About tasty, but harmful foods - 2


In a previous article we looked at three groups the most harmful products. However, they took lower places of our "hit parade". What products are in the top three? So third place is awarded to fast food.

Firstly, any fast food contains all the same extremely unhealthy trans fats, which are perhaps the main reason for population obesity in the United States and Western Europe. After all the components of the fast food fried in shortenings.

Second, the fast food typically contain excess ketchup, mayonnaise (see. The sixth position of the "hit parade") and other sauces to flavor enhancers, flavoring agents, preservatives and dyes. In addition, there are also specific to the problem of fast food: whole fried food, usually fried. This means an excess of fat, the presence of carcinogens (similar to smoking) and glikotoksinov.

Glikotoksiny - is specific molecules formed during high-temperature processing of food (roasting). Spread throughout the body, they cause inflammatory reactions in different organs or activate foci of chronic inflammation. Accumulate in the tissues glikotoksiny perform one of the main causes of aging.

In addition, fast food is high-speed absorption of food, usually on the move, or a newspaper, or during intercourse. Meanwhile, for normal digestion the body takes time. You have to pay attention to what you eat, a taste of the food and enjoy it.

The only way the nervous system time to understand what is happening, and to switch to the digestive system. In fact, for normal digestion of food you should eat 2-3 times a day, each time giving the process at least half an hour, plus half an hour of rest afterward.

In second place is dominated sodas.

As chewy candies and lollipops many such drinks - fully synthetic product. But, unlike chocolates, they are usually taken up in large amounts. It is because of mass consumption, and I put this product group in second place. The argument in favor of such beverages often argue that "they are better quench your thirst."

But the thirst - it is an objective lack of water in the body. Any beverage that quenches thirst better than water - is a fraud for your body and tangible impact on your health. The body needs to get as much water as they need. You can drink more than necessary, but no less!

In addition, carbonated drinks (as well as thirst-quenching tea) usually have a diuretic effect - that is, contribute to the removal of water (which is already not enough) from the body. The only correct way to quench your thirst - drink clean water. Mineral desirable low total mineralization - up to 1 g / l - poured directly from the source.

Sweet water contains flavorings, colorings, preservatives - all this is harmful to health. Many sweet water have a very active acidic (pH 2-4). This water can wash kettles descaling and processing of garden pests. It is not surprising that it causes gastritis and other diseases.

But the worst option in this category - a "diet" drinks. Their "dietichnost" means that instead of "harmful" sugar they contain other sweeteners - thereby supposedly save you from obesity.

In fact, when you use any sweet product - water, juice, cake, candy - the brain sends a signal to the pancreas, in response to which she identifies the blood insulin.

If after this the blood sugar does not enter (because in this water instead of sugar artificial sweetener), the blood begins full endocrine chaos. Many doctors believe that this may be the cause of diabetes.

But the first place should be given still not sweet water, and chips.

The chips have almost everything that should not be in our food. Because they are fried in oil, they are required to contain carcinogens, glikotoksiny and trans-fats.

For the best taste in chips added flavorings and flavor enhancers for a good crunch and the correct consistency - special emulsifiers for safety - preservatives. In addition, chips are usually absorbed in the cinema or in front of the TV.

Therefore, similar to fast food problems with the regulation of the digestive process. Plus, as all attention is focused on the screen, usually eat a lot of chips. Too much.

If you care about your health, but do not want to stick to a rigid diet very much, try to eliminate from your diet even though those products that fall into our black list.

Products anti-aging


Or how certain foods can help you in the fight against aging.

1. Tomatoes, tomato sauce, ketchup, salsa.

Lycopene - the pigment that gives tomatoes red, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, some cancers, macular degeneration

(causing blindness in people aged 55 years and older). Lycopene is best absorbed from termicheskiobrabotannyh products, however, and fresh tomatoes should not be neglected. Furthermore the lycopene, tomatoes contain antioxidants. Similar properties are: pink grapefruit, guava, watermelon, hot red pepper.

2. Carrots, sweet potatoes (yams) pumpkin

Use daily min. 220 gr. orange fruits and vegetables gives opportunity to obtain the necessary amount of beta-carotene, which subsequently converted into vitamin A, necessary for healthy skin and eyes. Vitamin A reduces the risk of certain cancers, cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis.

Lutein and lycopene are also found in orange fruits and vegetables. In addition to the above properties (see paragraph 1), these carotenoids protect the skin from the harmful effects of sun, prevent the formation of wrinkles. Contained in carrots falkarinol reduces the risk of cancer. Similar properties are: mango, and cantaloupe (cantaloupe).

3. Blueberries, red grapes

Anthocyanins, contained in these fruits dye is absorbed by the cell membranes of the brain, improves memory and cognitive abilities. Frozen Fruits do not lose their useful properties. They have similar properties: plums (fresh and dried), blackberries, red cabbage.

4. Broccoli and Brussels sprouts

Sulforaphane contained in cabbage, increases production enzymes that bring toxins from the body. The younger the broccoli, the higher the content sulforaphane. Before freezing broccoli and brussels sprouts are subjected balanshirovaniyu, so that element in them is much smaller. If you do not like broccoli, you can use a colored and white cabbage.

5. Oats, barley, legumes

Oat and barley contain soluble fiber, which reduce cholesterol and thereby prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases. Due legumes, you can increase the amount of soluble fiber consumed, as well as folic acid and, controlling blood pressure, potassium.

The optimal number of 350 grams. leguminous week. In addition, they contain anthocyanins and quercetin with antioxidant properties. The darker the bean, the higher the content of these nutrients.

6. Spinach and collard greens (kale)

Use of spinach, cabbage and other leafy vegetables reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by 11%. Due to the content in these vegetables, carotenoids (lutein and zeaxanthin) decreases the possibility of developing age-related problems of the visual apparatus. It is recommended to use 350 gr. leafy vegetables per week. Frozen vegetables are also good as fresh.

7. Salmon, sardines, tuna

They contain omega-3 fatty acids, beneficial for the cardiovascular system. Omega-3 help maintain the sharpness of thinking and prevent degradation of the mental apparatus.

8. Apples

Apples contain antioxidants, one of which is quercetin, prevents the development of age-related diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Do not forget that the greatest number of nutrients found in apple peel.

9. The low-calorie dairy products and soymilk

Yoghurt and milk products contain calcium and vitamin D, necessary for strong, healthy muscle and bone tissue. If you have lactose intolerance (milk sugar), then you can use, enriched with calcium and vitamin D soy milk.

It has been found that soy helps prevent the development of cancer cells and reduces menstrual symptoms, and 25 c. Soybean day reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Isoflavones contained in soybeans, reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

10. Avocado and olives

Avocados and olives contain monounsaturated fatty acids. Recent studies have shown that these acids contribute to a better absorption of carotenoids: lycopene Tomato, beta-carotene from orange and lutein from leaf vegetables.

11. Olive oil, walnut and flaxseed

These vegetable oils helps to absorb fat-soluble vitamins (eg, carotenoids). Moreover, these oils are monounsaturated, which means with a predominance of the omega-3 omega-6 fatty acids.

Excess omega-6 increases the number of inflammatory processes in the body, while omega-3 possess anti-inflammatory functions. In sunflower and corn oil contains more omega-6 fatty acids.

12. Green tea

Catechins contains antioxidants to prevent the occurrence of heart disease. In addition, these elements reduce the risk of breast cancer by reducing circulating estrogen in women.

13. Condiments and spices

Recent studies have shown that eating half teaspoon seasoning or spices that contain antioxidants - ginger, oregano (Origanum), sage, mint, cloves, allspice, cinnamon - can prevent development of many chronic diseases.

However, among the spices released curcumin, since studies on animals have confirmed that it reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease.
