Spring. That it is warm, then freeze. That the sun, the fog.
Accordingly, the excitement, the depression. Attention weakened, drowsiness, confusion, I want to stare at one point ... I guess about a state of popular wisdom says: "Look at the book to see ..."
Correctly guessed. But mental work has not been canceled, while pupils and students coming exam to go, it's time to focus, to deepen knowledge. What to do? Well, about the exercise we all know, but most of us are too lazy to carry them out. In such a case remain walks.
And at this time should be especially serious approach to nutrition.
Do not start the morning with coffee. Of course, coffee invigorates, but if you drink it badeykami, the effect is opposite to the expected. The body just gets tired constantly come to the tone of the loading dose of caffeine. It resembles a horse, which is beating the whip - as well as the goal for long.
Even the tea in the spring - not the best solution. Start the morning with a glass of rose hips, herbal tea. Add in the usual tea and propolis drops of orange oil. You can cook a healthy dessert: a glass of cranberry and one grapefruit mince, add 2-4 tablespoons of honey (who he loves) and within a month there with tea in the morning. The breakfast is good to start with yogurt, 1-2 tablespoons of cottage cheese with a teaspoon of honey.
A handful of dried fruits also help to feel fit and healthy. For example, dates can successfully replace candy for tea. It dates compulsorily included in the menu of centenarians. They relieve fatigue, increase efficiency. In ancient Egypt, the pyramid builders were given dates. During exams, and just in the process of mental work to help focus dates.
Raisins no less sweet. It strengthens the nervous system. In it a lot of manganese and iron. Dried apricots strengthens the heart and prevents excess fat postponed. The normal level of hemoglobin in the blood supports the iron contained therein.
Prunes - a wonderful antidepressant, it chases away the blues and cheerless thoughts, increases resistance to stress and immunity. It is called the first prunes the content of antioxidants. It supports cardiac system in case of overload. Utility and other dried fruits because they contain vitamins, so necessary to us in the spring.
Throw burgers, forget the road to McDonald's in the toilet bowl and drain the noodles and semi-finished puree. People for a long time eating canned food and other "benefits" of civilization, suffering from a lack of vitamin B. Lack of this vitamin it leads to depression and desire to do nothing. His own lack of it - is one of the main causes of insecurity, increased shyness, nervousness.
If you do not shake hands, then rejoice. Many vitamin dry brewer's yeast. But beer lovers will be disappointed - as a part of the beer for the benefit of the body of vitamin does not fire. But in the natural bread kvass it works best. There he is in the liver, kidneys, lettuce, spinach. So that all useful knowledge workers eat grass ...
Equally important is vitamin C. When it is the lack of people complain of fatigue. Vegetables, fruits, vegetables, berries help make up for the lack of it. Doctors advise to press the cabbage. Salads from it relieve tension, nervousness and help pass the exams for good grades.
Storehouse of vitamin C in the world recognized as rose. Brew 1 tablespoon. rosehip spoon cup boiling water, you will provide your body with vitamin C for the whole day. Juices in this respect most preferred citrus. By the way, the lemon is refreshing thoughts and improves the perception of information. A glass of lemon juice a day will help to cope with any load.
If resources permit, it bought a pineapple. He is a good friend of brain activity. And of course, do not forget the carotene contained in carrots public, ensuring an excellent memory. Only need to eat carrots with vegetable oil or sour cream. Vitamin A (carotene) is fat-soluble.
Bilberry improves not only vision, but also cerebral circulation. And eaten once a day, half the bulbs will improve the supply of oxygen to the brain. If you want every day to exclaim: "Eureka!", Then drink tea cumin 2 teaspoons of crushed seeds per cup of boiling water.
Support a good mood will help bananas and calm night - mint tea. But vitamins in pill form considered unsafe for your health.
Investigate the health of 78,000 men and women aged 50 to 76 years, doctors at Washington University came to a devastating conclusion that high intake of vitamin E is extremely dangerous in combination with vitamin C and of itself, because it leads to a significant increase in risk cancer. So it is better to eat regular svekolku, carrots, cabbage, onions.
Not forgetting the proteins that our body is unable to form their own. Complete proteins are found in meat, fish, eggs, milk, bread, potatoes, soybeans ... To maintain health and good shape and we need carbohydrates.
So-called slow carbohydrates - bread, pasta, potatoes - the body needs time. Of particular biological value is rye bread. But fast carbohydrates - sugar, sweets, pechёnosti - in a large number of pests, as it increases blood cholesterol levels and thereby impair memory sleepy at the wrong time.
Do not do without high-grade fatty acids, found in fish - herring, mackerel, tuna, halibut, salmon. A piece of herring with green or onions, seasoned with vegetable oil, in company with boiled potatoes - a good lunch or dinner for the student and the knowledge worker.
However, excess body fat leads to a dramatic deterioration in the glucose assimilation by the body, which is the main energy source for brain cells.
For good health and improved ability to absorb new knowledge is recommended to eat clams, seeds, nuts, wheat germ and other cereals.
And yet do not forget to get enough sleep! Cover is recommended to eleven o'clock in the evening. And students and pupils would be nice to read before going to bed the most necessary of the studied material.
Persons engaged in mental work, scientists and psychologists advise before going to bed to make a plan for tomorrow, or at least make a basting.
Evening wise stitches morning will bring with him inspiration and new ideas.