Science healing


Science healing and rejuvenation. Eastern cuisine is certainly much more reasonable and close to nature, than the Western. A large amount of rice, green tea, fish and seafood - all this is much more useful than pork and beef, or flour products.

But the influence of the West is increasingly spreading to the East, and, in addition to traditional Japanese dishes, my countrymen abundant use the same pork and beef that came from the West ...

Even in traditional Japanese cuisine, in addition to rice and fish, use a large number of bakery products, products of animal origin, not always completely beneficial ...

In my family was, you might say, the cult of food - plenty of dishes and all sorts of delicacies on the table was considered commonplace, without which life is unthinkable. It was believed that excessive power is the basis of health, and I was as sick and weak child, trying hard to feed and abundantly.

But alas, the fascination with diverse and abundant dishes did not go in my favor I did not yet know what my favorite dish - slices of meat wrapped in pastry and baked pork - very harmful for me.

To my happiness, very early, I began to feel that the food offered to me at home, cripple me. I had no choice but to turn to the ancient teachings about the healing power and learn to cook yourself. I found that Japanese Buddhist monasteries have long there is a special power supply system. It is called "The kitchen, which improves the judgment."

Such a diet improves the health of not only the body but also the spirit - and improves the functioning of the body and the mind, that is, take into account the inseparable connection between the body and the soul of man.

It was just what I needed. I continued my research and found out that the basis of this power is the so-called macrobiotics. Traditional Japanese culture, it has long been known. And the word "macrobiotics" is borrowed from the ancient Greek philosophy of the time of Hippocrates. In those times, people wondered how to make food medicine, how to learn to live happily, without being ill, being in a favorable mood.

The word "macrobiotics" can be translated as "a great life," "long life" or "full-blooded life." But you could say that: macrobiotics - the science of how to achieve a full life, to use "full", whole, that is not subjected to violence by a person or mutilated excessive processing, natural products.

The mistake many people is that they expect that someone else will come and heal them. Such an expectation is barren, and the disease does become incurable. Do not wait for that to come another that it will bring you the right pill or medical procedure will do the right, and everything goes by itself.

It's an illusion, self-deception. Wait for the healing of others - suicidal. Do not wait, start their own healing yourself, right now, not relying on others, not relying on drugs and surgery.

Relive the healing power within themselves, engage in dialogue with them, ask them for help, believe in themselves - because your health is in your hands. And the disease has receded.

Start with proper nutrition. The body will thank you for taking care of him. Power as a movement - a natural attribute of all living things, and one of the most important law of nature.

This law states that everything that enters into our body, should be filled with life-giving force of nature. Such forces are deprived of medicine, but because they do not carry substances useful to man.

Only the living can help the living. The healing power of the body can only help the healing power of life that exists in nature.

Healing products


Most medicinal products. Nutrition has a major impact on our health. Is it possible to identify the most medicinal products? It turns out - yes. Below is a list compiled by Western scientists.

TOMATOES. Studies argue that tomatoes contained in ketchup, soups and sauces, may reduce the risk of prostate cancer and the digestive tract.

And all this - thanks to lycopene, one of the most powerful antioxidant among the carotenoids. It is he who gives tomatoes their deep brown color. Lycopene is well released during cooking tomatoes, and best of all - by adding a small amount of oil. This should please fans of pizza. Prefer raw tomatoes? Too bad, because it is a generous source of vitamin C.


Why Pippi Longstocking had strong nerves and a large reserve forces? Spinach because it is absorbed. And it is rich in iron and folate, which are not only save the nervous system, but also lowers homocysteine ​​levels - substances dangerous for the blood vessels In this one plate of spinach contains only 41 calories and contains no fat, so feel free to include it in the diet for weight loss he will not bring any harm to the waist or hips, or the rest of the body. The more eat spinach, the better the image in the mirror: the substances contained in it, to prevent retinal detachment.


Peel the grapes used to make red wine, it contains very strong antioxidants; one of them - resveratrol - increases the level of "good" cholesterol. However, the full benefit can negate the immoderation. Overturning the cup for the good of heart, do not forget that cirrhosis of the liver and hemorrhagic stroke has not been canceled. So limit to a few glasses of wine a week, as do the French. And they, by the way, far fewer cores than in the US.


Some people believe that they are too salty and very greasy. But the fat in them - healthy. In contrast, potato chips, nuts doing business: reduce the level of triglycerides and bad cholesterol. A formula is the best for the prevention of heart disease. Walnuts and certain other nuts contain ellagenovuyu acid, due to which the body can destroy the cancer cells. Suspiciously many positive? That drawback: if you have not handfuls of nuts and bowls, will soon become one of the most fat people in the county.


Substances contained in the "green" food, can work wonders: to destroy the cells in the processes leading to the formation of cancer. Scientists say that regular use asparagus protects against lung cancer, colon and stomach. If the asparagus in the market is over, do not worry, buy Chinese cabbage or Brussels. They are also rich in beta-carotene, vitamin C and dietary fiber. But remember the general rule: to preserve the positive qualities do not be too long to keep the dishes with cabbage on fire.


The substances contained in it, and other cereals, may not protect against cancer, but still very good for health. Constantly attending the table, raw oats or oatmeal cholesterol do not give pass for a dangerous line. New studies show that oats is also useful high blood pressure (lowers blood pressure), and is simply irreplaceable for those who want to lose weight (gives a feeling of satiety, which helps in the diet does not hang on the gastronomic theme).


It leads to lower triglycerides and bad cholesterol. It contains a special kind of fat called "omega-3", which, according to recent research, may prevent autoimmune diseases - such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. And is even able to protect brain cells from age-related diseases. For example, Alzheimer's disease. Other sources of "omega-3": herring and mackerel.


The healing properties of garlic are directly proportional to the strength of its odor. Garlic - not a panacea as some gurus promote health, but it protects our heart struggles with the tumor growth, helps to reduce cholesterol and seemingly kills the parasite that causes malaria (the last say preliminary studies). All this applies only to raw garlic. After passing through the heat treatment, it is, unfortunately, loses its medicinal properties. But it ceases to irritate the mucous membranes of the most sensitive stomachs.


  Rich in substances that & lt; work & gt; updating the blood vessel and capable of preventing the growth of tumors at an early stage. The Chinese say that the habit of drinking green tea every day reduces the great opportunity of getting cancer of the stomach and liver. A meticulous Japanese add that 10 cups of tea a day protects the heart from all the ailments. Moreover, if the tea leaves just rinse your mouth, it will kill bacteria and inhibit the formation of dental holes. And what about black tea? The investigators suspected that made from the same sheet, it has the same effects as the green - despite the fact that prepared by other techniques. The general sense is that with the "coffee" line go to "tea", as is done in Asian countries.


  The small-small, and the number of antioxidants can give odds to many fruits and vegetables. Reduces chance to get heart disease and cancer. In addition, the excellent impact on the brain, improves memory, and of course - if anyone has - kill urinary tract infections.
