Harmful foods for our health


We are honest - we all love to eat, and not always choose healthy foods. Therefore, it is not easy to say goodbye to the illusion and recognize the harm their favorite foods - often, we tend to turn a blind eye. However, for the sake of health need to accomplish this feat and say a resounding "no" to the enemies of our stomach.

However, the truth is not as shocking as you might expect. It turns out, is not so difficult to distinguish wholesome food from harmful and reject the latter (or at least reduce its consumption). However, some facts and figures proving the harm of certain products, have become for us a big surprise.

Five of harmful products

Doughnuts. First things first - with a breakfast, which should provide us with nutrients for the day. If you are used to start your day with donuts, know that you initially undermine the metabolism and nutrient asking the wrong rhythm. Energy value of a glazed donut - 200 calories, half of which contain extremely harmful trans and saturated fats. Additionally, the donut nutritional value is practically zero, because they are composed of 99% white flour and sugar.

Soup noodles .   The basis of the diet every other student, this dish is maintained your existence for a few years in high school. Now, when you can afford to eat properly and to buy real food, vermicelli and instant soup (ie from the package) should be permanently deleted from your diet.

What can be frustrating and vermicelli soup? There was no need to skip classes OZHZD. Each bag of pasta or soup noodles we add 14 grams of pure fat (7 grams of which - saturated fat), which is equal to two thirds of the recommended daily dose of sodium and has a slightly low in nutritional value. Vermicelli and instant soup is cheap, but we fully pay for them with their health.

Fast food. Chicken cutlets (nuggets) - one of the most popular dishes of fast food restaurants, so why not choose if you need a quick lunch? Note that any product, fried in oil, contains a large amount of fat, so before you book nuggets, think twice. Here are some facts about the nuggets servings: 250 calories (more than half of which - the fat calories), 15 grams of pure fat (including harmful trans and saturated fats) and a third of the recommended daily dose of sodium.

French fries: Unfortunately, the most popular "vegetable" in America is French fries, even after staying in a deep fryer it is hardly a vegetable. When the potatoes falls on our plate after swimming in the "fat hot tub" that contains 380 calories (on average) and 20 grams of pure fat (including quite unhealthy dose of trans and saturated fats).

Dr. Mercola is fond of saying to his patients, "one serving of French fries harms more than the smoked cigarette." Only in this way you will also accumulate extra programs and increases the risk of heart disease.

Hot dog: conventional hot dogs are high in fat (13 grams or more per serving), they are filled with sodium and contain virtually no protein or no nutrients. Add to this the buns made with white flour, starchy and high-calorie dressings and sauces.

Cheese and Chile in this case, only aggravate the situation. You do not ever watch the preparation of a hot dog? Well, if you had a similar experience, we would immediately switched to nuts, prudently put up in bags.

Mayonnaise is good on a sandwich with meat turkey - who argues - but just one tablespoon of mayonnaise contains 12 grams of fat and 110 calories, so hurry to get rid of your favorite sandwich. Replace mayonnaise with mustard.

All products listed are undermining the diet, but a healthy lifestyle, and lead ultimately to such seemingly small things, and these enemies of our health in a few minutes will destroy the results of hours of training in the gym.

Never too late to change eating habits and lifestyle. For starters eliminate from the diet of these harmful products.

Terms of supply for health


To the food does not become a poison, and has served on the health benefits, it is necessary to perform a few food rules.

Do not eat food or drink beverages that have been received or processed by the industrial way and include any products and substances are not natural, and chemical or other artificial origin.

That is, should be excluded from the diet of sugar, all that has undergone conservation, any food with the addition of chemicals such as dyes, artificially prepared spices except salt.

Cooking food should only vegetable oil and water. To salt or sea salt or unrefined table. Mostly used for cooking ceramics and glassware.

Eating is not the first time you need before noon, the last time no later than 7 pm, as it is physiologically most favorable time for meals.

Do not drink any liquids during meals, and food not drink liquid only take between meals.

There is a measure - so that the stomach were filled about two-thirds of its volume. At the same time you get up from the table with a sense that they could eat as much again. But this does not mean that you are left hungry: hungry because really quenched for about half an hour after a meal, when food begins to be digested.

Must long, at least 50 times, and more preferably 100-150 times, and chew that is brought to the state kiseleobraznogo. If the food is really good and is necessary for the health of the body, it is by a long chewing becomes only tastier. "Empty" and harmful foods during chewing quickly loses its flavor.

Refuse any food and any substances and products that have a stimulating effect on the nervous system - coffee, chocolate, tea, cocoa, drugs, alcohol, tobacco. The stimulating effect of these substances is deceptive - first increased activity, and then begins to fall, leading to depression. Tea you can drink only from natural herbs, coffee eliminated entirely.

Why every person who wants to be healthy, so it is important to observe all these rules? Because abide by them - this means in his power to follow the laws of nature. Even Hippocrates said, "Let food be your medicine chief."

And that food has become a drug, it should be a natural, natural, that is best adapted to digest yet another creation of nature - the human body. Macrobiotic food based on cereals - the most natural for humans. This power supply system is very old, it is almost 5000 years. And it has been tested over the years 5000, without exception, all human cultures, not just the people of the East.

For any and all people at all times the most natural and most wholesome food are grains, vegetables, legumes and fruits. This is the food to which a person by their biological nature the most adapted, food that carries a person's health, and does not become poison the food of which the human organism receives a maximum of necessary nutrients, the food, which forms the ideal composition of the blood and, therefore, the ideal health.

Food of modern man is far from perfect, not only because it is dominated by products of animal origin, but also because industrial production delivers to our table food in highly processed, and thus, mutilated, distorted form, in this kind of food is devoid of even the minimum amount of Life Energy.

And grains fall on our table are mainly in the form of refined flour baking, too devoid of any medicinal properties. Healing properties retain only whole grains, not past industrial processing. Dining with a predominance of grain - this food in accordance with the laws of nature.

Food - one of the ways of our interaction with the outside world. We absorb the world around us - it is available in nutritional energy substances - with the help of food. The way we interact with the world depends on our health.

To be healthy, we must eat a harmonious natural food.

What we eat


We eat to live .   A live - that means to obtain energy. Man to live, it is necessary to obtain energy from the four basic components, which support the existence of the earth every living creature, including man. This represents that the ancient philosophers believed

the source of everything in the universe: the four elements - Earth, Water, Fire and Air. Therefore, our body are necessary and useful only to those products that carry the energy of Fire, Earth, Water, Air - the energy of life. The products do not contain life energy - is "empty calories" and even poisons. Where is the source of energy of the Fire? In the sun.

Fire energy filled all products grown under the sun. It is above all cereals, and fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, green leaves, edible roots .   When the green leaf absorbs sunlight, it absorbs energy from the sun. And, very importantly, the energy of life, the energy of the sun is best preserved in these products when they have not undergone heat treatment.

The air is filled with energy all the same grains, fruits, vegetables, plants grown in the open air. Water - an essential part of every living organism. Including edible plants that are grown outdoors and drink into life-giving moisture. Without the power of the Earth is also impossible to get this life energy.

The land provides the necessary, important and useful minerals, trace elements is in the form and composition, in which it is necessary for the person. So, useful only for the person that grew out of the ground. Why so much depends on power? Because the health of the body depends on the blood. Blood is completely renewed in the human body every 10 days. Every 10 days we get a brand new blood! And what it will be - it depends on our food.

After the blood is formed from the substances that we get from food. So, we need only 10 days of proper nutrition to get new blood and with it - the new health. For 10 days with the help of the power you can already significantly improve your health. But if you then go back to the old diet, she returns to him and former patients. Therefore, regaining health for 10 days, along with a healthy diet, it is necessary to continue to adhere to the time taken diet to be healthy.

In the East, we have always believed that the best food - it's the food that does not run away from you, that is not the food of animal and vegetable origin. This does not mean that food of animal origin and food subjected to any cooking, you can not eat at all. Its use is also possible, but the basis of the diet should be exactly the products "that do not run away," and above all it is cereals.

The basis of macrobiotic food - cereals. Cereals - the most healthy and the most wonderful food for the one who wants to achieve good health. This whole brown rice, buckwheat, corn, wheat, barley and cereals from this grain. They can be eaten in any form and in any amount, but if cooked - it was only on the water, and only you personally prepared. Exception - bread, if you can not cook it yourself. But the bread is necessary to use only one who baked whole grain, can be with bran.

If you are just beginning your recovery, it is very good the first 10 days or even a week to eat only cereals - if not, then at least mainly cereals. Then you can begin to add to your diet other products. First of all, you need to add to a diet of fruits and vegetables.

It is important to include fruits and vegetables should always be used only for the season! Other fruit and vegetable intake is unnatural, contrary to the laws of nature. Eat only what is natural for this time of year. It is desirable that these vegetables were grown it in your area, and without any chemical fertilizers.

Plant fiber in the diet are essential to normal functioning digestive system and the body receives the necessary material to him. Then you can add dishes from algae and legumes, and foods such as nuts, pastries, fish dishes.

Build your diet, so that accounted for 50-60 percent of its meals from whole grains, 25-30 percent of fruits and vegetables and 5-10 percent algae and legumes and other foods: fish, nuts, desserts.

Products such as meat, poultry, animal fats, dairy products, can be used only very rarely - on special occasions.
