Proper nutrition - healthy eating!


We all want to live long, feel good and be always in shape. Someone for that goes to the gym, someone adheres to a particular diet, and someone is trying to get rid of bad habits: smoking and alcohol. But in fact, preserve youth and health, you can use proper nutrition.

Diets have multiple negative consequences, both for the body and for the mind. Much more important is to know the harmful and the beneficial properties of products and stick to a healthy diet!

What does the term "healthy diet"?

This is a general concept that expresses the desire of the individual to change their eating habits and thus to improve and maintain good health. A healthy diet - is the consumption of healthy and natural products.

Our ancestors ate only organic foods, but with the advent of technology people have to seek improvement in everything, including food. There herbicides and pesticides, and then genetically modified foods.

Currently, however, there is a tendency to transition to natural food. In order to better understand what is the difference between healthy and unhealthy food, we first need to understand how our metabolism. A word need to know how the products of the body are transformed into energy.

Lack of nutrients

The first homo sapiens eat lean meat, fruits and vegetables - that is those products which are of a biological system can be processed optimally. Such power and to this day is considered healthy. To survive, the body of primitive man did nutrient reserves.

Thus, if the hunt was unsuccessful and ended with vegetables, a person could survive a few weeks to the root and fruit. Our way of life has changed dramatically, but the biological system remained unchanged.

In order to feel good, move and think, we all also need the basic nutrients that we provide vegetables, fruits and animal products. But now our "fuel" has lost its essential qualities.

Most of us do not provide 70 billion cells of the organism with all necessary materials, supplying them with the unknown of their genetic program and all unwanted substances.

The body reacts to an unhealthy diet with new diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, gout, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression or cancer. I wonder, would you refuel your diesel car with petrol? Of course not! And she would not have far to go on such a fuel. So our body the same thing happens.

Instead, he needed substances, we stuffed it quite unsuitable for the good functioning and quality products. It turns out that we have maintained the same genetic material as that of our ancestors, thus changing the form of "fuel": fast food (fast food), semi-finished products, chocolate, white flour, refined sugar.

Our body is not accustomed to such products. And what about the preservatives and other toxic additives that day cause us irreparable harm? Only the sugar and white flour cause an excessive burden on our bodies and disrupt coordinated action of hormones in the process of metabolism.

Overweight - a reaction to the lack of basic nutrients, which are the main source of energy metabolism. When there is no relevant substances difficult removal of fat from the body and they begin to be deposited in the form of unsightly fat folds.

How is it that when there is a huge selection of products, our body senses a lack of nutrients? A very easy: industrial products are not intended to provide us with the necessary elements, and to cause the appetite and the feeling of satiety.

These berries are not available in berry yogurt and cooked from a bag and preservatives soup is also not true.

All our food is becoming the chemical, including 7,000 artificial flavors, stimulates appetite, appear dyes, flavor enhancers, preservatives and gelatin.

The packaged products mostly contain inactive nutrients with a few vitamins

Finished products (semi-finished) flooded the stores and our cuisine. But they did not give us any good! It is because of this "industrial" food obesity has become a disease of the century. And oddly enough, that products labeled "low calorie" contribute to the development and worsening of the disease.

People reassured this inscription, consume low-fat and low-calorie foods in large quantities, thinking that they are safe. Only one way out.

We must once again learn how to eat properly, using more than natural products instead of buying products widely advertised, giving us only the appearance of saturation!

Terms of healthy nutrition

Such a diet can improve health, prolong life, not to let the disease and be in good shape.

Here are a few tips that will help normalize your diet:

* Put a glass of mineral water on the bedside table and drink it before you get out of bed. This will facilitate the further digestion. Drink 2-3 liters of water daily. Well in the water the juice of half a lemon. Do not abuse the beer and sweet drinks.

* Try not to miss meals, it can provoke unnecessary production of hormones.

* Eat as much fresh fruit and vegetables (at least 4 types of the day). However, after 17 hours is better to abstain from the fruit, so as not to overload the digestive system.

* In the evening it is best to eat a whole plate of rice or pasta with vegetables.

* Eat when your body submits your hunger signals. Try not to overeat. Listen to your body: it needs now. It is unlikely that your stomach would want a Big Mac ...

* You always want chocolate and sweets? Allow yourself a little piece of 70% chocolate, and then go to the gym or try another thing - will not notice how the thought of sweet abandon you.

* If you have or you are used to eating out, do not choose fast food. Much better to eat a tasty piece of meat, poultry or fish with vegetables, cheese and fruit, rather than french fries and hamburger.

* Prepare food from natural products instead of semi-finished and dry soups.

Svetlana Apreleva

Useful products, which we do not eat


There are a number of products that we rarely or never buy. Suffice it to recall those vegetables and fruits, which our mothers and fathers forced to eat, and we steadfastly refused.

It's a pity! They help to improve health without a prescription.

The benefits of these products tested after many years of use, as some - literally for centuries.


This exotic fruit in recent years become a common a guest on our shelves. One kiwi fruit per day covers the daily requirement of vitamin C, which is known to strengthen the immune system, blood vessels, increases resistance to all kinds of infections, helps the body fight stress.

In addition, kiwi fruit contains a lot of magnesium, mineral salts of potassium and fiber, which promotes the excretion of cholesterol and normalizes digestion.


This berry is indispensable for colds - it has antipyretic effects, kills viruses in acute respiratory infections. The use of these medicinal berries lowers blood pressure in hypertensive patients, strengthens the gums, strengthens the secretory activity of the pancreas.


Tasty and nutritious food, has many useful properties. Raisin has a strengthening effect on the nervous system, contributes to the suppression of anger, strengthens the heart. Raisins contains substances that stop the growth of bacteria that cause cavities and gum disease.

Finishes our list of «good products» broccoli.

This is an excellent supplier of vitamins C, PP, K, U, and beta-carotene. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in broccoli almost 2, 5 times larger than those recognized by the vitamin suppliers as citrus.

In addition, broccoli - is a valuable source of minerals: the content of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iron it competes with its close relative - cauliflower exceeding it twice on the content not only mineral salts, but protein.

Even broccoli for its fame as a well-known fighter with cancer - because of selenium, which is particularly rich in this product. And finally, those who care about their figure would be useful to know that the calorie content of broccoli only some 30 kcal per 100 grams!

Valery Zhukov
