every moment ...

She turns toward teachers and shouting:

So, let's begin! Teachers pulled out of his pocket wound alarm clocks and include them all at once, saying, head teacher cues: for calls and hectic life !!!

Master of Chemistry:

In order to continue you were lucky,

What is wanted - could all

We need urgent elixir

He will give all of you a lot of strength.

"Elixir of luck" on the huge capacity signed by literally dripped from a pipette into the language of each of the students.


So you do not relax

And do not wander around the world,

To everyone was out of work,

Just I make hundreds of cases,

It should be every day in a row

Rituals do.

Demonstrates ritual "purification of the head from bad thoughts", encouraging school students to repeat after him. Scratching his head with both hands, dumps with hands that "stuck" on the ground, repeated three times. together with the students.

Teacher of Russian language:

Knowledge is never too much,

They are a little bit, but not enough.

To achieve anything,

It is necessary to work much.

Pulls out of his pocket, "Balm diligence" - shallow (1 to the whole class). Students alternately spend chalk on the palm of his hand and then stuck razotrut chalk on the palm. The one who performs this task carefully and waiting for life success.


Knowledge bowl too full,

Excite the heart,

We are extending the fire,

Happiness sincerely wish.

It appears in the middle of the room and lights the "light of knowledge." At this point, the teacher gives students sparklers and those fit each lit the fire and flames.

In the background is an interesting display of motion pictures from the life of this class within the walls of this school, and the director, that started it all he says:

Congratulations and wishes of the students

Let this evening with you again

Sneaked moments of the first meeting.

And the first friend and first love -

All the joys that were there and thorns

We wish you strength and inspiration,

Success and happiness tears.

And in our difficult age, of course, patience!

And execution of all dreams, and dreams!
