The article describes in detail how to properly go hungry, what are the contra-indications, the correct way of fasting, and of course what good preparation for this process.
Is it an accident teaches us the church is strictly observe the fast?
At first it was understood vaguely and instinctively, but gradually formulated as a clear and precise laws.
Fasting is a powerful curative factor.
By fasting all slags which sowed seeds of disease in the human body, can be removed in the simplest, easiest and most natural way. All acute diseases (in my opinion) - nothing more than a desire to rid the body of toxins that prevent its normal operation.
The benefits of fasting
The body itself is trying to get rid of the disease, but we, on the contrary, with the help of drugs drive the disease inward and remove the external signs of the disease.
To maintain the body's normal life processes it needs a certain amount of protein, carbohydrates and fats. Unfortunately, all of these products left side acidic substances as a result of metabolism in tissues.
This means that if a person lives, mostly due to this kind of food - what happens with almost all of these days, since the vast majority of eating large amounts of white bread, sugar, boiled potatoes and meat in the body accumulate over time scum with acid reaction, and thus prepared the ground for the excess acidity of the blood and tissues, and it is the first and main cause of disease.
For the normal body blood and secretions must be alkaloid.
Therefore, the appointment of a diet the first task of the healer - alkaloid restore lost blood and body as a whole, destroyed malnutrition. I often argue, they say a person is sick, weak, and you instead of supporting power, on the contrary, the proposed post.
In such cases, I ask: "Have you ever seen a sick animal who used to eat?" And then everyone remembers occasions when a sick dog or cat does not eat anything, but looking and ate "some" grass. Instinct tells the animal how to act during illness.
But the need for additional power arises only after severe and prolonged illness, major surgery, heavy physical labor, when to restoring muscle mass and fat reserves. Unacceptable decrease in the nutritional value and have insufficient calorie growing body of children.
Ever since the ancient physicians know that "if the body is not cleared, then the more you feed it, the more it will harm" (Hippocrates).
Periodic discharge, especially in chronic diseases, the right person. The benefits of intermittent fasting has long been known.
However, following the basic principle of medicine - "do not harm", it should be recalled that in certain diseases of hunger is contraindicated.
It gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers, especially with a tendency to bleeding, open tuberculosis, hyperthyroidism, dementia, hypoglycemic condition, diabetes.
Fasting is short (up to 3 days) and long-term. At home safely starve to 5 days, and after mastering the technique, and especially methods of exit from starvation, and several more.
The well-known popularizer of fasting, the author of the book "The Miracle of Fasting" S.Bregg Paul writes: "I was starving for 7-10 days 4 times a year."
How to properly go hungry
Several options for short-term fasting:
1. Hunger is on the water.
The man is drinking only water (distilled, hot or settle, cold, mineral water, herbal infusions, broth hips). The water is helpful to add lemon juice (1 tsp. To 1 cup of water and citric acid - 1 pinch per cup). The total amount of water per day is from 1, 5 to 2, 5 liters and only in heart diseases with edema, congestive liver limited amount of liquid.
For safety, it is recommended to measure the volume of water you drink, and the amount of released urine. "Imperceptible" perspiring losses at normal body temperature is about 500 ml of water per square meter of body surface area, or an average of 800-900 ml.
The difference between the water you drink and the amount of urine plus 800 ml allows a rough estimate, there are no water retention in the body. The calculation is approximate since it ignores the amount of endogenous water (about 500 mL), resulting in the body. If water retention in the body is not, as evidenced by the absence of edema or mild swelling of lower legs (in the joints), the amount of fluid can be increased.
2. Diet "in juices."
On the day taken 1-1, 5 liters of fruit or vegetable juice (See "juice"), prepared immediately before use. The rest of the amount of liquid added to the water (you can pre-diluted juice). Use cabbage, carrot, apple, beet juice. Last before consumption should stand for 2-3 hours in the cold. Low pressure should not use it.
3. fruit and vegetable diet.
At intervals of 6-7 hours, 2 times a day, take 250-300 g of fruits and vegetables (cabbage, carrots, beets, apples, plums and so on.).
On the eve of fasting in the evening take a laxative (buckthorn bark, hay, 20-30 ml of 25-33% solution of magnesium sulfate, etc.). In the morning put a cleansing enema. Enema to do every day, useful intestinal washing decoction of chamomile, sage, St. John's wort. After an enema desirable exercises, self-massage, shower.
The number of drinking during fasting is not limited (if no water retention). Before going to bed rub the body. During fasting to maintain normal daily routine and lifestyle, but try to be more in the air, to walk.
Every 1, 5-2 hours should rest for 10 minutes. Do not smoke, do not stay in a room for smokers. The saliva during fasting, it is desirable to spit.
Fasting should start with one day (1 per week). The following week, starvation can be extended to two days, etc. In allergy, asthma, biliary excretion disorders, other chronic diseases, it is advisable to conduct 2-3 courses of 4-5 days of fasting a year.
Out of fasting requires a serious attitude to the threat of serious complications (most dangerous acute pancreatitis). It is advisable to exit from starvation fell on weekends.
During the exit are prohibited: salt, meat, fish, eggs, mushrooms, broth, coffee. When one-day fasting output is simple: juice, vegetables, fruit, porridge with a little butter, cottage cheese, a bit of stale bread.
Right out of the 3 day fast.
1 day:
morning - a glass of water or a dilute (1: 1) water juice. After 15-20 minutes - a night soaked prunes or figs (4-8 pcs.).
Breakfast: grated carrots (100 g) with kefir or yogurt (150 g), a bit of porridge - 100 grams (buckwheat, oats) or 1-2 crispbread. After 2 hours, broth hips, peppermint, St. John's wort and other herbs with a spoonful of honey.
Lunch: salad of shredded carrots and cabbage (150 g), vegetable soup (150 g), vegetables, steamed milk, or mashed potatoes (150-200 g).
Dinner: 1-2 apples, a cup of yogurt. In between meals eat a further 3 more apple.
Second day.
In the morning - the same. Breakfast: grated carrots, buckwheat and oatmeal, crisp bread (stale bread) - in the same way as in the first day, 10 g butter. At lunch: the same as in the first day, but add a little bit of garlic, 10 g butter. For dinner: the same as in the first day, plus 2-3 walnuts.
Third day.
B is the same as the second day, add 10 g of butter (20 g), 4-6 walnuts. Lunch: vegetable soup, a salad of fresh vegetables in sunflower oil, steamed vegetables (100 g), bread (stale) - 100 grams of cottage cheese - '30 Dinner: salad of fresh cabbage, cucumber and sunflower oil, cottage cheese (30-50 g). Buttermilk, yogurt and nuts.
OUTPUT important rule from fasting, he takes the same days as and self starvation.
At 4-5 day fasting 1 and 2 day hold on to dilute juice with water, vegetable broth, decoction of herbs, a small amount of grated apples, gradually increasing (on day 2) number. The remaining 3 days - under the above scheme.
Another important and very useful piece of advice: you need to eat slowly, chew food.