Program proper nutrition

 Proper nutrition, a balanced diet, proper diet, nutrition and health, nutrition programs

At the time, the official medicine has put forward his own theory of power.

Emphasis was placed on the fact that the body has to provide itself with all the necessary nutrients from a certain weight of the various products in the form of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

These components of the products must be in a certain ratio.

Since proteins are the building blocks in the body, and, moreover, it can be formed of proteins and fats, carbohydrates, and not vice versa, the proteins as the principal elements necessary for the activity of the organism.

Proper diet

It is also considered an indicator of the value of its caloric content of food, which is determined by the amount of heat generated by the combustion of the product in the calorimeter.

Thus, protein-energy diet of the nineteenth century and to this day is recognized by official medicine.

The optimal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates are the following - 1: 1: 4.

Nutritionists developed standards of consumption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for different population groups, as well as the required number of calories.

But, despite the fact that each person can calculate for themselves the necessary amount of protein, fat, carbohydrates and calories, and taking advantage of the numerous available tables, failures in his health are observed quite frequently. These failures caused not only by environment or lifestyle and nutrition.

The most characteristic of the disease, as a result of errors in the diet - obesity, excess cholesterol in the blood, high blood pressure, diabetes, gout, tooth decay, heart disease, arthritis, kidney and gallstones.

Most people resort to medication and doctors. But it's almost nothing. Diseases can not be cured, and the body gets used to the constant reception of medicines. And drugs cause a number of diseases.


In addition to the recognized official doctrine were constantly searching for alternative forms. Some nutritionists believe that you can increase the life expectancy of only through a balanced diet.

Under a balanced diet mean a balanced intake of food a person with all the necessary substances for life.

Our food - is the input energy as light, water, air and living manifestation in the form of heat, breathing, thinking, allocation in the form of carbon dioxide, urine, sweat - is withdrawn energy.

To stay healthy, young and beautiful, it is necessary that there be a balance between the energy input (food) and output (vital expression). This postulate is fully consistent with one of the basic laws of physics.

However, the calorie to our health has nothing to do. This can be pretty easy to convince, looking round people daily consume fat, meat, high-calorie foods.

How to become a vegetarian, and how to give up meat

 How to become a vegetarian, and how to give up meat

Who can become a vegetarian, and who can not give up meat

Your success beauty, youth and health - in the food

What you look like, because depends what and how you eat. Learn the basics of the most fashionable food systems - and choose your own.

Nobody forces to follow it all my life, but a few months can become a vegetarian and to give up meat or eat separately.

Even believing that the meat - it is poison, do not rush to translate into vegetable soup and soy steaks with cereals whole family. After all, the benefit of such food is not all!

Drink as much as possible!

During the transition to the new system of power supply is important to avoid dehydration. Drink about 1 day, 5-2 liters of liquid! On the desktop, always keep a bottle of mineral water. Drink a half hour before and after 40 min. after meal.

It should become a vegetarian and to give up meat

• For people with chronic diseases (irritable bowel syndrome, atherosclerosis, constipation, liver problems) vegetarianism - a real panacea. After all, the digestive tract is working with a much smaller load.

• menopausal women just need to go for meals without meat. Phytoestrogens, contained in legumes (especially in soybean) help transfer menopause easier.

• Women of reproductive age from time to time not to eat meat useful. But without fanaticism! For normal operation of the body need copper, zinc, selenium, the sources of which - the food of animal origin. You also need to make up for iron deficiency because of monthly blood loss.

• In adulthood, the food is absorbed worse, so it's good to give up red meat, leaving the menu poultry and fish.

• Children and adolescents can not abandon animal products (except for red meat): protein - Building material for the cells, and the cholesterol needs nervous system (without it may deteriorate intellectual activity).

• Pregnant and lactating vegetarian can harm the intellectual development of the baby, because he does not receive vitamin B12, contained mainly in animal foods.

Meat - heavy foods containing a lot of cholesterol. From time to time, eliminating it from the menu, you heals the body and take care of their beauty.

1. prepare the body for the transition to a new diet, so it is not called a strike. Arrange yourself a few days of discharge - vegetable, fruit and kefir.

2. In the first week only give up red meat (pork, lamb, beef and by-products, pates, sausages) and broths. You can, eat fish, poultry, eggs and dairy products. You do not have to give up meat entirely.

3. Keep it up! You will be surprised, but you do not want to roast beef and smoked sausages. Now exclusively a bird. Eat vegetables, cereals, fish, dairy products, legumes, nuts, dried fruit. In principle, this can stop. Fish, eggs and dairy products are not necessarily preclude that even eating them, you do not reduce the effectiveness of the diet.

4. Do not set a goal to give up the steaks and sausages all - when really want to afford a little piece. If you decide that vegetarianism - not for you, and will remain in the ranks of diehard carnivores, no one bothers you, but from time to time to "sit" for fruits and vegetables.

5. Follow the menu. The diet is no more meat, but your body still needs the vitamins and minerals contained in it. Do not forget about the products that are rich in protein and iron (beans, nuts), calcium (dairy products, asparagus, raisins, eggs), zinc (buckwheat, corn, seafood), vitamin B12 (soy cheese, meat, steaks).

6. A variety of dishes. Buy a cookbook with vegetarian recipes. Do stew with vegetables and mushrooms, prepare bean pies, stuffed vegetables, cheese pizza, casseroles.

7. Teach the science of combining spices if taste buds will be annoyed (salty, sour, sweet, spicy food), you will be able to become a vegetarian and to give up meat painless. And make sure to eat became tastier than before the diet!

Extra weight, increased body weight stress on the body

 Excess weight, body weight gain, overeating - stress to the body

Many know this picture is: died down, birthdays, anniversaries.

We get on the scales, to soothe their conscience that gnaws at us for too much eaten cake and other goodies and discover to their horror extra weight and the scales instead of the usual mark,

Why is fixed on a figure in excess of our usual so cute eyes figure. The first thought that at this moment anxious sounding the alarm - it is urgent to lose weight.

And strictly and unconditionally, and it is literally your body to declare a hunger strike to exclude from your diet all but water. Do not jump to hasty measures.

The body itself will take steps to return to previous levels.

The fact that any overeating and consequent extra weight - weight gain, to the body - stress.

Similarly, the stress will be a sharp decrease in food intake after a slight increase after the holidays, it is true that stress can harm a lot more, because after eating the body accumulated an excess of food, and he would withdraw in a natural way, but ... instead, it can be converted into fat .

And if, after each such hearty meal you will severely limit your appetite, it will only lead to the postponement of fat and, as a consequence, the translation of the scales for a few kilos more, and given the number of holidays, which is full of the calendar, the prospect does not look rosy.

Chasing fat here and there - it means keeping your body in a constant state of stress that the immediate impact on your health and self-not for the better.

Dial extra weight after the holidays, it is possible, provided that they are healed, and the feast of the stomach lasts more than two days.

In this case, your body will take it as a transition to a new diet and it would start to adapt to it, namely, the stomach will stretch, because now it gets much more significant portion than before.

And now some of that food, he will not be able to process, adapting to the new regime, will be deposited as fat in those places where it does not belong. Coping with excess weight in this situation will be much harder.

So do not panic, and if you and a few extra kilos gained after the holidays, give your body to cope with them.

Do not change your diet drastically, eating less ... and do not eat more, the body will correct itself naturally superfluous and after a couple of days, your weight will return to its usual indicator.
