Healthy foods


Medical kitchen. Proper nutrition can help a person stay young and in the elderly. As people get older, they need less food but more nutrients to maintain health.

In order to preserve the health, it is necessary to adhere to proper nutrition. Newspaper The Daily Mirror publishes the top ten the most useful products for those who want to eat right.

1. Brown rice

Many avoid carbohydrates because of them, the general opinion, get fat. But they are very important for maintaining energy levels. Do not forget about whole grains: brown rice, bread and cereals, which contain a lot of fiber. This will help lower cholesterol, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, colon cancer, gallstones, diabetes and obesity, it is also vital to the health of the intestine, which with age become less active.

2. Eggs

About chicken eggs often respond poorly, but they are a source of protein and lutein, which protects the eyes from cataracts. Researches suggest that they prevent blood clots, reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke. According to a recent study, consumption of 6 eggs per week reduces the risk of breast cancer by 44%. Today, nutritionists say 1-2 eggs a day does not raise cholesterol levels, as the body itself produces cholesterol from saturated fat, and not getting it from the cholesterol-rich foods, which include eggs.

3. Milk

With age, our need increases in calcium, so it is important to include in the daily diet of calcium-rich foods. Skimmed cow's milk is good for health. It is rich in calcium, essential for bones and prevent osteoporosis. Drink two cups daily of skim milk or include in the diet of low-fat yogurt and calcium-rich fruit.

4. Spinach

This product more nutrients than any other. It is a source of iron, vitamins C, A and K, and antioxidants that help protect us from heart attack and stroke. Spinach protects against colon cancer, osteoporosis and arthritis. Like eggs, it is rich in lutein, useful to eyes, so eat eggs for breakfast with spinach.

5. Bananas

Only one yellow fruit contains 467 mg of potassium, which is needed to muscle (especially cardiac) remained strong and healthy. It also helps reduce blood pressure. Bananas are also a source of fiber, preventing cardiovascular disease, they neutralize the acid, so useful for the treatment of heartburn. Add the sliced ​​banana in oatmeal or grind it in a blender with yogurt or milk and a small amount of fruit juice. The sources of potassium are lentils, sardines and dried apricots.

6. Chicken

This is the healthiest meat. Eat breasts that are low in fat and remove the skin. In addition, the chicken is rich in protein and prevents bone loss. It is also a source of selenium prevents cancer, and vitamin B, increase energy levels and enhancing brain function.

7. Salmon

It is rich in fats Group omega-3s, which reduce cholesterol levels, protect against some cancers and prevent blood clots. Studies show that salmon facilitates depressions and prevents memory loss. It contains nicotinic acid, which, according to some data, protects against Alzheimer's disease. Set yourself the task of eating fresh or canned salmon, at least 3 times a week. Fat Group omega-3s are also found in walnuts.

8. Blueberries

In this small miracle few calories, but the mass of nutrients. Blueberries contain antioxidants, help prevent cataracts, glaucoma, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, stomach ulcers, heart disease and cancer. Bilberry helps to reduce disorders of the brain after a stroke and softens inflammation of the digestive tract, helping to cope with stomach disorders.

9. Herbs

As we age, our sense of taste is dulled, and the easiest to add salt to food seemed to taste better. But salt increases blood pressure, and it is better to add to eat the herbs and spices. The taste of fresh herbs is stronger, but for the sake of convenience, you can keep the kitchen range of dried herbs.

10. Garlic

This small bulb has big advantages. Garlic helps prevent cancer and cardiovascular disease, reduces the risk of stroke. It also has anti-inflammatory action, helping to reduce pain and swelling of arthritis. It is useful to diabetics. If you can not stand the smell, eat garlic capsules.

Four products that should be avoided:

1.Sladosti - they will make you gain weight because they have a lot of calories but no nutrients. Limit your intake of sugar.

2.Sol - it increases the pressure. Beware also of salt, "hidden" in sauces and gravies.

3.Spirtnoe - do not drink more than two servings of alcohol per day, it contains lots of calories and interferes with the body absorb vitamins. The most healthy option - a red wine.

4.Nasyschennye fats - are found in meat, cheese, chicken skin and ice cream. They raise cholesterol levels and promote weight gain.
