Nutrition and mood


Meals - a necessary condition of life for all living beings.

The history of science knows two theories of power. The first occurred in ancient times, the second was finally formed in the late XIX

- First half of XX century. Until recently, the only studied the overall impact of food on the human body, today, scientists say that the food - the major factor of the emotional state. Antique theory of the power associated with the names of Aristotle and Galen and is part of their ideas about living.

According to this theory, the power for all structures in the body is due to the blood which is continuously formed in the digestive system of the nutrients in the complex process of unknown origin, in some respects similar to the fermentation.

In the liver, there is a clearing of the blood, and then it is used to supply all organs and tissues. On the basis of these submissions were built numerous medical diets, which were to provide easier conversion of food into the blood and the best properties of the latter.

From the classical theory of a balanced diet are closely related widespread idea of ​​the perfect food and optimal balanced diet. This theory is based on a balanced approach to the evaluation and diet that retains its value and now.

In its simplest form, this approach reduces to the fact that the body should do the molecular composition of the substance, which compensates for their consumption and losses due to the main exchange, operation, and for young organisms - and also increasing.

Well, with all these theories are more or less clear, at least, this is written thousands of articles, but the food does not only affect the overall state of our health, but also on our emotional state. In other words, our mood depends on what was in our plate at breakfast.

The question whether or not the food affects your mood, changing it in one direction or another, ceased to be a subject of scientific debate. Of course, we think that we consciously choose food according to taste, and other criteria, but this choice is, in fact, unconscious.

Unconscious "self" with the affect brain chemistry and improve our mood food antidepressants is much more effective targeted therapies. Chronic depression is also associated with a long minor deficiency of certain nutrients in the body.

We do not notice this deficiency, and it accumulates in the meantime. Except for caffeine and sugar, food poorly understood in terms of their effect on mood. Nevertheless, it is obvious that the food effect on neurotransmitters that carry information brain cells.

One of these neurotransmitters associated with depression and aggressiveness - serotonin. He is known to cause mood elevation, especially in people who are prone to depression. It is believed that low levels of serotonin in the brain leads to symptoms similar to mental illness.

Food, cheer up: foods rich in folic acid (spinach), foods containing selenium (fish), carbohydrates, caffeine, garlic.

If using a food can affect the course of cancer, heart disease and joints (arthritis) and solve the problems of digestion - the so-called chronic diseases of Western civilization - why not try to also affect brain function?

It turns out you can. Scientific research led to the discovery of the connection between the nature of power and our vitality, energy, quality of attention and memory, mood, aggression, brain activity, mental health and mental disorders.

The main nutrients - carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and caffeine - are having a profound impact on the mood and activity of the human brain.

A slight deficiency of certain nutrients in the diet is able to accumulate over time and disrupt the normal functioning of the brain. And if earlier, scientists had no idea that the brain is exposed to such a seemingly insignificant causes, but now with the help of good nutrition are trying to restore the normal activity of the brain, and not without success.

Lower activity: sugar, honey, and other carbohydrates, including pasta, bread, alcohol

Increases the activity of caffeine, protein

Feelings of tension, anger, stress and anxiety are natural and at times occur each. But some people they become chronic, severe, causing feelings of fear, uncertainty, and even sudden bouts of tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), sweating and shivering.

Constant sustainable anxiety can lead to panic attacks and phobias, depriving the ability to act.

You can try to relieve anxiety and stress through diet. Certain foods and drinks act on the nervous system as a soothing or stimulating drugs.

An overwhelming sense of anxiety: sugar, starch.

Increases anxiety: caffeine, alcohol.

Choose the "right" foods and enjoy life. After all, we eat to live!

Prepared by Julia Smelova

Proper nutrition: what it eats?


In the information age, all are aware of what you need to eat properly and efficiently to preserve youth, beauty and health.

However, what does this have become commonplace, the phrase, "good nutrition"?

Nutritionists argue that a balanced diet - a diet that completely satisfies the human need for energy, building materials, active ingredients and also causes positive emotions.

Nutrition - a source of nutrients, so necessary to the human body to sustain life. That dietary person should ideally receive proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and water. And all of these substances should arrive at a certain quantity and at the right time.

If a person consumes more food than the body can absorb it, a number of problems, ranging from excess weight, finishing with various diseases.

Food restrictions also do not bode well, in addition to weight loss and vitamin and mineral starvation for the body, which in turn also leads to disease.

Thus, we see that as a disadvantage, as well as an excess of certain nutrients negative impact on health.

So, to maintain the health of the average person should consume food: 55-60% carbohydrates, 30% fat, 10-15% protein.

Carbohydrates are a major source of energy. They regulate the metabolism of proteins and fats, are the only source of energy for the nervous system.

Sources of carbohydrates: cereals, vegetables, fruits, sugar, bread, pastry and confectionery.

Fat - a mandatory component of nutrition. The sharp restriction of receipt of fats with food may lead to adverse irreversible consequences.

The sources of fat: vegetable oil and butter, bacon, liver (cod), pork, sausage, ham, cheese, cream, sour cream, mayonnaise, nuts.

Proteins are at the forefront in the life of the organism. Proteins - an indispensable building material of the cell and the basis of life. Daily requirement - 80-100 g per day.

Sources of protein: eggs, dairy products, seafood, poultry, meat and beans.

Vitamins - a group of organic compounds, the function of which is to ensure the development of the body and maintain health. They are not synthesized in the human body and must come from food.

Vitamins are involved in metabolic processes, and their lack of a negative impact on the general state of the organism. However, an excess of vitamins is harmful too. It is characterized by nervous excitement, redness of the skin, weakness, and insomnia.

With a lack of vitamins observed fatigue, fall in performance, decreased immunity.

Minerals. To maintain health and high efficiency must be a constant supply of dietary minerals. Prolonged lack of them in the diet can lead to significant violations of various body functions.

Macronutrients are contained in the food in relatively large quantities: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium, chlorine and sulfur.

Trace elements are concentrated in the products in small quantities: iron, copper, manganese, zinc, iodine, fluorine, chromium.

Water makes up 2/3 of the total mass of the human body. It is part of the body's tissues and cells. Water enters the body in two forms: as liquid - 48-60% in the solid food composition - 30-40% 10-12% More formed in the body.

Most biochemical reactions in the body takes place with direct participation of water. It transports nutrients and with its help output decay products from the body.

Water, part of the sweat, removes excess heat from the body. In addition, the food must have a balanced chemical composition, you must still ensure that, to do it at least 3-4 times a day.

It will relieve the gastrointestinal tract from excessive loads and improve the process of digestion. Irregular food deteriorates promotes digestion and gastrointestinal diseases.

Thus, the organism got the most out of food, you need to make your daily diet, based on advice from dieticians and your own eating habits, drinking enough water (2-2.5 l.) Per day, enter the diet of foods rich in fiber (bran cereal , cereals, vegetables), do not sit at the table in a bad mood and, of course, do not forget about physical activity.

Enjoy the health and life!

Yulia Smelova
