Science healing and rejuvenation. Eastern cuisine is certainly much more reasonable and close to nature, than the Western. A large amount of rice, green tea, fish and seafood - all this is much more useful than pork and beef, or flour products.
But the influence of the West is increasingly spreading to the East, and, in addition to traditional Japanese dishes, my countrymen abundant use the same pork and beef that came from the West ...
Even in traditional Japanese cuisine, in addition to rice and fish, use a large number of bakery products, products of animal origin, not always completely beneficial ...
In my family was, you might say, the cult of food - plenty of dishes and all sorts of delicacies on the table was considered commonplace, without which life is unthinkable. It was believed that excessive power is the basis of health, and I was as sick and weak child, trying hard to feed and abundantly.
But alas, the fascination with diverse and abundant dishes did not go in my favor I did not yet know what my favorite dish - slices of meat wrapped in pastry and baked pork - very harmful for me.
To my happiness, very early, I began to feel that the food offered to me at home, cripple me. I had no choice but to turn to the ancient teachings about the healing power and learn to cook yourself. I found that Japanese Buddhist monasteries have long there is a special power supply system. It is called "The kitchen, which improves the judgment."
Such a diet improves the health of not only the body but also the spirit - and improves the functioning of the body and the mind, that is, take into account the inseparable connection between the body and the soul of man.
It was just what I needed. I continued my research and found out that the basis of this power is the so-called macrobiotics. Traditional Japanese culture, it has long been known. And the word "macrobiotics" is borrowed from the ancient Greek philosophy of the time of Hippocrates. In those times, people wondered how to make food medicine, how to learn to live happily, without being ill, being in a favorable mood.
The word "macrobiotics" can be translated as "a great life," "long life" or "full-blooded life." But you could say that: macrobiotics - the science of how to achieve a full life, to use "full", whole, that is not subjected to violence by a person or mutilated excessive processing, natural products.
The mistake many people is that they expect that someone else will come and heal them. Such an expectation is barren, and the disease does become incurable. Do not wait for that to come another that it will bring you the right pill or medical procedure will do the right, and everything goes by itself.
It's an illusion, self-deception. Wait for the healing of others - suicidal. Do not wait, start their own healing yourself, right now, not relying on others, not relying on drugs and surgery.
Relive the healing power within themselves, engage in dialogue with them, ask them for help, believe in themselves - because your health is in your hands. And the disease has receded.
Start with proper nutrition. The body will thank you for taking care of him. Power as a movement - a natural attribute of all living things, and one of the most important law of nature.
This law states that everything that enters into our body, should be filled with life-giving force of nature. Such forces are deprived of medicine, but because they do not carry substances useful to man.
Only the living can help the living. The healing power of the body can only help the healing power of life that exists in nature.